InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Model Village ❯ Wait a minute! ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I do not own the characters of Inuyasha.

Oi Minna! (Phew) I guess you're all glad to see I'm back in working order now…I still have a little more of my brain to collect, but at least I can update with a chappy! Yay! Let's throw a party! Hee hee! Well, now to answer your questions. Now, I know how they all became figurines, but Tsch, like I'm gonna ruin it for everyone! You're just gonna have to wait for that question to be answered…Heh heh heh… (Rubs hands together). Now then, since that's the only question asked this time around, I will begin with the new chappy! Whoot!

Chapter 3: Wait a minute!

As Kagome carried Inuyasha up the flight of stairs, he watched her face and wondered why she was not afraid that he was alive. Sure, being a little tiny nothing was funky to him, but her reaction was just amazing to him. To think about it, he wondered if any of his companions suffered the same as him. He figured he'd have to wait and see what she does with them. That's right; she awakened him, but how?

`There's something about her, something strange' he thought to himself as they neared her bedroom.

As she walked in, she saw that her Grandpa had set the table up with the figurines strategically placed like before. She looked from the table she stopped in front of to the little guy in her hand. She still couldn't take her eyes off him. Not that it was because he was alive, but because of how interesting and different from the others he was. The silver hair, the gold eyes, and the ears. Those cute ears were her favorite feature of him. His eyes were just so piercing. She looked into them as well as she could to see what could possibly cause him to have that look in them. He seemed so innocent to her, but then again, she didn't understand who he really was.

"WHAT! You're staring again! Why? You make me nervous when you look at me like that!" Inuyasha shouted once again with contempt on his face.

"I'm sorry, I just…I want to know why your eyes look so hurt. What happened to you?" Kagome replied as her gaze turned to one of concern.

Inuyasha was surprised by that reply. "Uh…" Then he turned his gaze away and pouted. "Feh! Why do you care?"

"Huh? Why shouldn't I? You look so innocent to me. But when your eyes pierce mine, it makes me wonder what you've been through. Are you afraid to tell me?" Kagome asked as he turned his head back to her and opened his eyes, making contact once again.

"Innocent? Huh…Depends on what you mean by innocent. Was I an evil half demon? No. I was innocent until I met him!" He snorted as he pointed to the baboon figurine placed amongst the trees.

"Who's that?" Kagome asked.

"His name is Naraku. He's the worst! He's the one who started all of this! I was on my way to killing him when…uh…I woke up in your hand…Whoa…" He said as his eyes went from hers to her palm. He had a far off look in his eyes, like he was trying to remember something.

"Naraku, that's his name? He looks funny to me…Why's he dressed like a baboon?" Kagome asked as she started to reach for Naraku's figurine.

"NO! Don't touch him!" He screamed as Kagome's hand inched over to him, but stopped just before touching his head.

"Why not? I just want to get a closer look at him." She shrugged.

"No! Remember what happened to me? I awoke in your hand! You don't want to wake him!" He shouted as he stood up and pointed to her hand.

"You did? But, how come you didn't awaken when my Grandpa held you?" She asked as she looked at her other hand.

"I don't know, but try touching the monk and see what happens. He'll know what's going on if he awakens, I'll guarantee that." Inuyasha answered as he pointed to the monk in black and purple robes.

Kagome redirected her free hand towards the monk. Inuyasha watched intently to see if he was correct. He felt something when he was awakened. He couldn't pinpoint it, but maybe Miroku could. He hoped he was correct about his friend.

Once her finger touched the monk, his head shook from side to side, and he took a defensive stance with his staff. Then, after a second, he looked around at his surroundings and realized he was not where he thought he was. He stood up straight and looked at his staff, which did not have a jingle to it. It didn't even feel like metal between his fingers, but…some unknown material. He lifted up his staff to inspect it, and said, "Hmm…This is odd…What happened to my staff? It's not the same…it's not even the same materials! What is this?" Then he just threw it down onto the ground before him and saw that it even made a hallow sound. "Hmm…"

"OI! Miroku!" Inuyasha shouted after he noticed he was contemplating something.

Miroku looked up after he heard the tiny voice shout his name from above him. He saw the most peculiar thing…A really huge girl with someone who looked like Inuyasha in her hand. Miroku smiled as he said, "Oh, hey Inuyasha. I see YOU got the girl this time, huh? Not bad looking either." He put his hand to his chin and contemplated the girl before him.

"No way! What are you thinking? I don't even know who she is! She woke you and me up, you idiot!"

"Woke us up? What do you mean? Was I sleeping?" He asked as his hand remained on his chin. That's when he felt his chin, and then felt his cheek, not recognizing the feel of his face. His eyes showed confusion as he felt his hair, his, neck, his clothes, and even tried to pull up his robes to check another part of him.

"Hey! What are you doing, Monk! You're not real, stupid! I don't know what's happened to us, but our bodies are fake! Believe me; it's not worth looking for it!" Inuyasha shouted, hoping to stop the monks search for his body parts. The last thing he'd want for this girl was to see MIROKU'S body. Yech!

"Really? Weird! What are they? I don't even know what this substance is. Do you know, my lady?" Miroku asked politely.

"Oh, yeah. It's a substance called plastic. Most figurines and action figures are made out of plastic. Not every part of you can move. Sorry. I have no idea what abilities you once had as far as your previous bodies, but you more than likely will have to re-learn how to move certain parts again." Kagome answered as she looked apologetically at Inuyasha.

"Oh." Inuyasha and Miroku answered at the same time and one looked just as sad as the other.

"What special abilities did you two have? Were you both powerful?" Kagome asked as she looked from Inuyasha to Miroku.

"Well, I was a hanyou. Half dog demon, half human. I was able to use my sword, Tetsussaiga to unleash attacks on enemies, and I had a few attacks on my own with my claws. I was very strong, and I could heal quicker than humans." Inuyasha explained first as she noticed the strength in his eyes had disappeared.

"Wow. Sounds interesting. Too bad I missed that. And what about you, Miroku?"

"I was a very powerful monk, who was cursed. I had been cursed by Naraku himself through my family. He cursed my grandfather when he was around my age. A void was placed in his hand. A curse which would pass on through the generations until Naraku's defeat. That has been my aim in life, to defeat him. I guess that's not going to happen now." He replied as he sat down and bowed his head in defeat.

"Oh…I'm sorry to hear that. What did Naraku do exactly?" Kagome asked as Inuyasha looked up at her, and then thought about where to begin.

Then it came to him. Kikyo. Inuyasha looked over and pointed to her figure and said, "Wake her up. She'll be able to tell you."

Kagome followed the direction of his finger and saw the young beautiful priestess standing near the hut at the bottom of the steps in the village. She leaned over and touched her head. The three waited for Kikyo's awakening with anticipation.

Strangely enough, nothing happened. Kikyo did not awaken. She remained there, still as the rest of them. Inuyasha shouted, "Pick her up! She has to awaken! Maybe a touch of your finger wasn't enough!" Inuyasha became impatient. If there was anyone he wanted with him, it was her.

Kagome picked up the figure of Kikyo, and looked at her. Her eyes were closed, and would not open. She was all in one piece, not like the other figurines. She had no joints, her head did not move, she was like a shelf item, not meant to be messed with. She was just a decoration, nothing more. "That's strange." Kagome exclaimed as she looked from Inuyasha's body type to hers and noticed the differences right away.

Miroku walked closer and said, "Put her down again, let me look at her."

Kagome did as he asked and he walked over to her and noticed the differences as well. Then he went over to Sango, Kohaku, and Sesshoumaru. All of the rest of them had joints like he and Inuyasha did. He walked back towards Kikyo, and looked up at Inuyasha and shook his head in apology.

Inuyasha gasped and then jumped off Kagome's hand shouting, "Kikyo!" Once he landed on the surface, he ran up to her and wrapped his arms around her. He noticed the difference as well. He looked at her face and saw that the figurine had a look of peace. She was smiling. `Why her? I was hoping I could ask her what happened. What am I gonna do now? I've lost her again.' He thought as his hands clenched tightly and he held in his emotions. Kagome looked down at him as he tried to control himself and wished there was something she could do. That's when she noticed the other figurine dressed the same way, the old woman. `Hmm…Wonder if she's like the other, a priestess. Maybe she can help'

Kagome reached over and touched the old woman. As she straightened up, the old woman shook her head, and gasped in air once again and blinked her eyes. Inuyasha and Miroku turned from Kikyo and looked to see the old hag, Kaede standing there adjusting to her new surroundings.

"Kaede! Miroku shouted as he and Inuyasha ran up to her to show her that they were awakened as well.

"Oh, hi ye two! Where are we? What is this?" She asked as Kagome then caught her attention.

"Hi, I'm Kagome. I woke you up to ask you some questions we have." Kagome said with a smile and a wave.

"Oh, hello dear, nice to meet ye. I am high priestess Kaede. What be these questions ye need to ask of me?" Kaede replied as she adjusted her footing and put her hands behind her back, or she tried. She looked down at her arms and hands, and noticed the differences in her body.

Miroku walked up to her and held her arm as he quickly explained her new body to her. As the information sank in, she looked around and noticed that even the grass under her feet was fake. She looked at Miroku and Inuyasha much closer than she did when she first saw them. She looked over to her sister, Kikyo's figure. She walked over and inspected her, and noticed she was immovable. She was all in one piece, and her eyes were closed, whereas all the others had open eyes. She touched Kikyo's face and noticed that even the material was different. She touched her own, then Inuyasha and Miroku as well.

"I think I know what may be the problem here. Something happened before when we last remembered our lives before now." Kaede said as she turned and faced Kagome.

"Well? What happened?" Inuyasha asked impatiently.

"There is one question that must be asked first before any explanations can be made. Who possessed the jewel before you awoke here?" Kaede looked on to the faces of her two plastic companions as they thought that question over in their heads.

Inuyasha looked over at the lecherous monk hoping he could remember. Miroku once again put his hand on his chin and thought hard. He played the last events over in his head when he remembered the jewel was not even present in the last fight they had against Naraku. Now, the question was who was missing during that fight? `Kaede was not there, but what would she have done with it? So she's out of the question. Kagome was not even there, we just met her. Kikyo was not present. But how would she have received it?' He thought to himself, when it became clear to him. The next question he asked himself was, `Now, how to reveal it may have been Kikyo who had put us here to Inuyasha and Kaede.'

"C'mon, Miroku! You must know something by now! Tell us! Why won't Kikyo wake up? Why is she different from all of us?!" Inuyasha shouted when the monk became aware of something important and then shot his eyes up to Kagome.

Kagome felt nervous in the line of that look. He was looking at her as if she had something to do with it, but what? "What are you looking at me like that for?" Kagome asked as he stared and Inuyasha then followed suit with the same confused and startled look in his eyes. "What? Is there something wrong?" She asked as they scrutinized her.

"She was reincarnated. She's alive, not lost like us. She very well may be you, Kagome. How else could you have awoken us, but not Kikyo?" Miroku exclaimed as Inuyasha and Kaede looked her over, her face, her hands, and her hair. Inuyasha settled on her eyes, and saw something too familiar. Kagome looked at him, and he showed a new emotion in his eyes. Inuyasha looked at Kagome as if he knew her. His eyes softened and he looked on as if she was the part of him he was missing.

"Why are you looking are me like that? I don't know you! Do I?" She asked Inuyasha as he said nothing but just kept his longing gaze on her eyes.

`Her eyes, they're the same. She's almost her double. I can almost see Kikyo looking out through her eyes. She must be Kagome. At least she has a better fate than us. I am thankful we are together again' He thought to himself as he averted his gaze, turned his back, walked towards the trees and disappeared from sight.

Miroku saw the look in his eyes. He knew everything Inuyasha was thinking as he stared longingly at Kagome. `He still loves her, huh? Well, I certainly hope he can move on now that we know Kikyo has been reincarnated and is happy. That's what I would want for her at least.'

Kaede looked up to Kagome and said, "Maybe you should awaken the others, to introduce them to their fates." Kagome nodded and proceeded to reach out to the others who stood at attention.

Inuyasha walked into the forest alone. He could not get Kikyo out of his head. After all he fought for, after all he sought to do for Kikyo, and she's no longer with him. Sure, she may be alive inside Kagome, but she's no longer herself, as he remembers her to be. How could he live with that? He couldn't stop thinking about Kikyo. He knew he had to find out what it was she was doing with the jewel and how she got it from Naraku. She didn't have all the shards. Kohaku was there during the fight, fighting against Naraku himself alongside Sango. Kouga was there as well. They both still had the jewel shards in their bodies, and Naraku sought both of them out for their shards. That was the last battle they fought with Naraku, to gain those few shards. But Inuyasha had no idea Naraku had lost the rest of them.

"Wait a minute!" Inuyasha stopped in his tracks when a thought came to his mind. He pondered it for a second, and then sat down by the Goshinboku. He saw it in her eyes, Kagome is Kikyo's reincarnation. There's no question about it. But, Kikyo couldn't have made a full wish upon the jewel when it was not finished. Also, there's no demon that could have ever gotten close to her, let alone kill her. The first time she was killed, Naraku had to disguise himself as Inuyasha. So, who else could have done it? None of it made any sense. What came to mind after that was about the whereabouts of the jewel. If Kikyo was killed, what happened to the jewel? No one would be protecting it if Kikyo had it.

"Oh no! That means…someone else is in possession of the jewel! But who? And what has become of it? I'd better go tell Miroku." He said to himself as he got up and bolted for the clearing to talk to everyone. Once he reached the open, what he saw was unexpected, and made him angry. The one person other than Naraku that he hated the most was awakened.

Heh heh heh…Now, peeps…Can you all guess who was awakened that angered Inuyasha? Whomever answers this question right first, just might get a cookie! Hee hee! I certainly hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I made sure it was longer than the rest, but heh heh heh…I left a cliffy… (snickers) I also hope that this chapter has unlocked more interest in the plot…I didn't expect it to turn serious, but I guess that I have no clue what's going to happen next since this story has taken over with the writing since chapter 2. Strangely enough…I don't know what's in the future for our favorite characters. New things are in the works, and yes, the picture of Inuyasha will be coming soon. Would anyone else like to see any of the other characters drawn as figurines? I have only drawn Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru from this series so far. So if you'd like to see them, let me know. I will be drawing them one by one, and they may be coming out with the rest of the chapters in the future. They will be posted on my homepage: and on under the same pen name, K? Thanks for the reviews! Ja ne for now!