InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Final Bow ❯ Nocking the Arrow ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer; See chapter one. Too lazy to repeat.

AN; Hey! Did you miss me? I have noticed that this plot is incredibly difficult! It's like two stories all rolled into one entertaining and confusing package. It wouldn't have taken me so darn long to finish this stupid chapter but I was afraid it would be too confusing with the big `visions' I threw in here, but it was important to start getting some major insights into what happened so we can get on with what is going to happen. If that didn't confuse you then you are good to go. Heh heh heh! Anyways, I hope its not too confusing. If it is I'm sure you guys will let me know. Be gentle though, I'm sensitive!

Oh, and let me just say that you reviewers Rock! Yes, we are almost at 240 reviews! Have I mentioned that you guys rock, oh…I did? Well allow me to reiterate….You guys Rock!

Just to remind you…everything in { } is a vision. And now on with the show….

The Final Bow

By; Undecidedly Certain

Chapter Six

Nocking the Arrow

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Kagome dried her eyes and held herself tall. She would not cry for that egocentric asshole, not now not ever.

`How dare he use me like that!' She thought angrily stomping off toward the archery fields. Her cheeks burned with a mix of indignant anger and embarrassment. 'and that my friends is why Kagome Higurashi does not let a pretty face guide her heart.'

Upon reaching the place near the cliffs edge where the archery targets were set up Kagome noticed Inuyasha standing casually talking to a girl that looked a little older than herself with short, stylish black hair. Her troubled thoughts were pushed to the back of her mind when she saw how much he was trying to impress the woman.

He didn't honestly think that we girls failed to notice the carefully applied charm and that arrogant smirk did he? He might as well try the direct approach like Miroku.

"Oh and here she is…" Inuyasha started waving at her before he noticed that her eyes had a slightly red and glassy look to them. "Kagome…are you ok?"

"…yeah, of course." She lied. "just tired."

Inuyasha cast her his classic smirk. "I didn't wear you out too much this morning did I?" He waggled his eyebrows hinting at an unspoken innuendo.

Kagome managed a small chuckle at his antics and decided to play along. "No of course not, actually I was just starting to enjoy it when you finished up." She held her face in the most serious pose possible for effect, but when his arrogant smirk slid sideways off his face she broke down in giggles. "Honestly Inuyasha I think you've been spending too much time with Miroku lately."


Kagome then turned her attention to the dark haired woman standing next to him who was desperately trying to stifle her laughter. "Hi, I'm Kikyo Niyama. Mr. Takishima hired me to teach you the basics of archery." She extended her hand, Kagome readily took it.

The woman was a few inches taller than herself and just as slender. Her short black hair was cut in a fashionable but simple cut that accentuated her delicate facial features and her warm brown eyes belied a kind demeanor and gentle spirit.

"Kagome Higurashi, your willing and able bodied student." She said with a teasing smile.

"Mr. Takishima mentioned that you grew up on a shrine, are you familiar with traditional long bows?" Kikyo asked holding up the wooden bow and a small quiver of arrows.

"Oh sure Gramps has one of those hanging up in one of the sheds at the shrine. I've never shot one though."

"Ok," Kikyo said with an easy smile. "Archery isn't really all that difficult especially since technically we only need to make sure you LOOK like you know what your doing."

"Sounds good to me."

Kikyo demonstrated the proper pose and form when nocking an arrow, then letting it fly she hit the target dead center. Inuyasha, who was still hanging around for some odd reason, let out a low whistle.

"Ok, now you try."

"heh…yeah…" Kagome said nervously tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. She would be lucky if her arrow didn't magically turn around and hit her… or better yet, Inuyasha. She smirked at that thought, the look on his face when the arrow turned around mid air and started zooming at him would be priceless. Bulls eye, right in the butt!

Kagome lined herself up in front of the target, feet to the side about a foot apart and her shoulders squared to the front. She was amazed at how natural it felt to hold the bow, not at all awkward like it had been at first with the sword.

She reached back and plucked an arrow from the quiver on her back in a smooth movement pulling one of the fletching feathers out with her teeth before nocking it and pulling back. She felt a slight twinge of dizziness wash over her and a flash of black and white, but dismissed it as she steadied her breathing and focused on the target.

This feels …good, she thought vaguely as she released the arrow with her exhaled breath. She felt a strange tug in her chest and a rushing sensation as her knees went weak before everything faded to black and white…

{`Where am I ?' Kagome thought examining her black and white surroundings. Everything was blurry around the edges, but most of it was clear enough to make out easily enough. She was walking through a forest with some of the tallest trees she'd ever seen in her life.

`Oh, it's another vision.' She thought with an almost melancholy mind-set. `I wonder if tattoo boy will be in this one.'

It was beautiful, truly magnificent. Of course she wasn't sure, but it looked like it was completely untouched by industry. Every here and there she could make out a swatch of color, a green patch of leaves here or a colorful bird there.

Her legs were encased in a soft swishy material that covered her like a billowy hakama, but the color she couldn`t be sure of. It looked a dark shade of gray to her, but who really knows what color it was supposed to be.

In her hands she held a small woven basket, the handle draped comfortably over her arm. It was filled to nearly over flowing with different kinds of plants, all neatly separated and laid in the bottom. They looked like weeds to Kagome, but somehow she had a feeling they weren't.

`why would anyone gather a basket of weeds anyways?' She thought as she continued her little trek. `They must be some sort of herbs for cooking or medicine.'

The scene jumped suddenly and Kagome found herself face to face with the one person she was hoping to avoid at all costs. Tattoo boy himself was sprawled at the base of a large tree, half reclining against the trunk. He didn`t look too good.

The beautiful ancient Gi he was wearing was covered in dark splotches that she was quite certain were blood and the armor over his chest and shoulder was cracked and broken. His eyes were closed, pale hair soaked in dark blood and matted in places.

He was so still, he almost looked …dead. As angry as Kagome was at him the thought of him dying caused a painful tightening in her chest.

Tentatively, the vision version of herself, or whoever she was seeing life through the eyes of, began to move toward him.

Suddenly his blood red eyes snapped open and he bared his fangs at her, snarling viciously.

Kagome jumped a little, more because he startled her than because she was afraid of him. She didn`t know why exactly she wasn`t afraid of him, if he did that in real life she`d probably piss herself.

"Leave now if you value your life human." He bit out. She could hear what he was saying but it was staticy and sounded as if some one was toying with the volume knob on a radio.

`He`s a demon!' Kagome realized with a slight start. `Well, that would certainly explain the fangs and the freaky facial tattoos.'

"I believe you are in no condition to be making threats." She heard herself reply, though she`d made no attempt to speak. Talk about weird.

"You dare threaten me wench?"

Kagome waited, but her vision self made no reply. She reached inside her shirt to find a small gourd that had been hollowed. It had a stopper in the top and some sort of liquid was sloshing around inside it.

Quickly pulling the stopper, she bravely stepped toward the still growling demon. The smell of the liquid inside the gourd was strong enough to penetrate through the vision because even Kagome felt her stomach turn at the nauseating stench.

Apparently it had a advantageous function though because the demon Sesshoumaru got very angry then passed out cold.

`Hey, I wonder where I can get some of that stuff.' Kagome thought wryly as she looked at the unconscious form of her anguish.

The scene changed then spinning like a kaleidoscope of splotches of color and shades of gray only to settle into a dark room. A small fire was set up in the center of the room in the fire pit letting off a faint glow, but not enough to be considered bright.

The room was very plain. Plain wood walls with only a small rack for drying plants for ornamentation, tatami mats lined the floor, a reed mat covered the door, and a small futon lay against the back wall.

Upon said futon lay demon Sesshoumaru, apparently still out from the stinky sleep inducing liquid, only now he was bandaged and washed up. His outer haori had been removed and the upper portion of his torso had been wrapped in coarse bandages.

By far the most ghastly of his wounds though was his left arm, or what was left of it. It had been severed a few inches above the elbow, if he hadn`t been of demon heritage he would have surely died from the blood loss alone.

He looked so peaceful laying there, almost angelic despite his massive injuries. Too bad he had to go and spoil the beautiful moment by waking up.

Gold eyes snapped open amidst a sea of gray and he immediately began to growl as he looked at her.

"Foolish wench." He snarled trying to sit up, but was promptly laid back down by a gentle pressure to his uninjured shoulder. A clawed hand immediately snapped out and grasped her wrist with a painful intensity, the lethal talons gracing his long fingers biting into her skin enough to bring blood. "You dare to touch this Sesshoumaru? Do you know who I am?"

"You would prefer I left you to die Lord Sesshoumaru?" She asked calmly not bothering to struggle to free bleeding appendage knowing it would only cause more damage. "You have been unconscious for some time, would it be safe to assume that you had a run in with the dark miko?"

"The miko is dead, by my hands." He responded, harshly dropping her wrist. He never was one for a lot of words. The strong silent type, though Kagome wasn`t sure how she knew this.

"I see." She heard herself respond. "It is for the best, she abused her power and was a danger to all."

He made no response, but continued to glare at her angrily. That's gratitude for you.

Kagome sighed, actually both versions of her sighed. Even this version of the man was exasperating. "There is something you should know my lord." Kagome said idly, wrapping a thin cotton cloth around her bleeding wrist.

She poured the demon lord a cup of steaming tea and offering it to him. He pushed himself into a sitting position, sniffing disdainfully before almost regretfully accepting the tea. Kagome fought the urge to roll her eyes, figuring that it would only get her a little closer to a painful death courtesy of those razor sharp claws.

"There has been an insurrection in the western citadel. The demon Naraku has declared you dead and by sheer force of numbers claimed your thrown."

He growled at this news, his grip tightening dangerously on the delicate cup in his grip. "How long have I been here?"

"You have been unconscious for nearly a week. Please do not break my tea bowl. They are not cheap to replace." She said pointedly before continuing. "I have not made it known of your survival, you were gravely injured and I am sure that Naraku presumes you dead. While I am not particularly fond of all of your scruples you are a just ruler while Naraku is a monster. He has a massive army under his command as well as what is left of your armies, many have fled in your absence.

"You have many still loyal to you Sesshoumaru-Sama, it may be in your best interest that Naraku think you dead."

"I am not afraid of Naraku."

"No, and I was not insinuating that you were. It would be advantageous for you to be able to gather your faithful followers and take him by surprise though. Naraku is devious and powerful. He will not worry about honor and fighting fair."

"How do you know so much about Naraku?"

"I have something he wants."

The last thing she saw before gray faded to black was a faint glimmer of curiosity in those gorgeous gold eyes. }


Inuyasha watched in awe from were he was standing next to Kikyo as Kagome's arrow was engulfed in a blue flame as it sped toward the target. When it hit its mark the entire target was consumed with the iridescent blue flame and a shockwave of an almost static-electric power swept out from the point of impact making the hair on the back of his neck stand on end and his entire body sway with the intensity of the sensation.

Inuyasha immediately grabbed Kikyo's elbow to steady her and himself as he looked in astonishment at the now ash reduced target. "Now those were some impressive pyrotechnics." He said with a grin, he turned to Kikyo who looked thoroughly shaken. "How'd you rig the arrow like that that was amazing!" He asked. He had always liked pyrotechnics, but stuck mainly to the physical aspect of stunt coordination.

"I-I didn't." She said softly still looking at the remains of the archery target, even the targets flanking the one that was obliterated were singed and leaning outward away from the point of impact. An incredible aspect to consider, especially since the targets were placed twenty feet apart!

"What do you mean you didn't rig it?" Inuyasha nearly shouted at her. "Don't tell me Sess set up Pyrotechnics with out your knowing?!"

"There's no way he could have. I set up these targets myself this morning." Kikyo said solemnly.

"Well how the hell did she do that then?" He said more to himself than to Kikyo. "Hey wench!" He hollered scratching his head and turning toward Kagome. "How the hell….KAGOME!" He ran at her just as she pitched forward toward the grass, bow still tightly clutched in her hand.

"Is she ok?" Kikyo asked in concern as Inuyasha gently turned her over and lowered her to the ground.

Kagome had gone very white and her breathing slightly shallow, but the creepiest thing about it was that her eyes were open and staring blankly at nothing, unfocused and unseeing. They also seemed to be an alarming shade of blue, brighter than usual, like the strange fire that had consumed her arrow.

"I- I don't know!" Inuyasha said checking her pulse as she lay limply, half her body resting against him. "Her heart beat is strong, but her breathing seems a little shallow."

"We need to get her to the house." Kikyo said trying to pull the bow from the girls grip without success. Kagome was not going to let it go.

"Right." Inuyasha agreed, meeting Kikyo's frightened brown eyes and giving her a consoling smile. "I'm sure she's ok, probably just scared her into a faint. She's tougher than she looks, and I've got the bruises to prove it."

Kikyo smiled a little at this as Inuyasha scooped the girl up bridal style and walked briskly for the house, Kikyo in tow.


Sesshoumaru stormed through the back into the kitchen slamming the door in his wake hard enough to crack the bottom most pane of glass. Kaede looked up from her place behind the counter where she was preparing lunch with an even expression.

She had worked for Sesshoumaru Takahashi long enough to be used to his fierceness when he was truly bothered by something. He was nowhere near as excitable as his brother, but when he was truly angry he was a force to be reckoned with. What ever had gotten into the young man right now was obviously enough to truly unsettle him.

"Would you like some lunch, sir?" Kaede asked lightly giving him an open invitation to sit and talk if he so wished, she knew he wouldn't but made the offer anyways.

"No, thank-you Kaede. I will be in my study for the rest of the afternoon should anyone need me."

"Very well, I'll have some tea brought up for you shortly."

He nodded slightly before heading through the swinging doors leading into the hall and the stairs up to his study. In the hall way he met a very unwelcome sight. Naraku was leaning against the wall at the bottom of the stairs with a sort of nonchalant arrogance, one leg kicked out and his arms crossed over his chest.

Naraku's eyes seemed a little brighter than what could be considered normal and a menacing smirk graced his lips as though he knew something of value.

"What's the matter Sesshoumaru-Sama?" He spat out the formal title as though it were a poison. "Lovers quarrel?"

Sesshoumaru's unnaturally hazel gaze flashed gold briefly as his eyes narrowed into a sharp glare. "Don't you have a training schedule to be attending to Himura?" He said coldly, not giving credence to his pathetic attempt to goad him.

"Oh, yes." He sneered. "In fact, I've been thinking about taking the liberty doing a little extra study with Kagome, can't have her shying away from me on camera now can we, especially during the more…intimate scenes."

Sesshoumaru's hand seemed to work of its own accord as he darted forward and grabbed the smirking man by the throat. "You keep your hands off her you filthy piece of refuse." Sesshoumaru snarled low and dangerously with a barely controlled rage.

Naraku's smile only widened. Sesshoumaru couldn't see it but it certainly didn't fail to pass Naraku's notice when a slight flash of red clouded the other mans eyes. "So possessive Sesshoumaru-sama, but let me remind you…history will repeat itself, the little bitch will be your down fall and then she will be mine!"

The iron grip Sesshoumaru had on Naraku's neck moved from a warning to a real threat as his rage built. Suddenly Sesshoumaru's gaze slipped out of focus and his vision went gray.

`What exceptional timing.' He thought dryly as the `vision' overtook him.

{Sesshoumaru found himself standing once again in that thrown room. There were people scurrying around frantically and armed guards everywhere. A strange almost toad looking creature carrying a staff with shrunken heads attached at the top scurried up and bowed low before him.

The creature cowered before him as if afraid of retribution for some bout of bad news he had to deliver, pitiful really, and yet as odd as the creature looked something about it was vaguely familiar.

"Sess…Sama….th…ebel…fact…n… as….con….the…anning…atack…"

The toady creature spoke to him in a croaky voice. It was broken at first and very staticky, like listening through a CB radio on a bad station or something of the like. It was becoming a bit clearer with each word spoken, and small splotches of color were starting to bloom in certain areas.

`So the visions are becoming more lucid.' Sesshoumaru thought as he watched the little man grovel at his feet.

For instance, he could tell that the little toad man's ancient looking hakama and haori were a earthen brownish in color, while the creature its self remained in shades of gray.

"What news from our contact?" He heard himself say, though he did not consciously open his mouth to speak.

"He has sent word my lord…" The toad man croaked. "He has the name of the leader of the insurgent faction. He-he wants to meet with you personally to deliver the information, my lord."

The room suddenly began to spin violently, making his stomach clench painfully. When the scene settled he found himself standing in the middle of a small forest clearing. Everything beyond the soft light of the fire was blurred while the fire itself was actually taking on varied hues of red-orange color. He could hear the familiar metallic chinking of his armor as it rubbed against itself with his movements.

It was odd how certain sensory details came through with startling clarity while others remained in muddled obscurity. He could hear the popping logs of the fire in the fire pit, and feel the cool metal of Tokijin's hilt at his hip.


Suddenly there were dozens of masked warriors leering at him, their weapons drawn and pointed at him menacingly. Vaguely he considered the fact that the situation should have unnerved him some what, but he felt no fear at all, only a twinge of irritation.

`This …these visions are playing out just like my dreams…just like the script…what in the hell is going on here?!'

The vision blurred again, the shades of gray melding and swirling into puddles of nothingness. When it cleared again Sesshoumaru saw a hand before him tightly grasping a large iron sword that seemed to have almost a perceivable aura of its own.

Magenta stripes stood out starkly against the background of black and grays wrapping around the wrist that oddly enough seemed to be attached to his arm. He held the sword before his face, noticing with morbid fascination the dark liquid that was dripping down the blade.

He shifted his grip on the massive blade, reveling in the strange power he could feel flowing from its depths. That's when he noticed his fingers. Long and elegant yet strong and deadly and tipped with lethal looking claws.

`Claws! What the…'

Scattered around the campsite were the bodies of the warriors who had been foolish enough to attack him, most missing appendages and all of them covered in thick, dark blood.

A new face flashed before his eyes, this one decidedly feminine. He didn't recognize this woman, but her face was unquestionably malicious. A strange feeling over came him, almost like a numbness in his limbs. He couldn't move.

Then the pain came.}


Sesshoumaru snapped himself out of the vision as the pains that seemed to be slicing through him like a hot knife only moments before quickly faded back into memory…or whatever it was.

Smirking cinnamon eyes gleamed at him with pure malice and Sesshoumaru realized he must have wrenched his hands away from Naraku to stop the vision.

"What's the matter Sesshoumaru-sama? Thinking of something…unpleasant?" He hissed lowly, his voice full of sadistic mirth.

Sesshoumaru studied the man before him with a cool outside demeanor even though on the inside he was a burning inferno of rage and indignation. It would not do to loose his composure though, no that would show weakness. It is better to seem detached than distressed, or at least that's the credence that got him this far in life.

Obviously Naraku had some inclination as to what was happening here. What ever was happening was either happening to him also, or was being caused by him, though Sesshoumaru had no clue as to how one would go about causing such things.

There was a loud bang and shouting coming from the kitchen, Inuyasha's voice it seemed. It was not entirely uncommon to hear the moron yelling about the house, but there was something in his tone of voice that revealed his panicked state.

Sesshoumaru turned from his study of the hall leading to the kitchen only to find that Naraku had slipped away and was now out of sight. Shaking his head in irritation he headed toward the shouting buffalo in the kitchen otherwise known as his brother before something got broken. The fool was probably hungry and too lazy to find something himself.


Inuyasha kicked open the back door and rushed in nearly slamming Kagome's unconscious head on the door frame in the process. Kikyo cringed behind him and let out a sigh of relief when the poor girls head cleared the solid frame unscathed.

"KAEDE YOU OLD HAG WHERE ARE YOU?!" Inuyasha shouted crassly stomping into the kitchen tracking mud behind him and swinging Kagome's limp body around like a rag doll. Kikyo cringed again when her head missed the island counter by a fraction of an inch.

Either he was extremely well controlled or extremely lucky.


"Oh shit!"

Lucky it is. Or maybe not so lucky after all since he knocked her head on the back of one of the high backed stools at the counter. Kagome groaned in her unconscious state, but otherwise didn't stir.

"Damn, I'm sorry Kagome." Inuyasha cursed under his breath, his gruff front slipping for a minute revealing a great deal of genuine concern shining in his eyes. "KAEDE!" He shouted again and had just opened his mouth again when the hall door was flung wide and Sesshoumaru stepped in looking ready to kill.

He opened his mouth fully prepared to let his brother have it for disturbing his house hold until he turned to face him, Kagome held limp in his arms. The long curtain of her dark hair fell nearly to his knees and on of her slender hands fell loosely to the side.

It was easily one of the most infuriating and frightening sights he'd ever witnessed. Infuriating because his half wit brother had the nerve to put his hands on Kagome, frightening because there was something obviously wrong with the girl.

"What happened." He ground out keeping careful control over his urge to snatch the girl up out of his brothers arms and punch him just for touching her.

"Something freaky happened with her arrow and the whole target blew up, then Kagome passed out. Did you set up some kind of pyrotechnics and not tell anyone, cause that's pretty damn…"

"I did no such thing." Sesshoumaru snapped just as Kaede bustled through the door tucking a feather duster in the pocket of her apron.

"You bellowed Inuyasha?" The old woman said teasingly before noticing the girl draped limply in the young mans arms and the intense look on her employers face. "Oh my, what happened to the poor dear?" She asked somberly rushing up to check the girl out.

"She fainted I believe." Kikyo said quietly from where she had been standing near the door in silent observation until now.

"Well get her into her bed and I'll bring up some water and some smelling salts." Kaede instructed before bustling off to collect the smelling salts from the medical cabinet.

Inuyasha headed toward the door with the girl before he was stopped by his brother.

"I will take the girl." He said tonelessly, effortlessly snatching Kagome from his arms and secretly marveling at how light she felt in his arms. "You and Ms. Niyama go see if you can determine the cause of the explosion."

Inuyasha opened his mouth to argue, but was silenced with a glare from his brother. He shrugged and headed out the back door toward the archery field.

Sesshoumaru swept gracefully out of the room, carefully cradling the girl in his arms to avoid further injury. He gently pushed the door to her room open with his foot, trying his best to quell the small smile that threatened to take over his face at the state of her quarters.

Clothes were strewn about haphazardly as though she had dug around wildly in search of something and the expensive silk coverlet bunched down around the foot of her bed. For a female she wasn't very tidy.

He gently placed her down on the soft mattress, frowning when she grimaced slightly as her head touched the pillow. Pulling off her athletic shoes and socks, he couldn't resist the urge to gently run his hands down the soft creamy expanse of leg exposed from her shorts. Her skin was so soft and flawless, like the silk she lay upon only with a delicious warmth that even the finest silks in the world lacked.

Pulling the covers up over her and setting her shoes neatly by her bed, Sesshoumaru sighed and stood silent vigil over the cataleptic girl. He felt a heavy pang of regret stirring somewhere with in his chest as he watched the quiet rise and fall of her chest.

He knew he hurt her this morning when he walked away, but the last thing he needed right now was to get caught up in a relationship with some clingy, weepy woman.

But this was Kagome, fiery, intelligent, and compassionate Kagome. The woman who had haunted his dreams for years, the woman who occupied his every waking thought and consumed his night time visions like a plague. The woman he'd met barely a week ago and yet had known his entire life.

There was no escaping her, at least for the time being. As long as they were working on the film he would be forced to be in her presence and he could not deny the attraction he had for her, nor could he tolerate other men laying claim to what was his.

That left him little choice. Either he would pursue her or he would allow someone else to. The latter was unacceptable.

Any further internal deliberation on his part was halted by a soft groan.

"…my head…" She grumbled, one hand rising up to rub the sore lump on the side of her head. "Sesshoumaru?" She asked looking up at him bleary eyed.

"What happened Kagome?" He asked seriously.

She blinked up at him for a few moments trying to regain her bearings and ignoring his harsh tone before she spoke. "You know," she said with a weary sort of irritation, "you're even a jerk in the visions."

Sesshoumaru repressed the urge to roll his eyes at her. "What happened?"

Kagome sighed and rubbed her eyes tiredly. "I don't really know. Something happened when I shot the arrow, it felt like…I don't know…like my soul was being tugged on or something, and then…"


"…I had another vision thingy…" She said slowly.


"Sesshoumaru, something really weird is going on and I want to know what you know about it right now!" She demanded trying to sit up, but a firm hand on her shoulder gently pushed her back to the bed.

"I know as little about this situation as you do." He said quietly.

"Then why do the visions seem to be mirroring the script almost exactly?" She asked quietly, turning slightly frightened cobalt eyes to him. "Sesshoumaru…I'm scared…this afternoon…it didn't hurt, but…and the visions are getting more detailed…I just…"

He halted her stammering by sitting at the edge of her bed and pulling her into his arms. She looked so lost and frightened, wide blue eyes glossy with unshed tears, he couldn't stop himself from holding her.

"I have brought the smelling salt….oh!" Kaede said as she stepped through the door with a bottle of smelling salts in one hand and a glass of water in the other. "I - uh- see that you are already awake dear." She commented with a twinge of embarrassment at catching the master of the house in such an…intimate position.

For anyone else it would have been no big deal, but the only person Kaede had ever seen Sesshoumaru show any kind of physical affection toward was Rin, and even that was rare.

Both parties had separated upon her entry, Kagome blushing politely and Sesshoumaru fixing the older woman with an impatient glare. Inuyasha bustled through the open door way a moment later a worried look in his dark eyes as he made his way over to the foot of the bed while Kikyo quietly stood in the door way.

"Are ye feeling ok child?" Kaede asked handing her the water which she accepted gratefully. "Ye should drink all of that down."

"Thanks, and I'm ok, I think." Kagome said with a tentative smile, lifting the glass to her lips. "My head hurts though." She said with a little grimace as she gently massaged the lump on the side of her head. "Did I hit my head when I fell?"

"Heh…something like that." Inuyasha said sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck, a nervous gesture that Sesshoumaru recognized immediately as guilt. He sent him a glare that promised a little `talk' later.

"What did you find?" He queried acutely.

"No, nothing. it's the weirdest thing I've ever seen. It's like it just spontaneously combusted or something."

Sesshoumaru frowned, he would have to get some one to come out and take a look at the site to ascertain properly what happened. He turned his attention once more to Kagome, who was staring into her glass of water as if waiting for the answers to magically appear.

"Rest for now. The costume designer and head seamstress will be here this afternoon to do a preliminary fitting. Attend if you are feeling up to it, if not I will have them come back tomorrow to take care of you."

Kagome nodded deftly before placing her water on her bedside table and laying back to rest, watching as Sesshoumaru gave her one last look over as if to assure himself she was ok before walking out the door beckoning Inuyasha to follow.

Kaede immediately swarmed over to her tucking the sheets in around her and smoothing her hair away from her face. "You just get some rest dear. I'll wake you when the costume coordinator arrives."

Kagome thanked her and watched as her plump figure disappeared behind the door. Somehow knew that this was just the beginning, what ever this was it was getting worse, and Kagome wasn't so sure anymore that there was a way to stop it.

AN; There ya go! Don't forget to review for me! You know it makes me soooooooooo happy!