InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Hidden Keys ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
ATHOURS NOTE: I really have nothing to say, but i hope you enjoy the story.

for the time being it will be rated ' T ' or ' PG13 '...future limes an lemons might appear.

Genre: action/adventure/romance/historical/fantasy/drama/humor/ allot of things...I will live up to it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Mrs.Rumiko Takahashi work...meaning I don't own inuyasha...I also do not own Mr. Dan browns work or have any say in what is religion. One more thing. If anything Harry potterish appears in this story...I do not own that either along with any music that is going to be used.

Writing a summery can be one of the hardest parts of telling the story. Shame on me fore I have no summery. I do, however, have a small snippet from the story…’ her sons fate had been sign, sealed and delivered even before he was born. There were no if and or buts about it. "Your son will be our dear and unfortunate successors, he will be the holder of the document" the three children before her spoke. She closed her eyes and cried. She wished this fate on no one she knew, yet her son had been bestowed this awful fate. Opening up her weary golden orbs, she was meeting by emptiness of the area. Standing quickly she rushed off to her mates library. He was the father and had a right to know what his son had gotten into even before he was born.
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Chapter 1
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Here he stood over the once flourishing village of full demons, hanyou's and humans alike. Here he stood over the Pasteur of blood and dislocated body parts. His sensitive ears heard nothing. His eyes the color of blood as his face was set in a fierce scowl. He growled deep and low in his throat as he picked up the scent of the living. The scent of the dead. This was war now...he would make sure of it.

The barricade around his mind was losing a battle of domonice with the beast within. The craving for blood and total chaos was riding high as he looked to the sky. With sparks of flames the drawbridge to his mind was lowered ever so slowly until the beautiful castle within was seen from the green hills below. Do not let ones mind fool you thought because upon entry threw the threshold was another barrier of pure magic. The sparkling purple and black dome of power that protected his mind was becoming fizzled as the beast scratched his way threw. Once threw the threshold and barrier another set of barricading was set up as a moat of molten lava and fire. The fire shoots up to the top of the building. The main station of his body. One more layer to go. The beast tried to get threw the firewall...failing to do so it retreats to its cage. Back to the deep mysterious part of his mind.

Sesshoumaru shook his head as he looked up at the sky. The red in his eyes slowly fading to pink then finally to white to see the cold golden orbs that put the sun to shame. His face went back to looking impassive as he looked upon the wind that blew as if taunting him with the smells. He closed his eyes an let the feeling of anguish take over his mind. This was not just another village. No, he held respect for this village. People who he grew up with lived in this all dead.

He, Sesshoumaru lord of the Western Lands, wanted to fall to his knees scream his anger to the heavens an cry, but he could not. Sesshoumaru had a station to keep. He was a lord and lords did not show their emotions. Lords held their heads high threw embarrassment. Lords bowed their head, but shed not a tear for death; even family members...even mates. He had both in his lifetime. He held his head high threw it all and never showed what he was thinking. He never let the weaker emotions get to his mind. Sesshoumaru did not even realized just how strong of a person he was by the simple denigh of these emotions.

'I will avenge your deaths Gokazuko, sensei ' sesshoumaru thought with a newfound reason to be in control. (Sensei: teacher/ Gokazuko: Family)

Oh, so tempting it would have been to track down the mongrels that did this and wipe them all out with his Dokkasô. Oh so tempting it would have been.

Turning his back to the scene, he said one last thing in the wind before his Mokomoko-sama turned into a cloud and he was once more in the shadows of the sky.

"Vengeance is in the air, I will get mine”
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A story of the jewel and war.
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The jewel of four souls, which is from Shinto, is made up of the belief of Naobi, Aramitama, Nigimitama, Kushimitama, and Sakimitama. How these five different characters of emotion showed up in one person, which is still unknown to this day, but will soon be shown. What one does not know is that their were actually two jewels from the heavens.

The Shikon no Tama and Akuryou no tama. The Akuryou no Tama is the complete opposite of what the Shikon no Tama was known for. The Akuryou no Tama was made of Mahou, Mononoke, Kaji, Yami and Tsuyosa. The jewel was the same size of the Shikon no Tama, but the color of onyx. Little is known to the world why the jewel was made. Little is know about where the jewel lies at this moment. Is it even in Japan?

There once was a great war between the inu-demons and the neko-demons. At the time of the war nearly over two thousand years ago, the neko ruled the west and the inu's were just coming into their powers. The battle was fierce and long. However, in the end the inu's they won though is of mystery to others, but not to ones who fought in the war.

On the east, entering the west stood the inu's in battle line stiff with anticipation to defend or attack. The sun was nowhere to be found as the scent of salt grazed their noses indicating the storm that was coming. Even in the gloomy atmosphere, the inu's stood regal and proud. Clad in their gleaming menacing black armor, dark blue, black, yellow and purple uniforms. Swords held tightly in their hands ready to be tested on the neko's.

On the opposite side of the battlefield stood the neko's. A race of graceful elegant demons. Their head were held high as they looked on into the face of death. Their silver armor shinning with every movement they made. Their battle uniforms the colors of black, red and white. Swords, arrows and shields in their possession. They thought they had it all. Had this won before it even started?

In the middle of the battlefield stood a woman clad in a white kimono. She held no demonic markings yet didn't look human. She faced neither army as she look north. her arms were outstretched to both army’s holding a pink jewel in her left that was facing the inu's while her other to the army to the neko's holding the onyx colored jewel.

Her hair was billowing in the winds that came from the north sweeping across the fields turning grass southwards. Her skin the color of the pale full moon in the midnight sky. Her hair the color of midnight blue, so dark one thought it to be black. Her eyes were the color of the ocean an looked like they had a story to tell. Her lips colored a so soft like a pink petal of a cherry blossom moved as if they were going to speak. An she did.

"I hold two jewel, one for the inu's the others for the neko's...upon touch of the jewels the war will start," she said in a melodic voice
"I wish there was another way, so many lives are going to be lost,” she muttered

Holding her hands high in the air, she started to float off the ground. Her eyes took the color of her skin as she sent the jewels to either army. The shikon no tama to the inu's while the aurous no tama went to the neko's. She turned her head slightly to the inu's and spoke.

"When this is over...if you should still be alive...guard this jewel until the miko Midoriko is in full power… protect this jewel with you life " she spoke softly then was gone right before their eyes.

No one that day was quiet clear on what happen after that moment. No one cared as long as they were living that was all that mattered. That day was all a blur. In the end, only a handful of men stood in the battlefield. The smell of blood, decaying flash and burning skin reached their noses. Out of the one hundred thousand men that fought on both sides, only ten men were left.

Only ten
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There once was a girl by the name of Rin.
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Rin was a young adult now. The ripe age of only 14. Her lop sided ponytail stayed, but her small child frame didn't. With her age came things she never knew she could have. She stood at 5'2 now. Her hair was down to the middle part of her back. Her chocolate eyes held some wisdom in them with a mystery that she yearned to tell. Her hips were still a little narrow, but she was still growing. She traded in her orange and yellow-checkered kimono for the simpler, yet less formal, black silk kimono and hakama's.

In the years, she lived with sesshoumaru she learned that he was a very busy demon and couldn't always protect her. Seeing this she chose to do him some good by staying at the castle when he was searching for naraku or meeting other lords. While he was away, sesshoumaru gave her full run of all the libraries and offices in the castle. The first night at the castle had been a little lonely for Rin, but had it of not been for Jaken and the chief Arizona she would have ran away after her lord. Jaken and Arizona entertained Rin by telling her youkai tales and legends. Since Arizona was from a far away land that Rin never knew of the tales were even more exotic.

With them telling her tales of the past Rin wanted to one day send these tales an ones of her own to her children. So very timidly one day she asked Jaken if he could teach her how to read. To her surprise, he himself had no clue on how to read. Therefore, they both went to the one person who they knew, knew how to read. Arizona. Upon asking her how to read Arizona asked Rin for something as well. You see Arizona never had a lover or children so she was a lonely young demoness. In youkai terms, she was still very young. She thought men didn't like her because her skin wasn't as pale as the moon and her voice was funny sounding. She was extremely smart and to have a mate she would out smart him and embarrassed his ego.

Arizona asked Rin if she could be her grand daughter. With much haste Rin nodded eagerly since she had no family besides Sesshoumaru-sama and Jaken. From that day on Rin, called Arizona gran-ari and Arizona called Rin Sophie. She said the name was going to be for her own daughter.

It took Arizona a year, but Rin learned all the words in the big book of words in the library that Sesshoumaru learned to read from him when younger. But something was missing. Rin craved more things to read and learn so Arizona started to teach her, her native language. Arizona noticed how fast Rin learned and fell in love with what she was doing an often called little Rin a book worm, an if she didn't get her head out of those books she would never find a husband. Rin only laughed at it. Said she didn't need nor wanted a man to hold her down. Arizona got a thought in her mind, but didn't comment on it.

Now Rin sat in the library all alone waiting for the return of her lord. In front of her eyes, she was reading a book about the inu race. How they found mates. Romantic tales of war and loss. Adventure books about great heroes of the race. Particularly a book about the inu's demonic side. Her mind took it all in as she read. Not noticing the footsteps coming in her direction.

Nimble finger reached over to the white china plate next to her for another sweet treat that Arizona called cookies. Her finger traced around finding nothing but crumbs. Growling in frustration her hand retreated to holding the book. A silken voice filled with anger reached her ears, interrupting her reading.

"Rin out now” the voice said, Rin, frighten spun around in her chair to rest on legs to come across a red eyes Sesshoumaru. Her mind was telling her only one thing to do.

'Comfort your lord, something is wrong’

"Lord Sesshoumaru...calm down please, it’s me, Rin,” she said a little timidly as she slowly got out of her seat.

"I said go Rin” he said in a pained voice

'I will not, something is wrong, I hope he sees me as a daughter...or something close to one ' Rin thought as she slowly made her way over to her lord.

She had read in the book about inu demonic anger. If an inu was to be anger, only three things could bring him back. One being the soothing touch of his mate. Two would be him killing everything in sight. The last and what she was aiming for to work was the comforting words of his daughter and a hug so her scent could get into his senses and bring him back to reality. Dear god she hoped three worked, since he didn't have one...and two she wished on no one she really hoped this worked.

" Lord Sesshoumaru....father" Rin whispered afraid of his reaction to the word, to call him father was a great honor and she would make sure that if in fact he did see her as such she would make him proud.

"Father...I know something is wrong, please calm down" Rin said taking a pre-measured footstep at a time as she made her way over to him.

A gentle growl erupted from his chest. His eyes closed as if he was trying to regain power. He shook his head an open his eyes once more. They weren’t as red as before, but still were.

"Please father, all will be fine...just calm down" Rin said, becoming more confident she quicken her pace slightly, she was only ten steps away from him now.

"Rin” he growled, she could see white specks starting to appear on his face, the lengthen of his already deathly fangs…

'Dear god he's going to transform...oh dear ' Rin thought becoming frozen to her spot. Not a muscle moved. The hair on the back of her neck rose to attention at the raw feeling of power. She had to do something and now.

Taking a life threatening chance she launched her self on the semi transformed Sesshoumaru. She felt his claws rise up to her shoulders. Digging into the tender flesh as if to resist her attempts to comfort him. She wanted to yelp, but knew if she made on sound he would lose all control. Her hands wounded around his neck and she dug her nose into his chest. She got on tippy toes so she could get closer to his nose. It was important for him to smell her scent now more than trying to sooth him with comforting words.

'What is that smell ' the last thread of Sesshoumaru’s rational mind asked

'It does not matter, kill the creature that dares to touch you ' his demonic side hissed

'No...Rain and...Jasmine...that scent ' he fought back

'No kill ' it hissed back

'The scent…ri...ri’

'Noooo kill’

'Rin...RIN ' his mind screamed

At once, it seemed as he remembered the scent the name came to his mind. Rin, his daughter, Rin was trying to comfort him...why? What was going on with him, he never lost control in front of her. He thought her to be scared of him now. He had to do something. If only he could gain some more control on his mind. The thoughts of how his Gokazuko was killed. Were they beaten to death, burned, and sliced with a sword? He wanted to run his clash threw the flesh of their killers as if to sharpen his deadly claws.

"Dame” Sesshoumaru said in a pant, the pain he was feeling in his mind was starting to take a tool on his person. (Dame: No, Don't)
"Nani?" Rin whispered (nani: what)
"Dame” Sesshoumaru repeated
"Iiye” Rin said holding on tighter; she had to get him calmed down (liye: no)

"Korosu...Shine...." Sesshoumaru growled, his demonic side was starting to gain more control over him, he felt his claws dig deeper into her shoulder ( Korosu: Kill ) (Shine: Die),

"Liye” Rin shouted loud enough for only him to hear her, she didn't know how or when, but she started to cry.

Sesshoumaru felt the warm tears seep in-between his kimono top onto his warm skin making his flesh hot to the touch. He was trashing about in his mind trying to gain control. Never had his beast had so much control over him for this long of a time. Not even when he transformed and Inuyasha... he hated that day an the beast ever since. His beast was too brash in action. He needed something or someone to tame his beast. He knew of a way, but not who.

Her tears fell faster and faster now down her tanned cheeks as she held on to her lord, her father. She didn't know what was wrong nor did she try to question. She felt his claws leave her shoulders allowing the wound to finally bleed. She felt his arms wrap around her waist and his nose dig into her hair. She sighed in relief. She’d calm her father down. Now was the tempting question of asking what had happen, was he alright?

"Gomen ne” she felt his whispered breath run threw her shinny black hair, she smiled. (Gomen ne: I’m sorry)
"what happen " Rin asked quietly, she felt his arms un-wrap from her and then re-wrap as he picked her up and started to walk out of the library.

As they walked down the halls, no servant was seen. The dark loamy hallways lead to the front entrance that held a massive staircase. Knowing what her father would does she wrap her arms around his neck and he jumped to the top of the stairs. Once he was on solid ground, she felt his walk start again until he came to a familiar pair of doors. He opens the doors with a swift kick. Not even bothering to close them he set her down on her bed.

There was a long silence between them. He looked her in the eyes as if to prepare her for bad news.

"Rin...gomen ne...The Southern villages in my lands have been attacked" Sesshoumaru preparing every word he was about to say so it would be a gentle blow to her, but who could he kid. Death was not some gentle blow, it hurt. (Gomen ne: I’m sorry)

" " Rin couldn't even find the words to ask her question, she felt more tears cascade down her face. (Liye: no)

" one survived" he said, he felt her launch onto him once again narrowly avoiding his spiked armor. (Liye: no)

"liye, liye I don't believe, Wakaranai” Rin wailed into his chest (Iiye: No, Wakaranai: I don't understand)

"Shhh...The refugees from the Southern Lands did this” Sesshoumaru told her rubbing her back in soothing gentle circles

"Wakaranai, why " Rin cried (Wakaranai: I don't understand)

"Nakanaide, I have no ideal why" Sesshoumaru said (Nakanaide: don’t cry)

For the remainder of that day rin cried into sesshoumaru's shoulder. Sesshoumaru did the only thing he knew to do to comfort someone. He growled lightly and rubbed her back trying to soothe the pain of the both of them. He lost a disconnected part of his family and friends. She lost friends of the old and young.

Upon comforting her and healing her wound, a simple thought came in his mind as he walked back to his study.

Vengeance was hell, but he was going to get it. No matter what the cost. Hell hath nor furry like he had.
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That night sesshoumaru sat in his...
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That night Sesshoumaru sat in his office going over the letter he had written. The letter was to be sent to the council so a meeting could be held by the six over seers and the four lords. He was sure that the North was feeling as much loss and pain as he was. Being tied to these lands for such a long time, a person gets used to certain people. Holds a special place in their mind and heart for people and villages. He held both for this village. Sending out a message to one of his spies, he told them to find his summoned. In less that 5 minutes before him stood his summoner Ashtart. (Name means: Phoenician goddess of the planet Venus.)

"Ashtart...I need you to send this to the council" Sesshoumaru said handing her a cylinder like comtraction.
"As my lord wishes” Ashtart said bowing, her junihitoe sweeping more on the ground.

"Rise...have it there before morning" Sesshoumaru said in his tale-tell voice

"Yes milord" Ashtart said rising from the ground at once, within a split second, even though wearing her 12 layered junihitoe, she was gone.

Sesshoumaru leaned back into his seat an awaited his return letter from the council. He was a powerful lord and knew that his request for a meeting of all the lords would be meeting. He closed his eyes to let the days events take him away from this moment in time. The waiting game of time was indeed a game.

'All but a game ' he thought.
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In the large court styled room stood…
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In the large western European styled court room stood all four lords and a room filled with important demons, hanyou's and humans. The room was circular shaped then at the very end where the council sat was shaped like a rectangle. Their were 4 podiums that represented the lands of which the lord ruled over. At the podium of the North stood the Northern lord.

Many people looked down on the Northern lord because he was not of full Japanese. His father was a British raised shark demon while his mother was native to Japan and was a water element demoness. The Northern lord had a English mold, sharp features and intensely gray-green eyed. His face held no demonic markers with the exception of a blue tear and an arrow going threw it. That was the marking of his lands and the element he knew how to use. His hair was an odd mix of blonde with water blue streaks. The Northern lord short in stature was not one to be an enemy of. He was almost as strong as Sesshoumaru. His battle tactics looked crazed at first glance, but he was a brilliant person with ideals of weird things. Weird things that in the end help or save a person. He was a very young lord and became to this position by a total accident.

When he was a teen in demon standards hunting in the forest near his home he came across a bear demon. He knew it was going to get cold soon so he took his bow and arrows an prayed he kill the beast. He did kill the beast, but unknown to him as he skinned the bear the 6 advisors were watching in total shock of a child killing the lord of the north. They approached him an at first he was going to attack thinking that they were going to try an take his food. They told him to calm down. Told him that killing the Northern Lord that he was lord of the North now. To say he was shocked was an understatement. He didn't know what to do. In the months to follow he was trained properly on manners and how to fight. Well the training in fighting wasn't really needed. Today the lord stood with his head held high looking at the eastern and southern lord with much disgust.

There at the Eastern podium stood the lord of the East. His eyes sharp with a tight scowl placed firmly on his lips. His eyes were black as well as his long silken hair that was held in a high pony tale. Behind his back stood his arched wings. His face held no demonic marking all with the exceptions of the black star that was outlined in yellow on his forehead. His clothing followed suit in their coloring. He was a hawk demon. His Beatty black eyes were focused on the Southern Lord.

At the Southern podium stood the lord of the South. Upon his face was scowl directed at all the lords. His eyes were like the Southern lords. Small and Beatty looking. His hair was short black and choppy. Upon his forehead was a black arrow. On his face he held two black markings on each cheek bone. His clothing was the same with the exception of his red obi. Behind him stood his tall black arched wings. He was a eagle demon. His eyes scanned the room as if looking for prey as he awaited the Western Lord and the council.

At the end of the room the doors open to show the council. The first to walk out was a demoness who held only one demonic marking, which would be the flame on her forehead to show she could use the element of fire. Her hair was long an a silky looking red color that she held up in a low pony tail so it could sweep on the floor as she walked. In stature she was a short woman of only five feet even. Her eyes were the color blood and her skin the color of a nice tan. She wore what looked to be a mauve colored kimono with gold stitching that that held falling green leafs and a red flame at the bottom.

The second to walk out was a male demon. His face held only two demonic markings. One being a tear drop showing that he could control water placed on his pale forehead. The next was one strip on each cheek that was colored royal blue. His skin was pale like the pale blue of his hair. he wore a Tsumugi silk Haori that was the color white that held exotic designs on the sleeves and the back that were stitched in black. Over the haori was a sleeves-less black kimono. He also wore a pair of black hakama.

The third to walk out was a woman with short choppy blonde hair. She held only one marking that was a lightning bolt on her forehead to show she could control the element of lightning. Her eyes were the color of amber. Her skin was fairly tanned all over. She wore a simple black kimono with yellow patch work of a stormy day on the long silk sleeves, back, and the bottom of her attire.

The next to walk out walked out side by side. the male to the left wore pink kimono over black hamaka's with sakura blossoms everywhere with other vrious exotic designs. while his clothing look umm..yeah kinda girly his face was set in a serious mold. his long tar black hair swished in the air as he walked into the room. his gray eyes were focused on the two bickering lords. he was tempted to growl. on his forehead he held a leaf. stating he was the earth bender.
the man standing next to him was wearing all black and white with a little hint of silver. his haori was black with silver markings of leaves swaying in the breeze. the kimono that went over that was white with the marking of his crest on the back and the sleeves. his hakama's were the color of black. his hair was long and had a mix of silver, gray and black. mostly black though. he held only one marking. that would be the swirl of the wind. stating he was the wind element demon. his eyes were a sharp grayish blue. so intense infact that most females and sometimes even males got caught lost in them. he looked aloof and the only one who was layed back.
After the pair of male demons walked out a demoness who held a black moon on her ghostly pale complextion came in from the shadows. Her eyes were a haunting gray color as her hair was black as the night sky. Her clothing was made of black and purple silk with black leather. Her outfit looked nothing like a normal japanese woman would wear. Tight black leather pants. A leather black corset with purple strings around her waist while a purple shirt was under it to cover her chest. Black high heel boots on her feet. Her face was like an iron slate. It read nothing.
The last to walk from inside of the hidden room was lord sesshoumaru who was dressed in his usual white attire. His face held firmly in a scowl as he stared the eastern and southern lord down. He walked till he came to his chosen podium an waited for the six over lords to be seated. Once they all sat down the court room battle… (Cough brawl cough) started.

" hello everyone as you know were all here for a reason, today were here for an very important metting called upon by lord sesshoumaru...i see we have some new faces here" the first woman who walked in said with a click of her tounge.

" so we need introductions all over again..ah poo" one of the men mumbled

" shut up Yuuki " the woman snapped

" bite me Ai an maybe i will " the one named Yuuki yelled back kinda girlish

" grrr i would never do suck a thing to a girly ass man like you " Ai yelled back, her fist clenched at her hips.

" enough the both of you " a booming voice said over powering all the yells from the fighters. they both hung thier heads and muttered some form of sorry. the court room was silent then...the loudest wail of laughter started the whole room.

" ENOUGH " the voice yelled again, the man in the hot pink kimono commanded.

" sorry about this people. let me introduce everyone" another male voice responded.

" my name is Mizuumi, i'm the lord of the element of water " he spoke

" this is lady Ai, lady and lordess of the flame " Mizuumi said gesturing his hand over to the red haired demon who was aruging a few mintues ago.

" this is lord Yuuki, lord of wind and air" Mizuumi repled waving his hands to the man in the black and white outfit who was aruging with the lordess of the flame.

" I'm Tenki lordess of the lightning" the demoness with the short choppy blonde hair spoke.

" i'm Rikuchi lord of the element earth" the male demon in the pink and black kimono spoke.

" and I'm lady Yami of the dark magic " the demoness with the odd outfit spoke up last.

"Uh hmm if we could get this meeting started" Mizuumi said

"Oh yes...Sesshoumaru, what brings this meeting to call" Ai asked looking at him down from her seat.

"Anticipatory breach” Sesshoumaru said smoothly, the whole room gasped.

"How was this contract broken, it was signed in blood" Yuuki spoke

"With there petty war, refugees from their lands attacked and slaughtered my Southern village" Sesshoumaru said as calmly as he could.

"That doesn't deal with us, only the people who did it" the Eastern and Southern Lords shouted at Sesshoumaru, he growled back in response

"Lord Tsuyosa, Lord Akuryou quiet down now or we will rule on what we know...and what we know doesn’t look good for you” Tenki spoke in an un-caring voice

"What is this war even about?" Rikuchi questioned

There was no answer given and no one expected one to be. The war it's self had been going on longer than 3 years like everyone thought. More like 100 years. The war between the East and South had been going for 100 years strong. Weither it be by blood and death or letter of threat the war was old. They themselves had no clue about how the war started. They only knew what it was about.

"This war is…” Sesshoumau sneered an tried to say but the Northern Lord lost his cool and spoke for him.

"This war is a ludicrous call for attention...innocent woman and children are dieing by your hands for no reason" the Northern Lord shouted

" enough Lord Kori ...we know this, we want know why this war started, if it can end, if so can we please move on with the rest of our lives" Yami spoke threw narrowed eyes directed at the Southern Lord who was looking at her with much lust.

"This whole war is nothing but a attempt to try to drive the other lands into war" Lord Kori stated

"The document was signed in blood, the seal on the document said if it is broken, death shall come to the party who breaks the seal" Sesshoumaru smooth calm voice passed over the room. He saw both lords shudder. Lord Tsuyosa was about to speak, but before he could shouting could be heard coming from the chamber doors.
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Rin sat in the library when...
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Rin sat in the library after her father left. She was once again reading a novel of adventure when she got the strangest urge to look at the big book of words on the top shelf. Shrugging she tried to ignore the feeling. Going back to reading the book in her hands the urge turned into an annoying itch that burned like a branding stick. Sighing in frustration she got up from her comfy big black leather chair and sat the book down on the table in front of her. Grabbing the chair by the arms she shoved it over to the book case that held the book. Climbing up to stand on the head of the chair she reached on tippy toes to grab the book. Her arms stretched out almost touching the book. She noticed the chair was not tall enough for her to safely grab the book she climbed onto the shelf it's self. Now able to grab the book she reached another problem. How to get down. Looking around for a possible solution the only one that came to thought was to throw the book down and jumped onto the chair.

' I hope this book stays in place ' Rin thought as she gently threw the book to the ground. Upon the book hitting the ground on its spine the book open up to the middle tossing out another little book. Rin looked amazed as the itch started to fade away. Jumping into the chair then onto the ground Rin made her way over to the book that was tossed from the great big book of words.

Rin bent over slightly to study the book. The ancient looking book had black velvet like old prayer missal. It had a golden colored clasp that was a little weathered. The clasp slipped away easily to open the book. Seeing that nothing would happen she picked it up and started to look threw it. Her face marred a frown as she saw no words on the pages that laid within the book. she closer at the book as she stopped to look at a picture when a loud bang was hear from the kitchen with the following shouts of Jaken and some not so pretty words from her gran-ari. Startled she dropped the book to the floor.

The book fell open to the middle. Unlike all the other pages this one really didn't look like a page. The page, I guess we can call it for now, was made of dark blue silk sewed into the book. On the silken page praying hands were stitched in white and black thread. In the background of the prayer hands the sun was painted into the silk along with some words from whatever language this book came from.

Coming over the shock of the picture, flipping threw the pages after the middle the text grew to a small fine font that look to be century black gothic on the weathered tan pages. Rin came to a sudden stop to a page that looked like an diary entry. For the first time she felt it. The faintest hint of magic. The magic was coming off the book. She was in a momentary shocked now. The magic trace was so small Sesshoumaru himself probably would have not of noticed it. Looking over her back quickly she reached inside her kimono sleeve to pull out a short wooden stick. Waving it over the book a few times muttering a couple words the page turned into a map. Not interested too much in that she turned the page to what looked like an diary entry.

Dear diary, Feb. 1405

Today was the worst day of my life. The Eastern and Southern Lords have....

"Rin” a loud yell was heard from the entry to the library...

"Gran-Ari” rin said hiding away the wand

"What are you doing Sophie" Arizona asked giving her a hug

"Oh just reading...I feel a little tired" Rin said faking a yawn

"Well then off to bed with you" Arizona said giving a smile

"Okay, night night Gran-Ari...tell Jaken-sama the same" Rin said standing up with the small book grasped firmly in her hands

"Will do, now off to bed with you" Ari said once more shushing her along. Rin smiled as she ran up the stair case to her room.

When Rin came to the large cherry oak doors she quickly slipped inside of them then locked them shut. Tossing the book on her bed she undressed and went inside another room that was a closet. In world record time she came back out wearing a 13 layered junihitoe. Slipping into a pair of black slippers she went over to her bed an made it look like some one was sleeping in it. After that she picked up her book and slipped it into one of the many hidden pockets in her sleeve. Unlocking the door she quietly open it an stuck her head out. Looking both ways seeing no one coming she slipped out of her room and ran down the long hallway to the window. Once at the window she took her wand out.

"A-low-ho-more-ah" Rin her word an the wave of her wand the window opened…
"Please...come...I summon Niji " Rin whispered waving her wand out side of the window...a large gust of wind came up from the ground. In a split second a Granian replaced the air. The snow white horse bird like creature growled slightly low in its throat.
"Sushhh Niji...we have to be quiet” Rin said as she climbed onto his back
"Take me to the summoning courts in the central lands as fast as you can, we have no time to waste" Rin whispered in his ear, he squawked a little bit but turned his body to the east and flew off like the speed of sound.
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In the court room everyone was....
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at the sounds of yelling the whole court room turned to the double black oak doors awaiting who ever was trying to get in. never did they image this to happen

" A-low-ho-more-ah" a voice that sounded like a woman yelled from inside the doors, still the guards stood on their grounds, there heard a slight growl then...

"ah-kee-oh-a'kio " the voice said. Nothing happen at first, but when all four guards floated into the room the court became startled. When the men were hung in the air a girl walked in the court room.

Sesshoumaru’s eyes bugged for a minute. There before the whole courtroom was his daughter. His Rin! Oh lord what the hell she about to pull was.

" Rin " Sesshoumaru said sternly

" Please don't be too mad at me, I have something that will help you...father" Rin said with a smile, the whole room gasped at her last word. Sesshoumaru only nodded his he at her.

" Milord’s if you would please take in what I’m about to show you and tell you into consideration" Rin asked bowing low to the floor.

" Get up child, the daughter of Lord Sesshoumaru shouldn't have to bow for anyone" Ai said

" Oh girl I love your's soo pretty" Yuuki said in a really girly tone.

" Oh really I thought that..." Rin tried to say more, but one look on the justice with blonde hair gave her second ideals.

" Uh hmm as I was saying I believe I know how this war started, I believe I know how to stop it" Rin said turning to the Eastern an Southern lords who scowled at her

" What prove do you hold" Ai asked

" Oh this" Rin said.

Rin’s eyes glazed over with a new found excitement as she looked at the 6 judges in the eye then over to the two lords of war. Looking to her father and lord she smiled as she reached into the sleeve of her outfit to produce the weathered book.

She watched her lords eyes glitter over with astonishment like he remembered the book. A wave of confusion followed soon after. She smiled.

By gods she loved having that kind of power over a person. To be able to make people want to listen to her. Want to know what she's about to say. Weither it is of importance like this or nothing at all she loved it. This was one of the reasons why she took Kagome's suggestion of being an historian into consideration.

Raising the book above her head she spoke.

" Milord’s if you will, this book may seem like an ordinary book, plain and simple...ordinary" Rin began

" This book I’ve come to the believe is an dairy. An dairy dated back 110 years" Rin said, the crowd glanced as the 6 lords looked at each other an back to her.

" This is importance how ?" Abu asked leaning in his seat

" Let me read from it" Rin said opening the book to the middle.

" Go ahead young one" Rikuchi said motioning her on with his hands

" Oh yes....the date is 1401 October 1, dear diary it reads"

October 1, 1401

Dear diary,

I fear for my freedom. The Southern and Eastern Lords act as if they know who I am. I have no clue infact of what an whom I am. I wonder some days if I should have ran away from... my fake parents. I can't call them mother an father any more since they themselves said that I wasn't there true daughter. That my name wasn't even mine. I don't know what to call myself. I’m not even clear on the fact if I’m human or not. I must leave this place at once. I fear I’m not save here. I’m having second thoughts on that even. If I leave. War will start, why I have no clue. Those two are like thin ice. One minute there happy, the next...the next there ready to kill each other. If I stay. I fear that with not only me finding out what I am that they will use this power to do harm to the world. I can't allow this. I must leave


Rin read the words slowly to let them seep into each of their minds slowly. She wanted to get the point across. She herself just realized how important this was. This Faye person was a mystery that she now wanted to solve. Whoever Faye was...she was of great power an very important. Rin’s head snapped to the Eastern an Southern Lords to see them scowling an growling at her. Her lord and father looked angered by what she read. The Northern lord....he looked so calm all of a sudden like he was thinking of something. Rin couldn't help but stare at him. All of a sudden his eyes meet hers and they both blushed slightly looking away. Rin turned to the six lords.

" Rin...this is very helpful, what are your beliefs on this book" Tenki spoke.

" I believe..." Rin said as she walked into the center of the room

" I believe this Faye person is more then what we all know..Power. Faye whom ever she may be must be very powerful to start a war for more than one hundred years" Rin said

" This doesn't deal with you wench" they both growled out

" oh but it does...when you mess with what belongs to my father an what I hold dear in my heart it does include me..." Rin stopped for a moment to think then smirked
" This Faye must be of importance if you’re trying to cover up your answer" Rin said, an that was the last straw, both lords stalked out of their podiums an started to walk to the doors.

" I Lord of the East declare war on the North an West" Lord Tsuyosa spoke

" As I will also declare war on the North an West, my alley will be the East" Lord Akuryou spoke, they both restarted their walk.

" I have one question before you leave this court room" Rin yelled

" Who is Faye? " Rin shouted

They didn't stop. Infact they ran out of the court room. The whole room was in a silent shock at the actions of this meeting.

" Umm...did I do bad?" Rin asked

" No Rin..." Sesshoumaru said

" I would love to know what this young one has dug up that cauesed them to depart like they did" Tenki said bewildered

" whatever it maybe the Eastern and Southern lord do not want us to know, any suggestions on what to do " Mizuumi voiced looking around the courtroom, no one spoke.

" well then, looks like were in a..." Yuuki was about to finish, but rin spoke up.

" I believe we should find some people who are good with history and things like that, I believe that were bound to run into some kind of riddle so...someone who is a strong thinker...out of the box thinker that is " Rin said quietly

" you have someone in mind?" Rikuchi asked

" I have a few...."

An so with rin voicing the people she thought would be able to help them minds wondered on what the little onna had unearthed. looks of disaproval was evendent on many faces in the courtroom as they walked out eariler than the rest. many people whispered the rumor of maybe faye was some sort of goddess. no one knew for she who she was. no one in all thier centuryes of living heard of the name. it was highly aparent that faye was not from japan. the name faye was never spoken or given to any child her. the lords could comfirm this becaues every child wether it be human, hanyou or full demon was on record in thier lordships home. the whole courtroom was beweildered with this. they all wanted to know one thing. Who was faye.
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End chapter
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There this chapter has been re-written and everything with new names and other stuff. I know that all of you are wondering what rin is doing with a wand. Well that will be explained in a later chapter that is dedicated to her. I hope you like the new version of the story and chapter. I do admit I lost inspiration to write for a while and kept putting this chapter in the wrong stories because at the time it looked good. Well the story is on its own and well...yeah. Anyway thank you for taking the time to read this
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Yuuki = Courage
Ai = Love
Yami = Darkness
Rikuchi = Land
Mizuumi = Lake
Kori = Ice
Tsuyosa = Strength
Akuryou = Evil spirit
Kaji = Fire
Mononoke = Vengeful spirit
Mahou = Magic
Shinto= shin, meaning gods or spirits....tô meaning "way" or "path" in a philosophical sense
Aramitama= Courage
Nigimitama= Friendship
Kushimitama= Wisdom
Sakimitama= Love