InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Eight-Fold Path ❯ Lines Drawn ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Lines Drawn
Sango was not amused.
Miroku retreated quickly - both literally and figuratively - hands in front of his face. “I'm not necessarily saying I want things to end! After all, it's how I -” he gulped at the fire leaping in her eyes and hastened to correct himself, “-we keep the family fed!”
She nodded, mood easing, and he jumped to continue. “I'm just saying that I think it's something we need to think about, to discuss. If anything, we need to know how we should explain it to our children!”
“There are good youkai and bad youkai,” Sango said, obviously repeating what her father had told her, and what her father's father had told him. “Good youkai, like good people, we leave in peace. If need be, we protect ourselves and others from bad youkai and people. It's that simple,” she continued; as though speaking to a child.
“I took him in, Houshi-sama,” she continued quietly. He cringed at the title. It wasn't a matter of respect - had never been meant as such, except the first calling, before he first caressed her - but was a way of separating herself from him.
Sango took a deep breath before meeting his eyes again. “I am proud to teach him the ways of my people.” Her voice unintentionally began to rise again. “But it is not too much to ask that you respect that. If you wish to follow your path, I will not stop you. “Just,” her tone was chilly, “don't stop me.”
The Eight-Fold Path” is a serialized fic, written based on prompts from the mirsan_fics community on LiveJournal.
“Lines Drawn” was originally posted October 22, 2009
Word Count: 250
Prompt: “Fold”