InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Eight-Fold Path ❯ His Best Shot ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

His Best Shot
Miroku grinned. `Okay, so maybe Sango knew what she was talking about. He's a natural!'
Haruo was light on his feet; a quick study, he was becoming rather proficient with his bo - cut to fit his growing stature, of course. Sango believed if the boy followed through on his lessons, he could wield a naginata exceedingly well and was already plotting how to get Totosai to forge one of youkai bone.
Being skilled with his own shakujou, Miroku threw himself into passing on the arts to his son. For the first time since Haruo had come into his life, he felt… free. Miroku had a very InuYasha-like smirk on his face as his son worked his way through the movements.
The child spun, swinging the bo downward in a move to throw Miroku's center of gravity off, and then came at him from the other side mid-level. Had Miroku not been so much larger, the move might have actually worked.
Miroku was filled with a rush of pride and closed his eyes to better revel in the feeling. A feeling quickly taken over by the feeling of nausea as he fell to his knees… brought to the ground by a below-the-belt blow that briefly had him wondering if he was destined for only two sons and two daughters.
Sango's laughter rang out. Miroku could just make out her words over his groaning and Haruo's stunned, “Are you alright?”
“Ha! Haruo, that's your luckiest shot yet!” 
A/N: The response to The Eight-Fold Path at the IYFG last quarter blew me away. The story placed first in the “Romance: Miroku/Sango” category, second in “Canon” and “Serial.”
Thank you to anybody who voted!
“The Eight-Fold Path” is a serialized fic, written based on prompts from the mirsan_fics community on LiveJournal.
“His Best Shot” was originally posted August 30, 2009
Word Count: 245
Prompt: “Luck”