InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Illusion Fox of Illusion Temple! ❯ The Illusion Fox of Illusion Temple! ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
In some foggy part of a forest, we find some strange looking shrine. It's old and ancient. Inside, there's an empty room with a podium in at the end of the room. There is a closed box on the podium.
Voice: I'm waiting for you.
The box opens a bit and two evil red eyes are shown.

The Illusion Fox of Illusion Temple! another part of the forest (and it's not foggy), Inuyasha is drooling at the mouth as he waits for Kagome to finish cooking the ramen.
Inuyasha: Is it ready yet? I'm starving here!
Kagome: You're sure hungry today. But you'll still have to wait a little while longer.
Inuyasha: Awww.
Kagome: Things take time you know. You don't just plant a seed and expect it to grow into a tree in a minute.
Just then, the bunsen burner that the ramen was being made on goes out.
Everyone: Awwwww......
Miroku: Well there goes lunch.
Inuyasha: What!? Nooooo!!!!!! I can't eat ramen like this!
Kagome: Calm down Inuyasha!
Sango: If you want your food, we're going to have to get some firewood. And some good wood, not bad wood.
Kagome: Good idea. So who'll go get firewood?
Everyone is silent.
Inuyasha: I volunteer...Shippo to go get the firewood!
Shippo: What?! Why me?
Inuyasha: Because, you don't do anything to help around for simple needs like making lunch. Do something useful and get the wood so I can eat ramen.
Shippo: And if I refuse?
Inuyasha hits him on the head, giving him a lump.
Inuyasha: There's more where that came from if you don't hurry your little butt and get the wood.
Shippo: Errrr..Fine! I'll go get the wood.
Shippo gets up and walks into the forest.
Kagome: Inuyasha! You shouldn't force him to do everything you know!
Inuyasha: Well it's true. He hardly does anything to help us when we're not fighting. He never does anything so I say, send him out for wood! I suggest that's what we should make him do for now on. At least it'll give him something to do.
Miroku: He's got a point.
Kagome: Well....I hope he'll be alright.
Sango: Knowing him. He's probably already found enough wood with the fox like speed he's got.
Meanwhile....Shippo is looking all around the area.
Shippo: Man. This won't do at all!
He goes to the ground.
Shippo: Darn it! Why do I have to go look for firewood!? There's not even a stinking tree with the right kind of wood! Argh! If father was around, he'd show him a thing or two! *after a bit* Too bad he and mother are dead. *walks more* What else can happen?
It starts to rain hard all of a sudden.
Shippo: Arrrrrrrghhhhh!!!! I can't work like this! Well at least it's only rain.
It thunders. Shippo gets scared and runs under a tree.
Shippo: I hate thunderstorms.
He sits there.
Shippo: I remember how mother used to put her tail around me whenever a storm like this occurs. That always comforts me. *sigh* Too bad I don't have her to comfort me.
He hears something so he turns to the sound.
Shippo: What was that?
He goes toward the sound. He doesn't mind the thunder because he's busy. There is fog all around him. He keeps walking into it.
Shippo: I can hardly see a thing. Where am I?
The fog then disappears and a shrine *from the beginning of the story* is in front of him.
Shippo: Wow. Big place. Wonder if anyone's home.
He heads for the mysterious shrine. He goes up the stairs.
Shippo: I hope Inuyasha doesn't find out I'm not doing my job. But what he don't know, won't hurt him.
He knocks on the door. It eventually opens by itself.
Shippo: Weird.
He peeks inside.
Shippo: Hello? Anyone home?
Nothing but a large room.
Shippo: Well how boring! This place doesn't even have a single bit of furniture! The only thing here is that strange box there.
He goes to it.
Shippo: I wonder what is inside the box? Maybe it's a Shikon Jewel Shard!
He opens the box.
Shippo: Empty? What a drag! I was at least expecting some sort of treasure. Oh well. Guess there's nothing here.
He moves away from box and it begins to shake.
Shippo: Uhhhh......
Then a mighty blue light bursts from the box. Shippo falls to his bottom as he watches the sudden burst of light. He is in awe. Then it lands on the floor. It turns into the form of a fox, only it's made of blue fire.
Fox: Greetings, little Shippo.
Shippo:'d you know my name?
Fox: I can read your thoughts. I know who you are.
Shippo: Wow. So what are you?
Fox: I am but a spirit fox. I've lived here for centuaries. I've been waiting for someone to free me from that box.
Shippo: So you were trapped in the box for that long? Must be boring.
Fox: As a token of my gratitude, I can grant you any desire that you've been longing for.
Shippo: You mean like a wish?
Fox: Yes.
Shippo: Hmm....Wow. What would I wish for?
Fox: Perhaps you have lost something over time. Maybe you'd like to bring back the something you lost. Anything you want, I can grant it.
Shippo: Something I lost.....Oh. (There's been so many things I lost, I don't know where to start. But it needs to be something that's really important to me...Like, like....)
He then begins to remember his parents.
Shippo: (Mother and father! I miss them so much....Oh I wish I can see them again.....Wait! Duh! I can!) Mr. Spirit Fox! I've decided.
Fox: Then declare your desire.
Shippo: Well....You see...When I was little. My mother died from some strange disease. And later, my father was killed off by two demons. Even though they're gone, I just wished I can see them again.
Fox: Would you like me to bring them back for you?
Shippo: If you can.
Fox: Very well. I will bring back what yo've lost.
Shippo is pleased at this. The spirit fox begins to emit blue light from it's body.
Shippo: (Mother, father. I'm so glad I'm going to see you again.)
He starts to remember stuff. When he was very little. Shippo comes into the home he lives in and sees his mother lying in the bed in pain.
Shippo: What's wrong with mother?
Shippo's father makes a soft growl. I don't know if he could of talked or not, but I'm going with this.
Shippo: Is this true mother? Are you, going to die soon?
The mothjer just gives him a look. Shippo forms tears.
Shippo: Oh mother.
He goes and snuggles with her. His father puts his paw on him for reassurence.
Later on..the mother did die. She was buried in the ground. Shippo and father watch her grave. The father begins to leave.
Shippo: Good bye mother. I love you!
He leaves in tears.

Years later...Shippo is with his father in the woods. Shippo is playing with his ball and his father just sits and watches. Shippo's ball goes into a bush, and Shippo goes after it. He picks it up and he finds a Shikon Jewel Shard.
Shippo: Wha? Hey father! Come take a look at this!
His father comes by.
Shippo: What is that thing?
His father makes a few growls.
Shippo: A Shikon Jewel Shard? You mean like a part of the Shikon Jewel? You told me about that. But a shard?
It begins to thunder now.
Shippo: Ohh.....I hate storms.
His father is staring at the sky and is in a stance. Shipo hides behind him. A lightning bolt slams down to the ground, and two figures are there. Of course, it's the Thunder Brothers.
Hiten: My my. Looks like we're not alone. Looks like a fox has the Shikon Jewel Shard we want.
Shippo is scared.
Hiten: You there! Unless you value your life, hand over the shard to us! Overwise, we'll use extreme force on you.
Shippo's father picks up the shard and gives it to Shippo.
Shippo: You want me to get out of here with this thing? *father nods* But I can't leave you alone! You'll be killed!
His father shoves him away.
Maten: Hey! That little one is getting away with the shard!
Hiten: He won't get too far. Let's get him.
So Hiten leaps over Shippo's father and lands in front of Shippo.
Shippo: Woah!
Hiten: Better hand it over or else you'll die.
The father knocks Hiten down.
Shippo: Father!
Hiten is being mauled by the fox. Hiten pushes him off and Maten grabs him.
Maten: Got him!
Shippo: Leave him alone!
He rushes to him but Maten kicks him away.
Hiten: That was a short hunt. Now it's time to end it.
He takes Thunder Pike and is prepared to strike.
Shippo: Wiat! Don't kill him!
Hiten: Pipe down! Or you're next!
Shippo: Please don't! I'll do anything for his life! Just don't kill him! He's the only one I have left to love.
Hiten: The Shikon Jewel shard.
Maten holds out a hand. Shippo gives him the jewel shard.
Shippo: I'm sorry father.
Hiten: Heh heh. Good choice little fox. *to Maten* Better hold onto that fox tight now.
Shippo: What?! But you promised!
Hiten: Promise? I didn't promise anything. Ha ha ha ha ha!
Shippo gets mad and attacks Hiten.
Hiten: You little runt!
He throws him at a boulder. Shippo's father can only watch as his son is then stomped upon by Hiten.
Maten: Hey hurry up! I'm in the mood for a fox fur.
Hiten: Alright. *stops stomping* You can live. You're useless now.
He goes back to Maten. Shippo sees Hiten preparing to strike his father.
Shippo: No....father....
He falls unconsious. Minutes later he wakes up. It is now raining hard.
Shippo: Father? Father!
He doesn't see anything. He checks where the Thunder Brothers were with his father. He finds nothing but some blood stains on the ground. The blood stains are washed away.
Shippo: No...
He then finds a strand of his father's fur. Shippo picks it up in his tiny hands.
Shippo: Father....No...
He begins to cry in his hands.
Shippo: Father!!!!!!!!!
We see the sky and it raining.

The flashbacks end and Shippo is now being engulfed by the blue light. Everything goes all white and we see a sleeping Shippo under some growth. He begins to wake up, his eyes open and close a bit. He sees blurs of his parents. When his vision is clear, it is his parents looking over him.
Shippo: Mother, father? Is it really you? You're real?
The mother licks his face.
Shippo: No. You are real! You're back! You're really back!
He hugs her. Then he hugs his father.
Shippo: (I can't believe this is happening! They're really alive again....Thank you Mr. Spirit Fox.)
Later..Shippo is playing with his father while the mother watches. Later on, Shippo is sleeping on his mother under a tree. Much later on, they are at a stream catching fish. Shippo falls in the water and comes out with a fish in his mouth. Later on they are eating the fish Shippo caught. Shippo is in between his parents.
Shippo: (It's great to have them back. I wish the others were here. They'd love to see me with my parents.)
While they eat, the spirit fox from before is watching them from the trees. His eyes glow evil red.

Meanwhile...Inuyasha is walking in the woods.
Inuyasha: Errr....Why am I the one always to go find the runt? What do I look like, his father? Can't get even relax no more.
He looks in bushes, in trees, and in the streams and no Shippo.
Inuyasha: Where is the little runt anyway? I'm getting mad here!
He keeps walking and finds the shrine.
Inuyasha: I wonder if he's in there. If he is, I'm going to hurt him so bad, it ain't even funny!
He climbs the stairs and opens the door.
Inuyasha: Hello? Huh?
He sees Shippo doing some playful movements with two blue flames.
Inuyasha: What has he lost it? Hey Shippo! What are you doing!?
Shippo sees him.
Inuyasha: I've been looking all over for you. And here I find you playing with fire. I don't know what you're problem is, but....
Shippo sees him, but not as Inuyasha. But as a bear demon. (In case you're wondering, this was all an illusion. In Shippo's eyes, he's living in the illusion with his parents while everything else in Inuyasha's eyes is real.)
Inuyasha: And another thing!
Shippo gets scared and one of the blue flames, which is the father, attacks Inuyasha.
Inuyasha: Hey! Quit it! Stop it you little..*change to illusion view* Growl, roawwr *Inuyasha is the bear now*.
The mother takes Shippo away. *if I say Bear, I mean Inuyasha, okay?* Shippo falls down. Inuyasha shakes the flame off and goes to Shippo.
Inuyasha: Alright you. No more fooling around. *picks up Shippo by tail* Tell your friends to go away so we can leave!
Shippo bites him. Inuyasha yells in pain and drops him. Shippo makes a run for it.
Inuyasha: Why you little....
Bear chases after him.
Shippo: Stay back...
Bear: Roar!
Both mother and father use fox fire on the bear. Inuyasha falls to the ground.
Inuyasha: You're really starting to tick me off here Shippo!
He gets a hold of the blue flames.
Shippo: Mother, father! No!
Inuyasha: What? Mother and father?
The flames burn him *bite the bear*, and the foxes take Shippo away.
Inuyasha: Wait a minute. His parents are dead. But if he thinks these things are his parents then....something ain't right.
Shippo goes into his den. His parents eventually come.
Shippo: I'm scared....
His mother snuggles him for reassurence. The father stands watch.
Inuyasha: Okay. This is weird. Why is Shippo acting like those things are his parents? He must of lost it and started believing something is his parents now. Oh great. How am I gonna explain that to Kagome?
He then looks and sees the evil spirit fox.
Inuyasha: What is that?
The spirit fox sees him.
Fox: Hmm...You're just in time to see the end of this little one.
He jumps down.
Inuyasha: Just what are you talking about? And are you the one who messed up Shippo's mind or something?
Fox: I didn't really mess up his mind. I'm actually fooling his mind. He is in an illusion of what he thinks is there, but isn't.
Inuyasha: Well that can explain things.
Fox: You see. This large room represents the boundry of which your little tiny friend's mind is in. Anything can represent something. Parts of me have become his parents, and you are a big mean bear wanting to kill for food. I think it's quite appropriate. After all, you do like to do mean things to him. I think it's fair.
Inuyasha: Hey! I am not like a bear demon! Sure I hit him a lot....
Fox: It doesn't matter what you think. In a few moments, his mind will be to the point where it will be fully open. I will then devour his soul from the inside out. He will be an empty shell in this world. And his body will be given to the dogs.
Inuyasha: Look buddy. I am not going to let you eat my friend! Besides, without him I won't get my daily ramen! So give him back!
Fox: Certainly. If you can wake him up that is. But as far as I know, he'll only think of you as a mean old bear. Ha ha ha ha!
Inuyasha: Errr...(How am I going to get Shippo to snap out of it?)
He sees Shippo in a frightened state and not looking.
Inuyasha: (I don't wanna scare the little guy more than I already have. I can't attack this guy because he is a spirit. I can't kill a spirit. How can I convince Shippo I am me and not a bear?....Wait! Duh! Tetsusaiga! Only I can use it. So maybe....)
He draws out Tetsusaiga and it turns into it's giant blade form.
Fox: You plan to fight me with that? You cannot fight a spirit.
Inuyasha: I'm not going for you. I'm going for Shippo.
Fox: What?
Inuyasha walks toward Shippo. Shippo turns and sees the bear come in, but it begins to transform. Shippo is in awe and he sees Inuyasha with Tetsusaiga.
Shippo: Inuyasha?
Inuyasha: Hey kid.
Shippo is in wonder about how Inuyasha was a bear. But then, the illusion fades away. He's back in reality. He sees that his parents are now blue flames.
Shippo: Mother, father, you've turned into flames!
The flames return to the spirit fox.
Shippo: Inuyasha what's going on? Where are my parents? And where am I?
Inuyasha: *puts Tetsusaiga away* I hate the one to break it to ya but....those weren't your parents. And you're in some strange looking temple here.
Shippo: What? But...I saw them! My parents....They were real. And I was in my home area and....What is going on?
Fox: I'm afraid he's right. They weren't here, they never were.
Shippo: But...You brought them back with your magic.
Fox: Ha! The only magic I did was an illusion. You were still here, and were interacting with parts of me. You foolish little fox. I was only using you so I can get into your body and devour your soul. Nothing you saw was real. You were only in a moment of your imagination made by my magic, and bits of your lost memories.
Shippo: No..It can't be.
Fox: Yes. You were tricked. You're parents are dead, and they'll never come back!
Shippo: Errrr....You lier! You made me believe in something that wasn't real! You big jerk! *tears form* How dare you mess with my emotions!
Fox: What are you going to do about it? You can't do anything to me. No one can.
Shippo is mad.
Inuyasha: Don't worry about him Shippo. We're leaving.
Fox: Oh no you don't. I want souls, and I will get them!
Blue fire leaves his body and surrounds Inuyasha and Shippo.
Shippo: No good. We're doomed.
Inuyasha: Oh please. You think a little fire act will stop us? Come on, we're getting out of here!
He grabs Shippo and leaps over the blue fire. But more fire surrounds them.
Fox: You're souls are mine!
Shippo: I'm scared.
Inuyasha: Dang it. What now?
He sees the door.
Inuyasha: Only one chance. Hang on Shippo, we're busting the door!
He leaps over the fire and runs to the door. Which shuts by itself.
Fox: You won't escape!
Inuyasha leaps over a now opened pit of blue fire, toward the door.
Inuyasha: Yes we will! *he takes one of his claws and it glows* Iron Reaper, Soul Stealer!
He slices through the door, destroying it. He and Shippo fly right outside.
Fox: Nooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The spirit fox and the blue fire go inside the box. It seals itself up. Outside, Inuyasha takes Tetsusaiga out.
Inuyasha: No one will have to worry about you ever again. Wind Scar!
He uses Tetsusaiga to create a wind force to cut the entire temple in half. Which also cuts the box which the spirit fox was in in half as well. The temple falls to the ground in ruin. They both watch this happen.
Shippo: (Guess that's it.)
Inuyasha puts Tetsusaiga away.
Inuyasha: Well that was a heck of an adventure. Eh Shippo?
Shippo begins to run away.
Inuyasha: Shippo? Shippo!
Shippo is running in tears.
Shippo: (How could I let myself go like that?! I can't believe I let some phony trick me into believing my parents could be brought back! I'll never see my parents again!)
He stops and sits. He is really really upset. Inuyasha eventually catches up.
Inuyasha: Shippo. It's okay kid.
Shippo: It's not fair! That guy lied to me! I thought I can have my parents back. Instead I was given a cheap illusion! I thought I had them back....*a tear falls to the ground*
Inuyasha kneels behind him.
Inuyasha: I know it must be hard on you. But you got to get over it. You can't let something get the best of you.
Shippo: But Inuyasha! I had high hopes! I was so happy. And it was for nothing.....
Inuyasha puts his hand on his shoulder.
Inuyasha: Look. I know how much you miss your parents and all, but thing is, you can't be upset like that forever. Besides, you do know that there are many people who care for, kinda like what your parents probably used to. Now I know we wouldn't be able to replace your parents, but we still care for you litte guy. And we won't let anything bad happen to you. And you know that as well as I do. So no more tears now, it's all over.
After a while...Shippo turns and hugs Inuyasha. Still crying.
Inuyasha: That's it. Let it out.
Shippo: You're right Inuyasha. Thanks for telling me this.
Inuyasha pats him a bit.
Inuyasha: No problem. Just don't tell Kagome about this little talk we had.
Shippo: I won't.
This keeps going for a bit.

Meanwhile...back with Kagome and the others.
Kagome: Where are they? They're ramen is getting cold!
Miroku: Maybe they got lost.
Sango: Impossible. They could of seen the smoke of the burnt ramen we had earlier.
Miroku: Yeah I guess you're right.
After a bit, Kagome sees Inuyasha with Shippo.
Kagome: Inuyasha! Shippo!
She goes to them.
Snago: Told ya they'd come back.
Inuyasha: Yo Kagome. Told ya I'd find Shippo.
Kagome picks up Shippo.
Shippo: Hey Kagome. Sorry I didn't bring any firewood.
Kagome: Oh that's okay. I sent Inuyasha to look for you because I fixed the bunsen burner and was able to make ramen again. So what happened? You were gone a long time.
Shippo: Ummm....
Inuyasha: Well...He got himself stuck in a mud hole. So I had to get him out. But not before I faced a demon. Right Shippo?
He winks at him.
Shippo: Uh..yeah! Right.
Kagome: Well whatever. You two need to eat ramen now. And before it gets cold.
Inuyasha: Finally.
They sit down. Kagome gives them bowls of ramen and they begin to chow down. Later that night, Shippo is sleeping with Kagome.
Shippo: (Even though Kagome isn't my mom, she still has a mother's touch. And Inuyasha, has a father's trust. Kinda....)
Inuyasha is watching him.
Inuyasha: (Just remember kid. We'll be here for you. We all care about you.)

The End!