InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The lost Sibling ❯ Kari and Inuyasha ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Inuyasha, stop it." Kari yelled at her older brother. Kari stood between her two older brothers she had seen them fighting and new that it would not work and Inuyasha could do nothing. She had a fierce look on her face as she looked from one brother to the other. She felt Sesshoumaru power and then she noticed something different about her brother. He didn't recognize her, she new that Sesshoumaru would not but it still was surprising to her. She looked into his eyes and saw hatred.

"Kari what are you doing I thought-" Inuyasha said confused. He had a right to be, he new he had a little sister but didn't know that she had aged and new how to fight.

"Inuyasha, stop, fighting him will do nothing it will prove that you are evil and I know your not, besides his sword will protect him." She said. She then realized she was not alone. Besides that fact that Kamito and finally caught up to her she noticed a monk, a daemon slayer, a half daemon half fox, and a very odd looking girl. She glanced quizzically at them then concentrated on her brothers.

"Who the hell are you?" Sesshoumaru asked her. Kari shook her head and sighed.

"Don't even recognize your own sister." She said. He looked at her oddly. She returned his quizzical look with an icy glare.

"Wait you look like…" Kari smiled and new that he recognized the glare. She saw her brother, Inuyasha, take out him sword.

"You can't be my sister she was killed by my father." He said. Kari quickly turned to face him and saw his sword coming towards her. She quickly jumped out of the way then pulled the jewel on the end of her staff. Attached to the jewel was a long this sword. Inuyasha turned towards her and started to run at her. He lifted up the Tetsiaga then brought it down at a lightning quick speed. Kari held up her staff and blocked the hit. The Tetsiaga started to quiver then turned back into it portable form.

"What, how can that be?" She heard someone else say.

" I though only the Tesaga could do that?" An old man asked softly. Kari returned the jewel to her staff.

"I can not be hurt by anything my family wields. I am protected by the love of my mother." Kari said. She saw Inuyasha face light up with anger.

"She is not your mother!" He yelled he threw the Tetsiaga at her and pushed her to the ground. Kari groaned and shook her head.

"Inuyasha I am not dead, that was a trick that father did so you would think that you were alone. He left me with some villagers I was a friend of Kikyou's she talked about a daemon living with them at the item I didn't know that it was you. I never met mother or new her like you did. I miss her just as much as you; we are true siblings, same mother, and same father. We father died I was there and he told me about you and Sesshoumaru. He made me promise to help you and him when they needed it. Well I am here now to help you get the jewel back together." She said. Kari stood up and pulled the Tetsiaga out of the ground and gave it to her brother. He grabbed it from her hand and turned to the group.

"Come on Kigome lets go." He said to the girl. Kari clenched her fists and growled. Inuyasha turned and looked at her then started to walk.

"Inuyasha get over here damnit!" she yelled. He turned around his eyes wide and confused.

"I think you had better listen to her." Kagome said. Kari could feel her rage building.

"I said I was going to help you now let me help I know I can two half daemons are better than one especially one who thinks before she acts." She said angrily. Inuyasha gave her a glare of rage. He quickly ran towards her. And started to yell obscene things to her face. Kari responded quickly and very swiftly. The group was looking at them not very surprised.

"I can see the relation," Sango said. Miroku nodded his head in approval. Then the young man who had showed up a little after Kari talked.

"She usually thinks before she talks but I guess this is sibling rivalry." He said hopping off a huge red dragon.

"Sleep, Sarniko." He said to the dragon. The dragon let out a puff of smoke and flew into the air. The young man was dressed in black pants and a dark blue kimono. Kigome noticed that he was very handsome and seemed older.

"He is a daemon," Sango said softly. Kagome looked at her surprised.

"How do you know, how can you tell?" She said. Sango looked at the ground smugly.

"I am a daemon slayer I know these things." She said and left it at that. Kagome nodded her head and gasped. He was looking at them with a glare in his eyes. Kagome moved back and tripped on a rock. Inuyasha quickly stopped yelling and looked at Kagome. Kamito was slowly walking towards her lying on the ground.

"Leave Kagome alone!" Inuyasha yelled. He ran towards him. The young man stuck out his hand and Inuyasha ran into it.

"I am not going to hurt your girlfriend." He said. Inuyasha laid face down in the dirt. Kamito looked at her confused.

"You look so much like but it couldn't be she died 50 years ago." He said. Kari slowly walked over the Kamito.

"What is it?" She asked touching his hand.

"Does she remind you of someone?" He asked, Kari quickly remembered something she had forgotten.

"Kikyo," she gasped "but Inuyasha called her Kagome she couldn't be her." She said.

"She isn't Kikyo, she is from the future," Inuyasha moaned. Kari noticed her brother on the ground. Kagome looked up at the tall Daemon he had very long black hair, no ears, or tail, he didn't have any claws. He didn't look like a daemon like Sesshoumaru or Inuyasha. He was handsome and stern around other people his element was water. She was fire they coped and loved each other. He was older than her by 20 years or so but when you are a daemon or half daemon 20 years is like 20 years. He was 30 and she was only 18. She was much younger than her half brother Sesshoumaru but only a few years younger than her brother Inuyasha. Kari looked at Kagome again, she had the same fire in her eyes as Kikyo and the same face but something was different about her. She didn't seem as mature as Kikyo was when she died.

"Who are you?" She asked looking at the girl.

"My name is Kagome I am not from the futile era I am from the future." She said.

"How is that possible?" Kamito mumbled. Kari looked up at him then walked toward the girl. She sniffed the air around her.

"Well you are definitely not form this time, you smell different kind of like flowers of something." Kari said. She knew that it was different for humans to know that they could be smelled from miles away.

"I told you she is not form our time she is a reincarnation of Kikyo!" Inuyasha yelled. Kari looked at him and smiled.

"Still the same stubborn old fool." She said. When she looked at Inuyasha she didn't see her other brother Sesshoumaru.

"Hey where did Sesshoumaru go?" She asked. Everyone started to look around and they couldn't find him.

"I guess he left." A man in dark clothing asked. Kari walked over to him and walked around him.

"Who are you, you smell like a monk and you seem to be anxious." Kari said, when she faced him his eyes were stern but he looked at her with desire.

"My name is Miroku, I am follower of Buddha." He said. "You are so beautiful I want to hold you forever," He said. Miroku put his left arm around the beautiful daemon and tried to kiss her.

"GET OFF!" Kari said. She hit him in the face so hard he flew and hit a tree. Kari ran over to him and grabbed his neck. She lifted him off the ground and looked at him with anger.

"If you ever touch me again I will rip your head off!" She yelled.

"Okay, okay please put me down." He gasped. Kari threw him to the ground and walked away. Miroku rubbed his neck as Sango looked at him.

"Well maybe that will teach him his lesson." She said. Kari had her hands squeezed into fists. She saw a large rock and smashed it with her fist. Kamito came up behind her and put his arm around her. She turned to face him; he looked at her then pulled her into a strong hug. She wrapped her arm around his waist and buried her face into his green robes. Kagome looked at the happy couple longingly, she glanced at Inuyasha with a feeling she had never felt before. He was sitting on the ground; he looked at her then quickly looked away. Kagome looked at Miroku and Sango, they seemed to have something between them and it wasn't hatred. Kagome slumped to the ground and sighed. Shippou walked over to her and touched her knee. She smiled at him and pulled him onto her lap. He curled up and fell asleep.

It's nice to be able to relax; I just wish that I knew what to do. Kagome thought to herself. Kagome used to be a normal girl; she lived with her grandpa, her little brother, and her mother. Her grandpa was the caretaker of the shrine they lived on. She got to the past by falling through the well that was in the shrine. She met up with Inuyasha, Shippou, Miroku, and Sango. They had come across other daemons and creatures. Inuyasha was not a full daemon his mother was human but his father was the strongest daemon of them all. Shippou was a full daemon, his mother and father were killed by two daemons who called themselves "The Thunder Brothers," Inuyasha had helped him kill them to revenge his fathers death. Miroku was a follower of Buddha and loved women; he was trying to steal jewel shards from Inuyasha and Kagome. Sango was a daemon slayer, and tried to kill Inuyasha because she thought that he had killed her little brother, when he didn't. The whole reason the group had formed because Kagome's second visit to the futile era a daemon had stolen the sacred Shikon u Tama, Shikon Jewel. Kagome had tried to get it back but it shattered into little shards, their quest is to get all of the shards and put it back together.

"Kagome come on get on my back were leaving," Inuyasha interrupted her thoughts.

"Huh, oh ok," She replied snapping out of her daze. Sango watched Kagome climb onto Inuyasha's back. Sango called to _________. Her catlike companion grew to a larger size and she climbed onto it's back. Shippou crawled onto ______ and held onto Sango's kimono.

"Hey Kari you and your boyfriend are going to have to try and keep up with us okay?" Inuyasha said more as a challenge then a comment.

"That wont be a problem," She said. Kari looked at Kamito and he knew what to do. Kamito whistled and called the name of his friend. Right when he took a breath a huge red dragon flew at lightning speed up to them, it stopped and lay down in front of them. Kari watched as the group looked at them in awe. Kamito climbed onto the dragon's back then pulled Kari onto the dragons back. She sat behind Kamito and laced her fingers together her arms around his waist.

"Sarniko, follow Inuyasha." He said to the dragon plainly. The Dragon stretched its massive wings to create a wingspan of about 50 feet. The dragon flapped his wings and took off the ground easily. Kari saw that the group had been knocked to the ground by the wind.

"We will follow you Inuyasha okay?" Kari yelled down to her brother. They started to get smaller and smaller as the dragon flew higher. The Daemon Slayer flew up to them on her creature, with the baby Fox daemon behind her.

"So, you have a pet dragon?" She asked. Kamito shook his head in disapproval.

"No, Sarniko is my friend, more like my son. His parents were killed by Naraku, I took him in when I was younger we have aged together and have become very good friends. We have saved each others life many times." He said Kari patted the side of the dragon.

"He is my close friend too, he is the reason Kamito know each other." Kari said. When she was younger after her mother had died she went to live with her father. He died when she was only 10 after that she was attacked by daemon regularly, until she met up with Naraku, he captured her but Sarniko saved her. He had brought her back to the place Kamito was living and she was nursed back to health. They fell in love and he trained her to be the strongest she could be. She soon befriended Sarniko but would never have the relationship Kamito and Sarniko had.

"Oh, I see." She said. Kari saw that the little Daemon was looking at her intently. She looked at him and smiled.

`I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare it's just you are as pretty as Kagome," He said.

"Well thank you little one, what is your name?" She asked.

"I'm Shippou, my parent's were killed by the thunder brothers so Kagome takes care of me when she is helping Inuyasha find the shards of the Shikon jewel." He said.

"Well, Shippou now that I a helping y brother I can take care of you when Kagome is not here." Kari said she saw the little boy's face lit up. His big bushy tail started to move around. Kari smiled then turned to look forward. She saw Inuyasha start to run, the Monk kept close to him and Inuyasha ran fast for carrying some one on his back. Sarniko quickly started after him but didn't have to go very fast to keep up with them. They traveled until it started to get dark; they found a place to sleep in the woods.

"Sarniko, go have fun if I whistle it means I need you." Kamito said. The dragon nodded and grunted then took off. Kari helped Kagome build a fire; she found wood and had an attack that she could breath fire. The quickly started a fire and Kagome pulled a bag and took out some stuff Kari had never seen before.

"What are these things?" Kari asked astonished. Kagome smiled at her and giggled. Kari picked up something that looked like a pitcher but it was made of metal like a sword. She sniffed it as her ears twitched, with her tail.

"That is a pitcher, you can put hot and cold drinks in it and put it on fire and it won't burn." She said. Kari nodded and made a slight gasp. Kagome pulled out some books and started to read them.

"What are those for?" Kari asked grabbing one. Kari sat on the ground and crossed her legs. She opened the book and started to read,

In 1920's we fought a world war and lost to America.

"What are they talking about world war, we can't get to other lands?" Kari said. Kagome smiled and took the book from her.

"I will tell you all about it later I have to make food for everyone now." She said.

"Oh cooking I can help cook I am very good at cooking gourmet meals, my father wanted nothing but gourmet." Kari stood up and went into the woods. She felt someone behind her. She turned around to see Inuyasha.

"Why have you come?" He asked her a stern look on his face.

"I told you I am going to help you get the jewel back together." She said.

"But why, why do you want to help something must be in it for you?"

"No, just revenge, and hope for peace. I don't think like you Inuyasha, you have father's short temper and inability to show feelings. I inherited mothers wit and ability to know what to do in bad situations without violence. Naraku hurt me in ways too, he tried to kill me and he killed" Kari stopped and turned away.

Inuyasha looked at his little sister, she did look like his mother and it made him realize how much he missed her. Kari had his mothers it blue eyes and Black hair. He also knew that she was his fathers daughter, she had white pointy dog-ears that stuck out of her black hair. Her tail was as white as the snow and bushier than a tree. Inuyasha heard her sob to soft for a human to hear but he could, he saw her shoulders shake. He walked over to her and turned her around. He looked into her olive face. Her eyes were rimmed with red from crying.

"Who did he kill let me know?" Inuyasha said hugging her.

"He-he killed my best friend, after he raped her." She choked. Inuyasha tightened his grip and petted her soft head.

"Who was she?" He asked,

"It was…Riah." She said softly. Inuyasha looked at a tree, he knew who this was and knew how much it must have hurt her to know that, but how could she.

"How do you know?" He asked again.

"I was there, I saw it all." She said. Inuyasha felt a sudden pain in his heart. It was the kind of pain that he had when he thought that Kagome was dead. He released his little sister and looked at her with concern. She looked up at him with a timid face. She looked like a baby, and like his mother. Her cheeks were pink like a lotus and her skin was a light peach it looked soft and sweet like her personality.

"I am so sorry, Kari, I really am if there is anything I can do?" He asked, softly. Kari smiled and used the corner of her kimono's sleeve to wipe her eyes.

"Just help me get revenge for her and I will be able to live out my life just fine." She said, her older brother smiled and looked into her eyes. Kari knew that she was lucky to have a brother like Inuyasha even though he was really annoying most of the time. When it came down to it he really cared about her and what her life was like. Kari could also tell that he was in love, with Kagome. She was still not sure if she loved him back but she could easily find out. Kari pulled away form her brother and walked deeper into the woods with Inuyasha at her heels.

"You know I can take care of myself." She said to him over her shoulder.

"I know just thought was could carry more stuff if we had two half daemons instead of one." He said. Kari looked at the ground and smiled. Kari heard something and stopped. Inuyasha heard it too and couched to the ground. Kari quickly looked over the area. She stopped when she saw a mother deer and her baby. She sniffed the air and recognized the scent of a dominant male deer and silently couched like a dog to the ground. She looked around and saw the male deer; he was large about the size of a gardening hut.

"Can you help me get him down?" She asked so silent only Inuyasha could hear. He nodded and then they pounced. The male deer tried to fight but Kari slit his throat with her jeweled dagger. Inuyasha slung the deer over his shoulders. Kari looked around to find some plants. She quickly found some berries and leafs.

"Hey, Kari are you sure that humans can eat that?" Inuyasha asked. She knew that he was looking out for Kagome.

"Yes our father was weak when I lived with him and he wouldn't be able to take anything that was poisonous." She said. She put them in a pouch she made with the end of her kimono. They walked back to the camp sight and she started to work on cutting up the pieces of meat. Kari took off her topcoat of her kimono and folded it. Under that was a white tunic that fitted her and showed off her curves. The pants of her kimono had dirt on them so she decided that she needed a bath and they needed to be washed. Kari and her brother were born into a royal family. There father was a king but not there mother. She was beautiful enough to be a queen but wasn't. Kari was taught how to read and write by her father, and by Kamito. She was well educated for her time; she knew that it was not normal to have an education especially if you were a half daemon.

"So, Inuyasha what is your sister's name by the way?" Kagome said quietly.

"Oh, her name is Kari." He said admiring her sister work. He never knew a young woman who looked like a princess who was able to cat meat into such delicate pieces. He knew he saw his mother in her it made him sad but happy at the same time. HE glanced over at the young man that she seemed to be traveling with. He was sitting cross-legged, he had hair blacker than the night. His eyes were closed but he guessed they were a dark color. He was wearing a dark blue kimono; it looked like the night sky without stars. He didn't have any weapon, and looked human, except for the mark on his forehead. It was the mark of a royal daemon, there were only two the marks his brother had on his cheeks, and the marking that he had. He was studying the man when he hear something, only his sister the man and him heard it because everyone kept on chatting. Kamito looked at Kari older brother, when he heard the sound. He had been reading everyone's thought the only thing he got was Inuyasha cross-examining him. He heard the same sound and it was louder. HE looker at Kari and she nodded her head.

"Kagome, go hide with Sango and Shippou." Inuyasha said sternly. She nodded and picked up the little fox daemon, and made her way to a gigantic boulder. The monk stood up and looked around.

"Inuyasha, what did you hear?" he asked him. Inuyasha put his finger to his mouth and put is hand on the sheath of his sword. Kari heard the sound again and it was much louder this time.

"What is that?" She asked. She glanced at Kamito and saw a look of worry on his face. He looked at her then took her hand, the squeezed it. She was baffled by this but moved closer to him. He protectively put his arm around her and seemed to pull her away from where the sound was coming from. She looked up at her silent boyfriend and looked at where he was looking. Inuyasha was at the edge of the woods and sniffing the air.

"It smells like a daemon and blood but I don't know what from." He said softly. Kamito pulled her closer to him and took her staff out of her satchel. She knew that he only did that when she needed to be protected.

"Wait, I can help," she said. He put his hand over her mouth and smiled at her. She had always loved how he smiled at her. She looked at her brother then started to smell what he had. She recognized the scent but couldn't put a face to it. She had a flashback of a dark creature trying to kill her mother but he left. She quickly recognized the blood of a villager, a small girl that she had met on the way to see Inuyasha.

`Inuyasha what ever it is either ate or hurt a little girl." She said. His ears twitched and she heard what he had. Kamito held the staff up and it turned into a sword. He only did that when he was fighting other daemons.