InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Eight-Fold Path ❯ Revelations ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“Slay! Slay!” The twins had taken after their mother, Miroku mused, when it came to their agility. They chased Shippou around happily, only stumbling occasionally.
“Why don't you go play, Haruo?” Kagome suggested softly to the boy who sat among the adults, watching and cheering when the youkai escaped unscathed. Haruo turned to look at Miroku, who nodded his permission.
Haruo stood and flashed a bright grin, running toward one of the girls, who shrieked and giggled, taking off in the opposite direction. Her twin looked as though she was going to come to the rescue when Haruo lifted one hand and shouted, “Fwooosh! Wooooosh!”
Miroku blanched, apparently doing some rapid calculation before he buried his face in his hands. Sango gaped.
“The hell?” InuYasha murmured, eyeing the kid and the monk in turn. “Oi, Haruo! C'mere!” The young boy moved back quickly, looking as though he thought he had done something wrong.
“What were you doing with your hand?” Kagome asked.
Haruo shifted uneasily, looking at his hand and replying, “Ojii-sama said my hand was broked when I was born. He wanted me to go away because it-” Haruo gulped, obviously afraid of admitting anything further.
“What did your Ojii-san tell you?” Sango asked gently, studying the pallor of Miroku's face and wondering if she really wanted to know the answer.
Haruo stared at the ground, scuffling his feet. Speaking so softly all but InuYasha had to strain to hear, he muttered, “Ojii-sama said my hand eated my mama.”
“The Eight-Fold Path” is a serialized fic, written based on prompts from the mirsan_fics community on LiveJournal.
“Revelations” was originally posted May 24, 2009
Word Count: 250
Prompt: “Surprise”