InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Element Sisters ❯ Kinori Air and Risika Dark ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha..I wish I did but,Sadly I do not.

AN: Hows everyone? Well this is one of my newer fics that I had gotten the idea for while walking in a woodsy area.Hope you all like..And review please! I'm so happy at the amount of reviews I got for the first chapter,Love you all!


Kagome woke early that morning,Kazaia and Kirara were gone but the others were in a fitful sleep.She poked her head from the tent and looked to see if Inuyasha was awake as well; His head was sagged down and his breathing even.Good.Slowly she rose from her spot and snuck out of the tent and then shot off toward the woods.

She sensed the shards.

She quickened her pace and held her bow and arrows,which she at the last minute had grabbed, a bit tighter as if searching for some comfort in their wooden structure.She faintly heard a whizzing noise and shot her head to the left where one of Kikyou's soul stealers floated,wiggling their near see through bodies in the air.Her breath caught..


She paused in her running,letting her senses spread across the area and found that she was very close to Kikyou; She shuddered violently and slowly began to walk forward,cautious.

"Hello,girl." Kikyou's voice startled her,turning to face the once dead miko.

"K-kikyou." Kagome grimaced at the sound of her own voice,she sounded vaguely like Inuyasha did.Her face hardened at that thought and she stared at Kikyou with hatred in her eyes, "What are doing here?" Kagome asked suspiciously.

Kikyou raised a unamused brow and let a ghost of a smile form on her features, "To take back,Inuyasha.Why would he waste his precious time on a reincarnation of his former and still,love." The dead miko only smiled wider when Kagome flinched and blinked away the tears.

Kagome clutched her bow and arrows tighter in her sweaty palm,she did not know what she could say; She couldn't say all.

Kikyou smirked slightly and slowly held out her hands,where a bow and a single arrow materialized in her palm.She clutched it lightly and slowly notched the arrow, "Girl,It is time you die."

Kagome's breath hitched in her throat,she took a stumbling step back.

"Hey you corpse!" A shrill feminine voice rang out,a whisper and snicker heard after.

Both Kikyou and Kagome turned,confusedly,toward the voice.

A dark figure appeared from the shadows,her violet tinted eyes dark and cool and bore into only Kikyous. "Pathetic." The figure mused,fingering the hem of the battle suit she wore; It was like black spandex,resembling Sango's taijiya battle suit,It was high up on her neck where a band of dark purple finished it off with black stained armor on her shoulders and chest.She had a half moon pendent head band around her short yet thick crown of black hair.

Kagome was stunned, "W-who are you?" She questioned,though grateful that she had stopped her death from happening.

The figure turned calm eyes to Kagome,"Risika,Sister of the dark." She answered without hesitation as a second figure came hopping from the bushes, "Don't act so..dark,Risika." The more perky girl commented,Risika casted her a dry look, "And why not,Kinori?"

Kinori; clad in the same outfit as Risika,except the band of color was a light and bright blue and the armor stained a dark blue with long and straight black hair,thin and yet pulled into fashioned buns.

Kinori waved her off and shot Kagome a friendly smile; Kagome,in turn,smiled back warmly.Kinori coughed a bit and grinned, "Forgive me,I am Kinori,Sister of the Air and wind."

Risika snorted, "More like air head." She murmured,Kinori shot her a glare.

Kikyou looked impatient and pointed her arrow on the two, "Fools,You dare interfear? You will die." She pulled the arrow back,causing the string to hum.

Risika smirked amusedly and flicked her wrist sharply,A hiss of shadows circled Kikyou rapidly,but did no harm for the moment, "Priestess,you are no match for the Element Sisters,don't dare tempt me." She snapped coolly,causing Kikyou to take a cautious step back in surprise, "Element Sisters? Can it be true?" She stated in awe.

Kinori nodded curtly, "It is." A small fire cat youkai,graced a light teal color,rubbed againest her ankle as a similar black one sat at Risika's heels.Kagome gasped in surprise,remembering Kazaia, "D-do you know of a white fire cat youkai?" She questioned.

Kinori smiled a bit, "You mean Kazaia? She is yours." She waved off Kagome's shocked look,Risika held up a hand to silence the future girl, "We knew the moment you named her,She is a gift..Destined to journey with you.For,Kagome,You are the seventh sister of the elements."

Kikyou,outraged,turned her arrow on Kagome, "No! I am supposed to be the last sister,Not this filthy pale complextion of my former self!" She shouted in anger.

Risika's face hardened and the shadows wrapped and coiled themselves around Kikyou's body firmly,causing her skin to crawl from the cold and dark sensations, "You were never meant to be one,You are of nothing but power.Kagome has heart and soul,That is what it takes to be a sister,The bond is crucial." She stated forcefully,glaring at Kikyou.

A voice startled each slightly, "Kikyou!"

Kagome stiffened and felt as if her body was shutting down; Somehow,the sun which had resently rised dimmed and shadows filled the forest.Kinori shivered and glanced toward the dog demon who was staring at the scene with a shocked look.

Four woman stared at him blankly; Risika stood a few feet from Kikyou who was lost in her own dark thoughts,wrapped in pulsing metallic black shadows,Kinori was close to Risika and was glancing at Kagome with concern,Kagome herself was looking sad and was on Kikyou's other side.

"K-kagome..K-kikyou..what.." Inuyasha looked from Kagome to Kikyou and then to the sisters,He finally snapped out of it and growled deep in his throat, "Who the hell are you?" He snarled at Risika and Kinori.

Kikyou seemed to answer first, "The element sisters,As powerful as Naraku himself." She murmured.

Inuyasha growled, "I don't give a' shit! Why is Kikyou in your power,wench? Are you with Naraku? What did you do to Kagome?" He glanced nervously at the almost brain dead Kagome,who was staring at him blankly.

Risika scowled with anger,pointing at the hanyou with her fingers; The wind blowed slightly,darkness swirled about the area when it suddenly stopped at the bleak, "no.." she heard from Kagome.Risika frowned and motioned to Kinori,who quickly went and wrapped a arm around Kagome's shoulders.

"As you can see,Inuyasha,Kagome is upset and I can assure you it is not us.In fact,We showed up when the dead miko," She motioned to Kikyou, "was about to pin Kagome like some sort of target." She stated calmly,Inuyasha paled visibly and frowned at Kikyou, "Is this true?"

Kikyou nodded.

Inuyasha looked hurt, "But..why?"

Kikyou smirked, 'She is in the way."

Risika growled, "I've had enough of you!" She flicked her wrist,then waved her hand to the air and Kikyou went flying into the trees,The soul stealers swiftly flying to catch their mistress.

Inuyasha watched helplessly,then turned his rage on Risika and Kinori, "How dare you!" He shouted,crouching low as if to attack.

"SIT!" Kagome yelled,her face contorted in anger.

Inuyasha went slamming to the ground with a strong of curses,Kagome went over to him and kneeled by his head, "Why? Why Inuyasha?" She sobbed, "Don't you care? They saved my life and you go to slay them? You acted as if I wasn't even here!"

Inuyasha's heart broke at her tone and at her cries,He wanted to explain that he didn't want to risk her life, "Kagome-.." She cut him off, " a lot about you Inuyasha..I-.." She broke into sobs and thats when Sango and Miroku arrived,following two angry cat youkai; Kazaia rushed to Kagome's side,transformed and all,and nudged her cheek affectionately with a wet nose while Kirara growled toward Risika and Kinori.

Risika frowned a bit and stroked the now transformed black youkai, "Kizit,hush." She soothed Kizit's growling,Katiz the teal coated cat youkai sniffed lightly at Kazaia as Kinori tried to explain things to Miroku and Sango.


They all sat around a fire,In a nearby villages hut,discussing things surrounding the encounter and the two sisters.The fire cat youkai's,Kazaia,Katiz,Kizit and Kirara slept outside.

"Well,you see,Risika and I are not the only sisters.Like I explained to Kagome recently,she is the seventh sister.Our former sister of light has fallen ill from a poison,One in which is not curable and sent us to retrive Kagome as to replace her.My other sisters have stayed there." Kinori explained as she took a small sip of warm tea.

Miroku nodded slightly,intruiged, "I see,So why Kagome?" He asked,glancing at Risika and then back to Kinori,a small lecherous smile creeping on his face.

Kinori smiled warmly before casting a small concerned look toward the back of the hut,where Kagome lay on her sleeping bag apparently asleep.But Risika and Kinori knew better,the girl was not asleep.

Risika answered this time,"Kagome has heart and soul,A power greater than all laying dorment in her soul.In fact,it would not matter if she were human and not miko,she would still be chosen.It is the capability to trust and bond with care with the sisters that we choose." She responded lightly,keeping a suspicious eye on the monk,who was edging his way toward Kinori.

Sango decided to speak next,curious, "I have indeed seen Kagome's way of seeing the good in things,even in the worst of times.Shes always keeping us going,even Inuyasha seems to feel better when she is around.Hes always sulking around when she is gone." She smiled a light smile.

Kinori grinned a bit, "I know the dog demon cares great for her,But the poor guy has some much on his shoulders." she frowned,her eyes clouding over as she went into deep thought, 'I wonder if Kagome is aware of this..' She didn't mean the problems of the half demon,for she knew that Kagome wasware of that as well; If not,she would not tolerate his actions.

She suddenly narrowed her eyes at the bum rubbing she was reciving,then she smiled a wide and slightly scary smile at MIroku; He looked a little shocked, "Will you bear my child?" Ugh! The nerve of that man..

"Why! Miroku,is it?" At his nod she went on,clasping his hands, "I am so greatful that you would ask me that,for in our tradions,The male of the partners is the one to be pregnant and it lasts for 12 months!" She ignored the squeak of horror from Miroku and sighed wistfully, "Oh! How buddha must be proud of you!" She then smirked when the monk jumped back a few feet and started laughing nervously.

"Oh -uh- fair maiden!" He began,plasting on a fake smile, "I seem to have is doing me the honors!" He grabbed Sango.

Sango meeped, and hissed,"Let me go,monk."

Risika chuckled a bit, "Brillant Kinori,first time you didn't act like a airhead." she recived a sharp elbow in the side,Kinori huffed but grinned at Miroku, "You honestly think that was true? Monk,If I were to bear a child for any man,It would be the one I love.But,I'm sure Sango-chan would be pleasured to help out your little task."

Sango blushed pink and looked away while Miroku looked relived and tugged Sango tighter, "Yes,she is quite the fiesty one." He put on a calm,serious monk like face and nodded.Everyone burst into laughter except for Sango who smacked Miroku untill he was unconcious and then settled far from him.

Kinori looked a little serious now,"Sango,I would trust the monk a little more though.Indeed he can be lecherous but he has a good heart and from the looks of it,though he may flirt,he only has eyes for you." She smiled lightly and Sango looked shocked and blushed harder.

Risika rolled her eyes.

Inuyasha then stepped into the hut,a harsh and cold wind blowing in as well, "Gettin' a little cold out there." He commented,trying to not seem like he is staring at Kagome's still form; He knew she was not sleeping.He paused then looked to the group, "Feh why don't you guys go ask the villagers if they know about any shards." He growled out,glaring at them meaningfully.Sango nodded and rose,dragging the monk with her as she went; Risika and Kinori took the hint as well and walked off, "I would love to see more villagers,I've never spent much time at a village before."

Inuyasha slowly walked over to Kagome,and sat by her head,carefully touching her shoulder with a clawed hand and grimaced when she stiffened, "W-what?" Her voice..broken and soft.He frowned more, "Kagome,listen..I'm s-sorry." He began,furrowing his brow, "I-i do care,I just..The last time I let myself..I-..Kikyou died and I did too..and..I just don' to do the same."

He sighed at his lack of ability to express his thoughts.

Kagome slowly turned over on her side,looking at him sadly; He nearly choked at her broke down face,seeming dull without the brightness in her eyes. "Do you mean that Inuyasha?" She asked,her voice slightly raspy as she blindly groped for her water bottle,not daring to look away from him.

He turned and covered her hand in his own and guided it to her water bottle,where she reluctantly took it and pulled away,taking a small drink, "Yes."

She stared at him for a moment and he was afraid that she didn't forgive him,untill she slowly smiled and took his hand and held it firmly, "Thank you." She whispered.

He smiled back lightly and squeezed her hand when a low voice caught his attention from the window.

"Young love -wistful sigh-."

"Isn't that cute? I knew he was a softy!"

"Good thing he doesn't grope her -snort-."

"Sango,do you go for that sort of romance?"

"-dry look-"

"You guys are so..sappy."

"Aww Risika,I know you are just all warm and fuzzy inside."

"You wish."

Inuyasha twitched in irritation and slowly turned toward the window where four heads looked through,hell even a random villager was peeking in to.Miroku,Sango,Risika and Kinori saw him and let out a course of, "Uh ohs" and took off in different directions.

"I'm going to maim them." He growled.

Kagome blushed a bit,but grinned and stood,bending over to kiss his cheek and tweak his nearest ear she walked out,radiating with happiness once more.

Inuyasha scrubbed at his red cheeks as the others returned.Miroku grinned and plopped down near Inuyasha, "You sly dog!" He commented only to be smacked in the ead by a scowling dog demon who pouted.