InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Island of Dr. Onigumo ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Island of Doctor OnigumoPrincessMelissa83

Kagome stared at the odd looking creature that had professed a need to talk to her wondering just what this thing could want with her. “What are you?” She voiced her thoughts out loud before thinking it through and blushed scarlet at the realization of just how rude her question had been.

Jaken, however, only chuckled. “I am Jaken, otherwise known as Y1108M. My parents were two of the late Doctor Onigumo’s frog youkai. I am one of the less successful of the late doctor’s experiments. Naraku keeps some of us to do manual labor and to guard the breeding labs.”

Kagome’s brows knitted together. “Breeding labs? You mean, where he mixes RNA and DNA to create his youkai?”

Jaken shook his head. “No, I mean breeding labs. Where he brings two of his created creatures to mate and bare offspring,” he said, tone serious. “You see, my parents were among the first to couple. It wasn’t until a few years after my birth that the doctor discovered why so many of us were coming out imperfect.”

“Wait, Doctor Onigumo assured myself and my father, as well as the rest of the review board that he was not prepared for that level of experimentation. There is no documentation of it in the board records. This research is illegal.”

The creature was nodding his head, hands clasped behind his back. “Hai, it is. That is why I wanted to speak with you. It is my desire to see this brought to light. We deserve more than this slavery that we’ve been put to.”

Trying to grasp it all, Kagome’s mind was working overtime. How could she get proof of this to give to the review bored and if she did not, how would she ever shut down the compound? And if she did prove it to the board, what would happen to the youkai?

“How is he doing this?”

“It’s quite simple, actually,” the creature replied with a shrug. “At first, he simply allowed them to mate and create offspring, but when so many of them came out like myself, he realized there was a problem. A few years later, he came up with a solution. He mixed several different types of vitamins with the syrum he’d been giving his test-tube youkai and injected this into the female after conception. The result was…perfection. These bred youkai were able to maintain their humanoid shape without the use of the syrum. But not only that, they were also able to take on the shape of their acestors, the animals they were created from.”

He had led her down the hall to another holding cell. When she looked through the glass she could see a young man, seemingly a few years older than herself, with long white hair held in a braid. He had pale skin and amber eyes, very closely resembling the picture she had seen of Inutaishou in her father’s office.

“This is Sesshomaru, or Y1309M, the son of two akita youkai. His father was the youkai known as Inutaishou.” Jaken allowed her to move closer to the glass and look in at the man who lay on a cot. He wore white scrubs, but she could make out the muscular build of his form through the thin material.

“Shippou, the fox youkai you saw back there, was one of the earlier experiments. He is in here because of his lack of completion in the human form. Sesshomaru, however, is here because of his lack of respect for Naraku’s authority. He fought the guards and the doctors. He is being held here until he can comply with the rules.”

Kagome put her hand to the glass and then took it away, turning towards the toady creature. “But none of this does me any good if I can’t prove it. Without blood samples or DNA samples from one of these youkai, I have nothing. The board isn’t just going to take my word for it.”

He nodded solemnly. “I will see what I can come up with. When do you leave?”

“The day after tomorrow.”

“I will get it to you before then. Rin will deliver it before you leave.” He started to lead her back when he snapped his webbed fingers in sudden though. “Ah, there is one more thing you should know. The youkai, Inutaishou, he was not the late doctor’s first successful test-tube youkai.” He stopped and turned towards her, looking her dead in the eye. “He was the first successfully bred youkai.”

“You mean…he wasn’t created from an akita?”


It was a lot for her to take in, but as soon as she’d returned to her apartment, she took out a note pad and started transcribing her entire conversation with the creature.


The next morning, she packed her briefcase and prepared for her last trip to the sublevel containment room where Inuyasha was being held. It was time for her to gather the last of her research and tell the hanyou goodbye before returning to the main island to write her report. She wouldn’t be seeing him again until the day of the hearing.

She also had a copy of her transcription to give to Sango and Miroku. They would need to know what was going on before she left so that they could keep close tabs on the goings on of the compound.

However, she never made it into the building. Naraku was in a jeep waiting for her with Kagura at the wheel when she walked up.

“I’d like you to ride with me to the docks, Dr. Higarashi,” he explained after greeting her. “There’s someone there I think you might like to see.”

She’d had no choice but to climb into the back of the vehicle and ride along. Much to her relief, Kagura was a much safer driver than Sango had been and they made it there with no mishaps. Standing on the landing dock, surrounded by security guards from the mainland was her father. She jumped out of the backseat and ran for him, throwing her arms around his neck.

“Papa!” She exclaimed excitedly, “What are you doing here?!” She hugged him tightly before letting go so he could explain.

“I decided to accompany your uncle and see how you were doing.” Kagome looked around and noticed for the first time that another civilian was standing with the uniformed guards. Her uncle Akigo, the lawyer her friend Arumi worked for, was also standing on the landing dock and was currently handing a piece of folded parchment to Naraku who was looking less than pleased.

“What is the meaning of this?” The doctor demanded, frowning with evil looking brown eyes at Haruki.

“It means,” Akigo answered instead, “that the hybrid is to travel back to the main island with us, under guard, and be held in a facility in Tokyo until Dr. Higarashi has completed her report and all parties appear before the review board. It was decided that because of the delicate nature of this case, the hybrid was to be held on neutral territory where he could be contained and observed in safety. You will have him ready to leave on the morrow.”

Kagome couldn’t help the grin that spread across her face. The guards and the various people on Onigumo’s compound had not attempted to go near him because of her presence, but she had feared that as soon as she left they would extract their revenge on the hanyou. Yet, if he was contained on the main island, her father could see to it that no one was allowed near him without his okay.

“Papa? Would you like to meet the people I’ve been working with?” She asked, turning her smile towards him as Naraku fumed a few feet away. “I’ve become very good friends with them in the short amount of time that I’ve been here. And, if you like, I’m sure that Dr. Onigumo would have no objection to you having a look at the hybrid? He is very interesting, to say the least.”

“Do as you will, Senator,” the doctor hissed, angrily. “The hybrid will be ready to go by morning. Kagura, see that transportation is brought around for these men back to the main laboratory.” With that he turned on his heel and jumped into the jeep that had carried them to the docks, leaving a cloud of dust in his wake.

It was another twenty minutes before the cars arrived that took them to the main facility where the guards set up post outside and her uncle was shown to the offices of the onsite legal department on the floors just under Dr. Onigumo’s penthouse.

Kagome led her father through the sublevels, talking excitedly about the research she had performed and some of her results. Upon reaching the observation room, she stopped and allowed him to get inside before making the introductions. Then, to his surprise, she opened the door to the containment cell and led him inside.

Inuyasha was lounging on his cot, with not much else to do in the small room, while Miroku and Sango worked on typing up their statements for her report. A little radio played music.

“Inuyasha, this is my father, Dr. Higarashi Haruki,” she said brightly, “he’s the head of the review board and a senator. Papa, this is Inuyasha.”

The senator whistled lowly and stared at the boy, slowly shaking his head.

“What are you staring at old man?” Inuyasha snarled, sitting up from his cot and sneering at her father.

“Inuyasha,” Kagome scolded before nudging her father. “Papa, don’t stare, it’s rude. Isn’t that what you always said?”

The older man shook his head, clearing his mind from his thoughts. “I apologize, Inuyasha, I didn’t mean to be rude. My daughter seems to remember my rules better than I do. I was simply thinking about how you were not what I was expecting. I dare say that the review board will be as surprised as I am.”

To head off another snide remark from the hanyou, Kagome clapped her hands under he chin, as excited as a little girl. “You’re going with us, Inuyasha,” she told him happily. “The review board decided that it would be in everyone’s best interest if you were to be transported to the main island while waiting my report to be complete. You don’t have to stay here.”

“Yippee.” He wasn’t quite as happy about it as she had initially hoped. But then, a portion of her excitement had more to do with the fact that she wouldn’t have to say goodbye to him as she had originally thought. Though they had spent the majority of the month performing tests and studying the results, she had come to know the hanyou quite well and had become quite fond of him. In different circumstances, she thought they might have been pretty good friends, if not more. She did have to admit that even with his odd features, he was pretty handsome and that the whiteness of his hair and the amber in his eyes only made him that much more intriguing.

“At least you won’t be so confined, Inuyasha,” Miroku said, coming in behind them. “You should at least be thankful for that.”

Inuyasha only growled in response. Though she didn’t know him well, it seemed odd that his mood was as bad as it was. He had been cooperative until the last day and a half. Starting a few days before, he had become increasingly irritable and had grumbled over everything. At first she had assumed it had something to do with his apprehension over being left under Onigumo’s care while awaiting a hearing, but now she wondered if it was something more. Not that she could necessarily find out with their every word and movement being monitored by the good doctor.


It was before dawn the next morning when Inuyasha was shackled and jacketed and then led to the docks with the procession of guards from the main island. His grumbling had only become increasingly worse and Kagome was finding herself in an increasingly bad mood. It was going to be a long trip back to Tokyo.


A/N: I think there are probably going to be another three chapters left. Maybe four to just even it out and make ten. I know the chapters are short, but that makes them easier to finish and post. Please keep reviewing. I read every single one of them and I love getting them.