InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Flower Girl ❯ Truth ( Chapter 20 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Inuyasha.---oOo---
Kagome stared at the flower she held in her hands, and swallowed nervously. She was ready... but - it was still somewhat frightening. To ask someone about your own death...
She doubted too many others had had that problem, so it wasn't like she could ask for advice on how to go about it.
That's why she held the white chrysanthemum in her hand. It stood for truth - the truth she would get from the stoic daiyoukai who was now her protector. She hoped he would understand when she handed the flower to him...
She didn't want to have to ask in so many words.
Stiffening her shoulders, she moved off, heading directly towards his youki - it's odd, she thought, distractedly, that I can feel him so much more strongly than anyone else. I wonder why..? She frowned. It's not just because his youki is so much stronger, either - even when he's been really far away, and Inuyasha has been close, I could still feel Sesshoumaru more.
Shrugging finally, she pushed that question away for later thought as she came within sight of the powerful male. With a sigh, and clenched hands, she walked towards him, and stood before him, waiting for him to acknowledge her.
When he did, she held out the flower.
He stared at it for a few moments, then reached out and took it, with a nod, he indicated that she should sit next to him. She watched as he placed the flower in the sleeve of his haori.
"You wish to know what happened that day." It wasn't a question.
"H-hai. You said that when I was ready..." she broke off, and he turned his gaze to her.
"I did. Ask what you will."
She nodded then, and looked down, placing a finger to her lips as her eyes went distant, and she obviously lost herself in thought.
"The last thing I remember was seeing her with an arrow pointed at me. What happened after that?"
"She shot you through the heart."
Kagome gasped slightly, raising a hand, she pressed it to her chest. I'm... glad I don't remember that! I think it would have left nightmares...
"I... see. And then?"
Sesshoumaru didn't look at her, keeping his gaze distant. He really didn't want to think about it - the only reason he was doing this was because he'd promised her.
"I drew Tensaiga... everyone broke from the shock at that moment - there were sounds of grief from all, however, Inuyasha yelled out in defense of the dead one. I reprimanded him, and then resurrected you."
Her fists clenched, and she nodded slowly. "I guess... I'm not surprised," she said, almost whispering. "So..."
"When I used Tensaiga to revive you, it called your soul back - back to it's rightful owner. At that point, the dead miko disintegrated - without your soul to power her false body, there was nothing to hold it together."
"And that's when he attacked you... isn't it - or tried to, at any rate?"
A pause, then a slow, reluctant nod, and he finally met her eyes. "Hai." He turned his attention away again, letting her think things through on her own.
She was quiet for a time, digesting everything he'd said, what Sango had said, and what she could remember from the ordeal herself. It only strengthened her decision that it was past time to let go of Inuyasha... that they were not meant for each other.
With a sad sigh, she looked up, and smiled a bit in his direction. "I'm glad that you told me the truth about it all. I've always believed that its best to speak true - honesty really is the best policy - even when it hurts."
A slender brow rose into his bangs at that. Not many ningens bother with the truth - only with what they wish to be the truth.
It shows that she is honorable.
"Truth can be a harsh mistress, however, you are correct - falsehood is actually far worse a master. It brings a person in easily enough to begin with... and then tightens its claws and suffocates all life from its victim." Something flickered in the depths of his eyes, but was gone too fast for her to understand what it was.
"It shows strength that you can take the truth - even when painful - and deal with it with dignity and grace, miko. You should be proud of yourself; there are not many who could handle this situation without becoming hateful and vindictive."
Kagome's smile brightened a little, absently, she wrapped a strand of midnight around her finger as she stared off into the distance.
"It's called being true to yourself. It really isn't in me to act that way."
A very soft chuckle met her ears, then, and she raised her face to look at him, startled. She met a slight, quietly amused look for a moment before his expression shifted back to his normal disinterested one.
"Never have truer words been spoken, little miko - if it had been in you to act in that way, I would not have brought you back. The world has enough people who carry such darkness... and not enough of those with the light that you make no effort to hide."
A blush spread across her cheeks at that...
"I think that's the best thing anyone's ever said to me, Sesshoumaru-sama. Thank you..." she whispered, blushing still deeper.
He looked at her in silence for a minute, then nodded once as he watched her stand, and with a small bow, move away to think over their discussion in private.
Do not thank me for speaking the truth, miko.
The world carries many living beings upon its surface...
And almost none of them are like you - and Rin.
A/N: More and more, he's being brought to the understanding of just how different from the ningens he's used to she really is...