InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Highs and Lows of Love ❯ The Night After ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

New Idea! I was reading some Meg Cabot and wanted to make a story similar to her, this will be no ordinary fiction! I’m still trying to figure out what the plot and all the characters will go, so this chapter is more of a teaser. Tell me what you think and if I should continue..

Disclaimer : Don’t own Inu.

The Highs and Lows of Love
Prologue - The Night After
By : Josie ‘n the P.Cats


Hi! This is Kagome,
I’m sorry I can’t come to the phone right now,
But if you leave your name and number,
I’ll get back to you as soon as possible,
See Ya!

Kagome, it’s Sango. So, it all didn’t turn out like you thought it would and that probably gives you every right to be hiding under your covers. In best case senerio, at least he didn’t do the drop-and-run....Not th....


Hi! This is Kagome,
I’m sorry I can’t come to the phone right now,
But if you leave your name and number,
I’ll get back to you as soon as possible,
See Ya!

Kag, it’s me again. You message machine kicked me seriously need a longer recording time. As I was saying, be happy he dumped you like he did. Sure he was a jerk, but what guy isn’t. And he did admit to being with someone else, doesn’t he get brownie points.....


Hi! This is Kagome,
I’m sick and won’t be in work
Someone..cough(Sango)cough..let the head lady know..

Please Kagome, get up from the bed and come to work. We’re all worried about you. And besides, he’s been calling for y....


Hi! This is Kagome,
I’m currently locked in my house and will never show my face in public again,
Don’t even bother leaving a message.
And Sango, that’s is NOT moral support!

Ok, I’M NOT AN IDIOT! Stop unplugging and re-plugging the answering machine! I’m trying to offer moral support! Trying is the key word! Besides, I thought I’d let you know you need to get your butt into work if you want to keep your job. Kikyo knows you’re not sick and is not as sympathetic as I am...Especially since she’s his other wo....


I’m sharpening knives right now...

Kag, don’t worry, it’s Miroku. Sango threw the phone at me telling me to call you and bring your butt into work. So, Please, PLEASE, come...Sango will take her anger out me, otherwise, and I do value my physical parts as man. Oh, and Kagome, since this is a hard time, please stay away from sharp objects...We do love you...


Just leave me alone...all of you.

Miss Higurashi, for as much as our company values you as good employee we don’t accept lies as an excuse to stay home. If you value your job here at The fine Woman magazine, I suggest you get here in twenty minutes or you’ll also loose your chance at ever having another man again...not that any respectable man would want you any ways. Good Day!


Hey! It’s Sango!
I’m currently working on my next article for The Fine Woman
Leave me a message and I’ll be back to you as soon as I can!

San, it’s me Kag. Looks like my homicide/suicide plan will have to wait. Kikyo called. ‘Nough said.

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Review! Please?