InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Model Village ❯ Peace ( Chapter 13 )
I do not own Inuyasha & co.
Hey everyone! It's Inu day! Woo Hoo! LOL…I know…that was very corny…But oh well. I consider Fridays Inu day because Fridays are when I write MV {^_^} So, I hope this chappy does well as I once again subject myself to my minds eye…So, sit back and enjoy the unknown…
Chapter 13: Peace
Kagome watched from her window as the old man and the hanyou talked and bonded. What her new friend could do amazed her to the point where she only wanted to watch him. So, watch him she did as she watched the hanyou's silver hair blow in the breeze, her grandfather started walking back towards the house. Once he was alone, the hanyou put away his sword and then stared off into the forest.
She watched as he acknowledged the peaceful grounds around him, and wondered what he was going to do next when a knock sounded at her door. Kagome turned from her view and she said, "Come in."
The door opened to reveal the young woman, Sango, with a pillow and a blanket draped over her arm. "Kagome, your mother said I could share a room with you. Is that okay?"
"Oh, sure. I wouldn't mind." As she turned back to the view out her window.
Sango walked over to the bed and laid her things down onto the floor. As she turned to the miko, she noticed she was staring out the window at something. Since the lights were off, she could see the trees and the stars shining. She walked over to the window beside the miko and sat down. The miko's concentration was unbroken as she turned her head towards the ground, to see Inuyasha standing before the forest, looking off into space, his back towards him.
"He is very handsome, isn't he?" Sango sighed, knowing she would finally get to talk to Kagome about their relationship.
"Yeah. His hair is just amazing, and his frame is just…oh wow…" Kagome sighed as her head fell to her hand and she just kept staring at the amazing being in her yard.
"He may come off as rough at first, but he has the biggest heart I've ever known anyone to have. He even has a bigger heart than Miroku. It's just sad he has to live with the hand he's been dealt. He's done nothing to deserve any of it. All his life he was toyed with and seen as an abomination. The kindness you've shown him and the rest of us is amazing, Kagome. Thank you." Sango said as she turned to look the miko's way.
Kagome turned to her and said, "You're welcome. All I can say is I can't see any reason why he wouldn't be accepted. I know there are people out there still who have superficial eyes, but I can't see him the way they do, no matter what he's done, no matter what he is. It's not his choice. As far as you guys, I am happy to have you all here. It was pretty boring here until you all showed up. You all are very interesting people, and I feel your presences are a blessing to this shrine. To actually meet you all is just awesome!"
"Yeah? You really think so? Wow, I never thought people from the future would even know about our existence. What's wonderful about this whole thing is we no longer have to fight for our lives, and we now have people who have taken us in as family. I went from losing my father and brother to gaining my brother back and a sister." Sango mentioned.
"Me too, I gained a sister out of this. We are similar, ya know. I've lost my father too." Kagome mentioned.
"Oh. I'm sorry. What happened?" Sango asked.
"He died from a heart attack when I was ten. It's okay, it's been a while." Kagome said as her eyes glinted with tears.
"Oh. We are very similar, ya know? Only my life style is different, and I'm a bit older." Sango pointed out.
"Yeah, we are. I'm glad to have a sister finally." Kagome sighed. "But not only that, I've gained more than I could ever ask for on my birthday. I gained a sister, a two brothers and a new friend who has confused me completely."
"Inuyasha? What did you guys talk about earlier? You never came down for dinner. Is everything okay?" Sango questioned.
"I asked him what his feelings were towards me. I told him I felt that he was looking at me as if I was Kikyo. I asked him how he saw me, as Kikyo, or me. He didn't understand my confusion. He told me he couldn't help whom he falls for, but he couldn't answer my questions. When I told him that he needed to grieve over Kikyo and then do some soul searching for his heart, he yelled at me and claimed he never said we had anything to begin with. When I thought about it after he left the room, he was right about that. He never told me how he felt about me. But…that kiss…how am I supposed to take that? I've never been kissed before, and I felt so much of him in it. That was no `thank you' kiss…what should I do, Sango? I'm not ready for love just yet, but I can't help what I feel for him. My heart aches for him for some reason." Kagome explained as she stared off at the being in question.
"One thing I do know about him is he is a very passionate person, Kagome. He's been through a lot and before time froze, he was very protective of Kikyo. He loved her, Kagome. I had never seen such devotion from any man, Kagome. He has more devotion in his heart than even Miroku has shown me. I certainly had hoped the monk would learn from Inuyasha on how to treat a woman, but I don't think it's rubbed off. All he wants to do is just feel me up!" Sango explained as her face scrunched up at the ending.
Kagome giggled as she remembered all the times Sango smacked Miroku when they were figurines. "I was wondering what was going on there. So are you guys a couple? You two look cute together."
Sango's face went red as her gaze went to their hanyou friend. "Well, yeah. It's been a rough ride, but we're together. He made me a promise to me a long time ago. He promised to marry me if he defeated Naraku. Well, he never defeated Naraku, but the wind tunnel is gone from his hand now. He's given the chance to live a full life. He said he didn't want to marry me knowing he would only live for a short time. He was such a womanizer, though he had reasons…He needed to have at least one child, preferably a son, to carry on the family's revenge, to kill Naraku and end the family curse. You see, he wouldn't live long before at some point, the wind tunnel that was in his hand would have swallowed him whole. The length of his life was shortened inevitably, but it was unknown how long he had. I'm glad to know he can live a long and healthy life without fear." Sango explained as a smile grew on her lips.
"Wow. I never knew about that. A cursed hentai monk…Interesting…" Kagome pointed out. Both she and Sango sat there, thought about it for a second and then wound up giggling over the contradictions.
"If you think about it, though…Miroku isn't the only one living a life of contradiction. Inuyasha himself is a contradiction. His heart is pure and righteous, yet he is a half demon. Half purity, half tainted. Knowing that has caused him to form the hugest chip on a shoulder I've ever seen. But when I'd look at his face when he looked into Kikyo's eyes, that chip disappeared every time. Sure, there were things she did that upset him, even us, but he defended her to the end. He stood by her side and never allowed anyone to harm her. She was everything to him. Letting her go must be the hardest thing he's ever had to do. The only person I've ever had feelings for is Miroku. If he were to leave me, I don't know if I could ever move on that easily either, so in a way I kinda know how he feels. Just let him come to you, Kagome. That's the best course of action. He's ultimately the one to decide if he wants to be involved with another. He's trying hard to not see you as Kikyo, whether he does or not. He knows you're not her, Kagome. Don't let his looks of admiration confuse you. He's the one who's the most touched by your love and acceptance." Sango explained as Kagome watched him walk over to the Goshinboku. Once he stopped, he touched the spot where he was pinned.
"Thanks Sango. I'm glad I talked to you about him. I really don't know much about him. I haven't seen how he looked into her eyes when she was alive. Also, I certainly hope Miroku does learn to love you and show you how much in the best way. I'm sure you are his lifeline, Sango." Kagome reassured, adding a wide smile to Sango's face.
They both looked out the window and saw a sight that scared them out of their wits. The hanyou was no longer standing on the ground, but up in the tree. He was lounging on his back and staring right at them. They both screamed and fell to the floor out of his sight.
"Do you think he heard us?" Kagome asked.
"I don't know. He did look awfully curious, and I wouldn't put it past those keen ears of his." Sango answered as they noticed a shadow spread along the floor suddenly.
They both turned their heads to see that very hanyou sitting at Kagome's window with a determined look on his face. He was looking straight at Kagome. She could see something in his eyes, but she couldn't decipher if it was anger or curiosity. Kagome leaned up, slid the window to the side and asked, "What's the matter, Inuyasha?"
"We need to talk. Alone." Kagome turned from Inuyasha to Sango.
"But what about Sango?" Kagome asked as he suddenly reached forward, wrapped his arm around her torso and leaped away from the window. Kagome screamed the whole way down to the concrete and into the forest. Sango didn't know what to think. She knew Inuyasha wouldn't do anything to harm Kagome, but that seemed just a little strange to her. She decided to walk away from the window, spread out her bedding on the floor and lay down for a peaceful sleep.
Inuyasha carried Kagome further into the forest so they would not be bothered. Kagome was beginning to get worried as to why he would suddenly carry her out into the forest in the middle of the night while she was in her nightclothes. All he said to her was he needed to talk. To have to take her that far away, it must have been important. As they flew from tree to tree in the air, she clung to him for dear life. As he held her close and her arms wrapped around his neck, she buried her head into his chest. She listened to his heartbeat and felt his chest rise with every breathe he took as they sailed through the air. Inuyasha held her close as he jumped from tree to tree.
He knew she was watching him. He felt her eyes on him the entire time since he left the house. He wanted to talk to her in a place where her family would not hear their conversation. As far as he was concerned, this included no one but him and Kagome. Obviously she was still confused, but he needed to clear things up as soon as possible if he were to feel comfortable around her and her around him. That, and he was thinking really hard about what she had told him, and how he made her feel after the outburst he let go of earlier. He felt bad about yelling at her, and he figured he could at least try to clear things up with her before the night was over.
Once they were far enough into the forest to find one of his favorite trees, he landed on the tallest branch and sat down, laying her legs in his lap as his legs dangled over the sides and his back leaned up against the trunk. Kagome finally opened her eyes and let go of his neck. She turned her head to look at him and she saw softness in his eyes, but his brows were still furrowed. His face remained taught as he stared into her eyes for a few moments, reading her like a book.
"Inuyasha, why did you take me so far into the forest?" Kagome asked finally, intoxicated by his eyes as they glowed in the moonlight.
"I told you. You and I need to talk. I wanted to make sure we were not gonna be distracted by your family. Kagome, I have thought a lot about what we talked about earlier, and I can tell you are still confused. I felt your eyes on me the whole time I was outside the house. I also heard you talking to Sango." Inuyasha mentioned as he stared deeply into her eyes accusingly.
"I'm sorry, Inuyasha. I needed someone else to talk to, I guess. I hope you're not upset at me. I do know how you feel, and I understand that there was something you had with Kikyo that I have no clue about. What you two went through was different from what I will ever go through in life. I do understand what you said about not being able to choose who you fall for. Like how I couldn't choose to fall for you. I just did. I also thought about the last thing you said to me before you left the room. You're right. You never truly stated how you felt about me. I'm a fool for thinking you had. I'm sorry." She explained as her eyes averted from his and down to the hands in her lap.
"Kagome, look at me." Kagome's eyes once again met his as he said, "I'm not mad at you. My past is behind me, but you must give me time, as I will give you. Let's get to know each other better and enjoy some freedoms. I have lived no other life but one of responsibility. I've been on the run and homeless all my life. I just want to relax and enjoy your time. There's so much to learn here and I need you more than anything. More than I've needed Kikyo. I'm in a completely different world from what I'm used to. Even courting I'm sure has changed. If you'll show me this new world, I'm sure I can come to terms with what I want in this new life, and where I'm headed."
Inuyasha reached his hand up to touch her chin as he gazed into her eyes affectionately. "I will then know how to truly love another. That's when I'll be ready for those kinds of feelings, Kagome. That's all I ask for, is your guidance and your patience. Wait for me?"
Kagome was in tears. She didn't expect him to say something so sweet to her. As tears fell from her eyes, her lips left speechless, he wiped the tears from her cheeks with his hand. She didn't know what to say to him, but she felt something in his eyes. Those amber pools of affection and passion held her prisoner, and kept her wondering what was gonna happen next. She could tell he longed for something, but she couldn't tell if it was her answer or something else.
His eyes remained on hers for a moment longer, and then he leaned in and placed his lips against her cheek sweetly. He then opened his haori and wrapped her up inside it's warmth as he held her close to him. He laid his head on hers and sniffed her hair, feeling calmed by her scent, he kept her warm as they cuddled silently in the tree through the night, alone.
The next morning, Kagome rubbed her eyes. She noticed she saw red as she opened them. She then remembered she had spent the night with the hanyou in the tree. He had calmed and comforted her well enough to put her to sleep. She had fallen asleep to a steady heartbeat and the sounds of him inhaling and exhaling as he himself fell asleep. She noticed he did something strange when he pulled her close to him. He sniffed her hair and she could feel him silently sigh and relax around her. She could not remember how long it took her to fall asleep, but his warmth was enough to help calm her mind and body.
She pushed the haori aside from her view and turned her face to look on her protector. He held her so tightly, she could barely move. She shifted just enough to turn her head to face his. He was still sleeping. His face was peaceful. His eyebrows smooth and his face was relaxed completely as he breathed through his mouth, quietly. He looked like an angel sitting there with all his exuberance and aura. It seemed his hair formed a white halo around his head as the breeze ruffled his hair. She could not take her eyes off him. She then looked to his ears, and saw one twitch slightly as his hair tickled it.
She noticed her left arm was free under the haori. She reached her hand out of the haori and reached over to touch his hands. His claws were sharp indeed, and his hands were calloused and rough, but they held a true and tender grip. As her hand felt his, she was startled when his hand suddenly moved and grabbed onto hers and held it between his. His head shifted a bit and he shifted her body and head back into his chest, laying his head upon hers once again. She couldn't tell what he was thinking, but he obviously was not about to let her go so soon.
As she thought about that, something came to her attention. `So soon? Oh no! What time is it?' she thought to herself as she looked at the hanyou and she then decided she needed to get back to the house. If it was morning, and her family didn't see her awake, they would notice her missing and she'd miss school. She shifted and pulled her hand from his and said his name. At the sounds of her voice, his ears twitched, but no change otherwise.
She thought for a second as she noticed his ears moving towards her. She reached her hand up and tickled his ear, hoping to bug him awake. His ear twitched away each time, but as he got irritated, he only pulled her closer. Then at the last bug of his ear, he reached up, grabbed her hand and pinned it against her body as he held her tightly so she would not bug him.
That was when she realized she needed to use something he couldn't restrain, her voice. She turned her head up towards his face and said his name. She said his name three times before he shocked her. He became annoyed and crushed his lips to hers to shut her up. `There he goes again? What's he doing? Is he giving me a good morning kiss? Or is he just trying to shut me up?' Once she was silenced, his lips went limp and he then relaxed a bit, but his mouth never left hers.
Kagome was finally starting to get annoyed. She realized then, he wasn't saying good morning to her, he was shutting her up! She then decided to take matters into her own hands, literally. She shifted the arm that was pinned between their bodies the whole time and punched down, hitting his favorite spot. He awoke instantly, threw his head back in pain and yelped as the pain hit. One thing didn't change though; he did not let her go. He scrunched her against him even harsher as he convulsed from the pain she inflicted on him. One thing she did notice, he wasn't exactly soft…a blush spread across her cheeks as he panted and clenched his teeth together, eyes clamped shut. He moaned for about a few moments, and then looked upon the one who caused him that pain.
He gave her a murderous look as he growled, "What was that for?"
"You wouldn't let go of me, and I was having problems waking you up. Its morning already and I know I have school to get to today. Since you took me away from my room, I couldn't hear my alarm go off to wake me up. I have no idea what time it is! I had to do something!" Kagome yelled into his face.
"All you had to do was tell me, ya didn't have to punch me in my…Ya know! God!" Inuyasha threw back as he finally released her and began to hold himself to ease his pain.
Kagome turned her head away as she continued with, "I tried, but you kissed me to shut me up!"
"I wha?" Inuyasha said as he lifted his eyes away from his privates and to her back, his cheeks covered in blush.
"You kissed me again. You didn't even know you did it? What were you dreaming about? Oh, never mind…I don't even wanna know…just forget I asked." Kagome answered as she finally looked down and saw how far up they were. "I think I'm gonna be sick."
"You okay? Did I do something wrong?" Inuyasha asked as he reached over to her to comfort her.
"I'm okay; it's just how high up we are. I had no idea you had brought me up this high. I've never been this high up in a tree before." Kagome said as she looked at him finally.
"I didn't know. I guess it was good that I brought you hear when you couldn't see it. You were very relaxed though. I'm sorry if I upset you." Inuyasha apologized as he rubbed her back with his left hand.
"I'm okay. Just please, take me back to the house. I'm sure they're worried sick about me by now." Kagome said as he nodded quietly and scooted closer along the branch as she said, "I'm sorry I hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt you on purpose."
"Don't worry about it. Pain doesn't last long for me. Just don't do it again, you hear me?" He answered with sheer dominance in his eyes. She needed to know he was serious. Punching a man's morning wood was the worst thing a woman could do. She was lucky he had Tetsussaiga at his side; otherwise, he may not have been able to control himself with that action.
Kagome gave him an honest nod and inwardly decided she would never touch him there again. She couldn't even believe she was impulsive enough to hit him there, and she learned her lesson. For a minute as he writhed in pain, she thought she was dead.
He scooped her up like before and their flight back to her house commenced and she once again held onto him tightly as he carried her from tree to tree effortlessly. He truly was amazing. How easily he carried her as they flew from tree branch to tree branch. She was thankful to have him in her life. She just wondered how she was going to keep him secret from her friends once they find out she is in love. They bother her endlessly about Hojo, but Inuyasha was a different story all together. `I guess I'll just have to wait and see.' She thought to herself as she saw her house finally came into view.
Wow. Nice chappy, huh? *sigh* once again, my mind has surprised me and I now know there's more to come. I wonder what's going to happen next. Well, `til next Friday or maybe even tomorrow…Just you wait…You just might be surprised if you see another update tomorrow, huh? {~_^}