InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ the fight ❯ the fight ( Chapter 3 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
By: yugiohfan197 Inuyasha came back to find Miroku and Kagome and says,"you know what I thought about it Kagome and either Miroku or I will die for you and it's not going to be me so MIroku let's fight" and Miroku said calmly," I am not going to fight a friend because nither Kagome,Sango,Shippo,And kelala do not want to lose a friend," " Quit sugar coating it and fight me like a man," yelled Inuyasha. "No," said Kagome," No fighting I love MIroku and if you can't handle it then... then maybe I should leave." As Kagome walked away Inuyasha said," so you ready to fight," and Miroku said,"You know Kagome is right and if it is okay I am goin gto go with her" as Miroku ran off to be with Kagome he heard "Windscar" and Miroku turned around and moved out of the way and said" wind tunnel "but it was to late the wind scar had gotten to Kagome and killed her and the windtunnel had sucked up inuyasha so Miroku and Sango lived the rest of their lives killing demons.
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Fantasy / Drama | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 07.27.2005 | Pages: 1 | Words: 204 | Visits: 256 | Status: Completed
Inuyasha came back to find Miroku and Kagome and says,"you know what I thought about it Kagome and either Miroku or I will die for you and it's not going to be me so MIroku let's fight" and Miroku said calmly," I am not going to fight a friend because nither Kagome,Sango,Shippo,And kelala do not want to lose a friend," " Quit sugar coating it and fight me like a man," yelled Inuyasha. "No," said Kagome," No fighting I love MIroku and if you can't handle it then... then maybe I should leave." As Kagome walked away Inuyasha said," so you ready to fight," and Miroku said,"You know Kagome is right and if it is okay I am goin gto go with her" as Miroku ran off to be with Kagome he heard "Windscar" and Miroku turned around and moved out of the way and said" wind tunnel "but it was to late the wind scar had gotten to Kagome and killed her and the windtunnel had sucked up inuyasha so Miroku and Sango lived the rest of their lives killing demons.