InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Goshinboku ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

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The Goshinboku
All the lives that I have seen in the many ages I've lived
Come and go, there are those
Which I have arranged and seals
Which have been carried out against me.
I remember a warrior priestess that
In her end formed a mystic jewel.
I then remember the priestess chosen to protect the jewel.
She met her end after casting the seal.
There was this girl who I knew
In the midst of her fear
She broke the seal that held a young hanyou against my body.
This started her legend and the legend of those that would join her.
It was then the mystic jewel was returned to my vicinity.
The shattered it was and cast to the corners of the Kamis land.
It would then come into the contact of evil
That is when I met the monk with the mystic hand.
Perverse and pure, one in the same
A cursed wind the source.
Enter the woman that made him change his game.
She was a demon slayer, one with a vengeance.
Her family gone, all but one.
The remaining an empty shell void of memories,
All due to the evil.
It was this that they met a young kitsune youkai
I remember the battles, each melee, that brought them closer,
A family they became, but not without their brethren.
Each love that came and went and new loves intent.
It was this that the young priestess and hanyou fell
Titles given, marriages, relations that mended
Truths that live to this day
Children they had and
The days they lived to see.
I remember it all the ages that came and fell
The hanyou and the priestess still live to this day
Each child they had, grew and lived,
Part Hanyou, Youkai, and human.
The impact that the young priestess had on this world is one of a
Enormous scale, the things that she did the people that she met
Those people would not easily forget.
The evil destroyed long ago, a myth the legend it forgo.
Now I sit here at my home and think
Meditating, watching and contemplate.
So many things have happened.
Now her youngest has also chosen a priestess for a bride.
I have seen the ages come and go
As I sit here and what time go by
So many things to see
As I reach out across the ages.