InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Element Sisters ❯ Kidnapping Of A Miko ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Diasclaimer: -sob.- LEAVE ME ALONE!

AN: Third chappie here! ^_^ Thanks for the reviews! If I recive any that is e_e;


Kazaia rose warily, her senses scanning the area cautiously; There was a faint feeling of cold and dark evil lingering about the area of the village.Kirara growled softly as Katiz lifted her head to scan the now forming fog on the edge of the forest,Kizit twitched her tails a bit and slowly moved into the hut where her mistress lay,letting out a annoyed growl as she began to try and wake Risika.

Inuyasha then leaped from the roof,narrowing his eyes, "The hell is going on.." Then he turned and yelled in the hut, "Miroku! Sango! Kagome and you two wench's get up!" There were some muttered groans and curses as Sango and Kagome walked out first,then both stopped,sensing faintly.

Miroku stepped out slowly, "Any signs of demons?" He asked calmly to Inuyasha.The dog demon shook his head slightly and stared off into the forest,tesnsing.Risika and Kinori finally came out,in their battle uniforms and glared toward the woods, "Interesting.." Risika observed and lifted her palm,a shadow form of grey smoke circled Kizit,The cat youkai then sprinted off blindly.

Inuyasha glared at her suspiciously, "What are you doing?" he demanded,Risika looked at him, "I am sending Kizit to find what it is,The smoke was a shield." She explained carefully before a buzzing sound caught her attention; Naraku's insects.Kinori lifted her head as the group gasped and murmurs of 'Naraku' were traded as she scented the wind..

"A wind youkai?" She murmured.

Inuyasha cursed, "Kagura."

Kagome grabbed her bow and arrow when something was handed to her; A similar battle suit,cuffed with a soft yellow and armor made of a sort of smoky tangerine color.She looked up at Kinori,who was smiling at her.Tentivly she went in the hut and changed in the suit and then came out; Everyone stared at her.

She blushed a bit,and looked stunned at BOTH Inuyasha and Miroku roaming their eyes over her form with impressed looks,She huffed and took her bow and arrows from Kinori and stepped up next to them, "I'm afraid I don't really have anything but my bow and arrows.." She began,but Kinori just shook her head, "Don't worry."

Inuyasha grabbed Kagome's arm lightly,pulling her to his side.She grinned at him,and he looked away quickly and scowled, "I don't care if ya get some fancy armor,Your not leaving my side for a second." He growled,Kagome smiled, "Never."

A roar of agony caught their attention and they turned to see Kizit stumbled into the area backwards,snarling at a unseen force,blood oozing from her side sluggishly.

Risika bristled at this and leaped forward,just as Kagura appeared with her fan unleashed,smirking at the cat youkai.Kagura flicked her fan at Risika,sending blades of cresent shaped gusts of wind at her when the attack was thrown back by a wave of wind.Kinori glared at Kagura,unleashing her own fan.

A hoard of demons appeared,hissing and cackling with the promise of fresh power from devoring the companions.

Inuyasha unsheathed the Tetsusaiga swiftly and unleashed the Kaze no Kizu on over half of the random demons,though only more appeared.Inuyasha cursed and ran forward to fend them off,as Sango came up beside him with her katana and boomerang,throwing and slashing blindly and Miroku near by fending off demons with his staff.

Risika was tending to Kizit who was getting weak from blood loss,though healing rather quickly.Kinori though,was battling Kagura,both sending waves of wind and ki at each other.

Kazaia and Kirara stood by their mistresses,Katiz staying with Risika and near Kizit since Kizit was down and injured.Kagome fired her arrows as fast as she could,her arm aching,she had a long and shallow cut on her cheek where a demon had caught her offguard.

Suddenly the wind blew harder and a blast of miasma was shot forward,causing the humans of the group to cough violently and drop to the ground.Inuyasha huffed a bit and kneeled by Kagome,who was taking it worse than the others, Miroku provided a shield for Sango and Risika was immune to it.

Kinori coughed,flicked her fan and with a wave of power circling with the wind,The miasma parted and moved away from the companions.Naraku stood there with Kanna and Kagura,Kohaku nearby with many demons.

Sango paled, "Kohaku.." She murmured sadly,Miroku layed a hand on her shoulder but said nothing,glaring hard at Naraku.

Kagome took many deep breaths,feeling slightly dizzy but she pushed Inuyasha back when he tried to hold her there and stood up.

Naraku smirked cockily, "Well,Hello all." He said casually.

Inuyasha snarled, "What the fuck do you want?"

Naraku chuckled darkly, "Temper,temper half breed; I merely came for something."

Inuyasha scoffed, "What the shards? You can't ha-.."

Naraku chuckled again,making everyone cringe, "Not this time,I want the miko."

Everyone froze in their spot,Inuyasha stared sharply at Naraku as a deep growl rose in his chest; Kagome cringed and took a shaky step backwards, "W-what do you mean?" she questioned warily,Naraku smirked at her, "I want you,Kagome,your power is immense..stronger than Kikyou's even,I will take you as my mate and we could rule over everything." He cooed coldly.

Inuyasha's claws flexed tightly,eyes narrowing as crimson leaked into his orbs, "You fucking bastard,you'll never get Kagome.Shes too high for scum like you,hell,anyone is better than you.And I,for one,will not let you lay a hand on her." He hissed in a dangerous tone.

Risika flared her dark energy around her,eyes narrowing into angered slits, "Thats for sure,You aren't touching Kagome.She is the Sister of light,never will she settle for something as low as you." Her energy was so thick and shadowed,that anyone it was directed at would eventually suffocate on it.Kagura took a hesitant step back,glaring darkly toward her as Kanna remained motionless though seemed to be uncomfortable.Kohaku had no problem showing it,he coughed heavily and kneeled on the ground to where Sango made a choked sob and Risika frowned,tapping her power down.

Kinori held her fan tightly,her anger heavy, "Your a bastard." She hissed through clenched teeth as Sango sobbed into Miroku's shoulder quietly and Kagome paled visibly; Such a horrid person to cause so much pain.

Naraku laughed coldly, "Indeed,so I have heard.Give me the miko and you shall all live..for a awhile,anyways." He demanded,regaining composure.

Inuyasha scoffed and laughed dryly, "Are you deaf? I said Never,you bastard.So fuck off off or be killed,its your choice." He snarled,gripping Tetsusaiga tightly in both hands,the blade humming for Naraku's shed blood.Kagome notched a arrow shakily,Sango regained her feelings and gripped Hiraikotsu as Miroku stood with his hand on the light blue prayer beads; Kinori and Risika standing calmly.

Naraku boiled with rage, "Very well." He flicked his wrist and Kagura attacked with her cresent shaped blades of wind,Kanna stood at her side to absorb any attack she could as Kohaku went for Sango,weilding his sickle blade; The hoard of demons shot forth,crying for power.

Risika formed two black orbs in her palms quickly,tossing them toward the demons,The orbs leaked a dark purple liquid that floated upward and suddenly a good portion of the demons screamed in agony as their body burned and melted off their bones,scales and all.

Kinori fended off Kagura's blades,swiping her own attack out as her youki and the surrounding wind formed into small crystal balls and shot at Kagura faster than could be explained,and every time she flicked her fan it shot at the most 5 waves of ice shards toward Kagura in whichever directions she directed it toward.

Sango did her best to fend off KOhaku without killing him,Kirara at her side,while at the same time killing off the demons which seemed to appear endlessly,Miroku; unable to use his Wind Tunnel used his staff to kill endless demons.INuyasha used Kaze no Kizu,but demons just kept coming and every time he went for Naraku,more demons appeared in the way.Kagome shot her arrows at any demons appearing by her companions,though Inuyasha insisted she stay behind him; Kazaia,as well,protected her mistress from any demons trying to wiggle their way toward the miko as Katiz stayed with the slowly healing Kizit.

Finally,Kinori accidently paused in attacking Kagura and the wind sorceress quickly shot blades of wind at Inuyasha,causing him to be knocked into the nearby trees; Leaving Kagome vulnerable.

Naraku suddenly appeared behind her and grabbed her tightly within his grasp,she shrieked loudly as he began to be surrounded with a large cloud of miasma, "NO!" She shouted desperately,hervision of her companions quickly becoming bleak.Kazaia roared angrily,battling her way into the miasma and slashing at Naraku who merely sent a hard wave of poisonat her,knocking her to the ground, "You bastard!" Kagome screamed,slapping him full across the face only to be immidietly knocked unconcious.

Inuyasha,though in pain,rushed out of the dense forest as fast as inhumanly possible, "KAGOME!" He yelled desperately as he leaped at the wave of miasma,only to be knocked back,He kept trying,his cries growing desperate, "YOU BASTARD! KAGOME!" He yelled frantically.

Risika weakly,as Kanna had absorbed her power,sent off a wave of dark energy,trying to break through the miasma barrier,it faltered slightly but that was all she could do,she felt too weak.

Kinori,bleeding in several places cried out in horror,falling to her knees as the wave of miasma dissapeared,Kagura and Kanna along with Kohaku flying off as well.

Sango stared in shock, "Oh god.." She murmured,Miroku did about the same,trying to quell the panic.

Inuyasha kneeled partly,his breathing harsh and his heartbeat rapid as his growling grew louder,his aura changing to many shades darker, "N-no."

Miroku quickly,but painfully and sadly knocked out the changing Inuyasha and dragged him over to the others,"We need a plan." He stated after a moment,Kinori and Sango were sobbing in dispair as Risika was on the verge of passing out,Kazaia was wailing mournfully as were the other cat youkai.

Kinori glared at him, "A plan? We need to leave! Now,maybe if we go ear-.." Risika cut her off weakly, "Sister,he is right.We do not know of his where abouts nor are we in any shape to travel.I mourn for our sistr too,but we need rest..To heal and a plan..Please.."

Reluctantly,Kinori agreed.

Miroku held Sango againest him, "Alright,First.."