InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Next Best Thing ❯ Two Plans ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Well, I'm back! BTW, *finally* I have my own computer again! And I'll gonna try to write more...

Anyways, the disclaimer. (Bet that's a surprise, huh?) Inuyasha doesn't belong to me, but rather to Takahashi Rumiko and all other companies associated with IY. I'm just writing a rather long story for fun.

Alright, let's start the next chapter!

The Next Best Thing
Chapter 9: Two Plans

By Laura Hoak-Kagey

Rin had shown Sakura to her room, settled her in and was now heading back to report to Sesshoumaru. Rin thought about how nice Sakura was, and despite the reluctance she had shown in the beginning, Rin was starting to hope that Sakura would stay for good. Rin still completely adored Sesshoumaru, but she had spent the last seven years living with him. This meant that Rin had been without any kind of real female companions. Sesshoumaru's demon servants were nice enough, but Rin would always be human and sometimes she missed human companionship.

These thoughts brought Rin to the door of Sesshoumaru's favorite room. She knocked before entering to find find him gazing out the window that faced the lake.

"Lord Sesshoumaru, I've settled Sakura in and came back to report to you." Rin leaned her body forward and supported herself against the desk next to the window. Rin was 13 years old, which meant she felt old enough to be an adult and kept waiting for the day Sesshoumaru would recognize her as one.

A full minute later Sesshoumaru took his gaze from the window to look at Rin. "Good. There are some things I wish to discuss with you. I am not sure if you have guessed it or not, but Sakura is part of a plan I have. I wanted to reveal the plan to you now because it requires your complete cooperation."

Rin straightened up and took a step closer to Sesshoumaru. "I'll do anything you want me to, Lord Sesshoumaru."

Before replying Sesshoumaru ran the back of his forefinger down Rin's cheek. "Good, that's what Sesshoumaru wished to hear."


"You have a plan? What kind of plan?" At the mentioned of a plan, Inuyasha forgot all the other worries and thoughts which had filled his mind.

"Well, yes. But I must warn you, there is no guarantee that it will work..."

"C'mon, Miroku. With things like they are, I'm up ta any kind a plan." Anything to get Sakura back and make Kagome happy again, Inuyasha added to himself.

"Well, okay. I glimpsed Kagome before I came to find you, and I saw that she had two blue bands around her upper arms. They radiated an evil vibe, and I suspect they are something Sesshoumaru made Kagome wear. She never wore anything like that before, right?"

Inuyasha nodded. "Now that ya mention it...she didn't even take 'em, when we were alone for a bit."

"So, they have to be something of Sesshoumaru's, right? I figured that if that's true, Kagome might have a chance of being able to go back through that forcefield.."

"How didja know about the force field...?"

"Sango told me. She told me what happened after you two took your time getting back. Even though Sakura had been taken, Sango and I had tried to find out everything that had happened at both places. But the question is, do you think you could convince Kagome to go back there, and take you with her? If you were able to get inside, do you think you could defeat Sesshoumaru?"

Inuyasha took his time to answer. The anger inside of him wanted to shout a quick yes to Miroku, but the mature part of him wanted to think about it just a little. Inuyasha finally decided he could, especially if Kagome was by his side. "Yes, with Kagome there and Sakura at stake, I would try to take on anything."


Sango had been searching through Kaede's things when she heard Miroku and Inuyasha come home. Instead of going to greet them, she continued looking through the notes Kaede had scribbled down over the years. She was just about to give herself a break when Miroku walked into the room.

"Sango, is everything alright?"

Sango nodded and even gave a small, tired smile to her husband. "Kagome fell asleep finally, and it's for the best I think. That poor dear has gone through so much...but anyways, what were you up to? I heard you and Inuyasha come home at the same time..."

"Well, since you know immediately whenever I lie to you, I'll be truthful. I talked to Inuyasha about a plan I had come up. It involves him and Kagome going back to Sesshoumaru's domain in order to get Sakura back...I think the bands around Kagome's arms might have a strong enough connection with Sesshoumaru that they will let her go through the forcefield. Inuyasha is going to try and go with her, if he can get through the forcefield..."

After Miroku had finished, an expression of remembrance came across Sango's face.

"Miroku! I think I might've found something that will help!" She fumbled through the pages until she came across the one she was looking for. "See here! This could help them! If Kagome could go back through, using this to help them, Inuyasha should be able to go through as well. Don't you think?"

Miroku took the sheets of paper from Sango, quickly glanced over them, and looked back to his wife. "I think you're right, love. BUT," he paused for a slight dramatic effect, "don't say anything of this until tomorrow morning. I want them," he pointed in the direction of the main room, "to sleep and have some rest before they go against Sesshoumaru."

Sango nodded her head. She took the paper back and laid it on the ground before putting her hands out for Miroku to help her up. He helped her and the pair headed for the main living room. There they found Kagome asleep, leaning against Inuyasha's chest. Inuyasha was awake, with a protective arm around his love.

Inuyasha said in a whisper, "I didn't wake 'er up, but I couldn't just let 'er sleep on the floor. Miroku tell ya of his plan, Sango?"

Sango nodded her head. "Yes, but I think before anything we all need to get some sleep. But first I'm gonna give you guys a blanket. It's spring and still chilly out, ya know."

She fetched a blanket, covered Inuyasha and Kagome and looked to her husband. "Let's go to bed dear. It'll be a long day tomorrow..."


It was an hour past dawn when Rin headed for Sakura's room. Sesshoumaru had told her all about his plan last night, and they were to put it in action this morning. There was little time, and Rin had no idea how long it would be before Kagome and Inuyasha would come looking for their daughter.

Rin was now in front of Sakura's door, so she knocked before she entered. Rin was surprised to see Sakura already awake. "G'morning Sakura."

"Good morning Rin! I couldn't sleep in or anything. I'm just too excited. Do I get to see Sesshoumaru soon?" Sakura looked about ready to jump from her bed if Rin said yes. The girl was truly excited about everything that was happening to her.

"Well, actually, I came to get ya. Lord Sesshoumaru wanted to start early, so you could learn more. We're not sure, but your parents might come pretty soon. Anyways, ya ready to go?" Rin saw Sakura nod, and motioned towards the door. "Well, let's go then."

The two girls walk down the corridor, Sakura still wide-eyed at everything she came across. This castle was so different from the houses in her world. It was like she had stepped into some kind of fantasy story, and Sakura still couldn't believe it. Would anyone back home believe her if she told them about her little adventure?

Rin abruptly stopped in front of a rather large wooden door. "This is Sesshoumaru's study. Adjacent to it is the garden, which is probably where you guys will practice."

She opened the door, and the two girls stepped into the room. Sesshoumaru stood there to greet them. "Sakura, I see you made it."

"Yep! Unc, er, Lord Sesshoumaru." Sakura had only heard Rin address Sesshoumaru before and she always used 'Lord' so that was what she decided to do as well. Of course she wished he would let her call him uncle.

Sesshoumaru had noticed Sakura's change of words. For the purpose of his plan he decided it would be best to let her call him uncle. It would be even more painful for Inuyasha to hear that, Sesshoumaru thought to himself.

"Sakura, it is okay if you wish to address me as uncle. We are family after all, right?"

Sakura's eyes brightened more than before and quickly exclaimed, "Really? Yeah! Uncle! I went from no family besides my mom to a dad and an uncle!"

"Yes, well, now that that has been established, shall we begin? The simple magic Sesshoumaru will teach should not take long if you try your best. Will you do that for your uncle?"

Sakura gave an enthusiastic nod. "Of course! Can we start? Please?"

Sesshoumaru nodded, and motioned for Sakura to follow him into the garden. He let the little girl go ahead of him, and looked over his shoulder to Rin. He gave a nod, signaling her to keep watch for any sign of Inuyasha or Kagome.


Kagome woke up to find herself leaning agaisnt something warm. She cracked her eyes open and could instantly tell it was Inuyasha she was leaning on. She clutched his robe with her fingers, and tried to let the beating of his heart calm her down. It wasn't long before she heard his voice.

"Ya awake, Kagome?" He used a soft voice to ask the question. Not only did he want to try and comfort Kagome, but he also didn't want to wake up anyone else in the house.

"Yes. Inuyasha, I-I want to apologize for pushing you away yesterday. I know you only wanted to support me, but...I'm just not used to having someone to support me being around. I've spent the last five or so years raising Sakura, and I need to get used to the fact that you're here now. I'm really sorry." Kagome couldn't bring herself to look up at Inuyasha's face. She really had done something terrible; she had pushed away someone she loved.

Inuyasha put his hands on Kagome's shoulders and pulled her up from his chest. He looked into her eyes before speaking. "Kagome, it's okay, I accept yer apology. Besides, what happened is more than unfair to you. Sometimes I wonder why ya love me. Everytime you're near me, somethin' happens..."

Inuyasha's gaze turned from Kagome's eyes. She put her hand on his cheek and gently pushed his face so that his eyes meet hers once again. "No matter what happens, I love you and that's all that matters. I've put up with a lot of crap up until now, and I'm not about to give up. You should know by now that I'm determined if I wanna be. And you know Sakura adores you. I really want us to be a family. So, after we get her back, which we will, what do you think? Would you be Sakura's father in more than name only?"

A small smile crept onto Inuyasha's face. "Of course! I wanna be, yer, er, husband too."

Couldn't help but smile at Inuyasha's shy antics. Whenever he was embarassed about something he lowered the last words of his sentence, which he had just done when he had said 'husband.' "Hm, my answer?"

Kagome kissed Inuyasha. If it weren't for the conflicting emotions inside of her, she probably would have started crying from the happiness of being able to kiss him once again. But...Sakura...

"Ewww! Look at that Yumemi!"

"Yeah, I'm NEVER gonna do that!"

Yumemi and Shinhaku were awake and had walked in on Inuyasha and Kagome.

"Inuyasha, who's your *girlfriend*?" Yumemi had stressed the last word, girlfriend, as she walked towards them, with Shinhaku not far behind.

"My name's Kagome. You must be Shinhaku and Yumemi, right?" Kagome had sat up, smiling at the two children.

"Kagome? Really?! We've heard stories 'bout you! Coming from another time and gathering the pieces of the Shikon no Tama and and..." The two children looked as if they were about to jump up and down from excitement.

"Now, that's enough you two. Kagome's a family friend. You can ask her question later, kay?" Sango had appeared in the doorway, looking a little bit bedraggled.

A look of disappointment came across the two children's faces, but they knew better than to argue with their mama. "Okay." They said in unison.

"Let's play later, okay? Sakura would love to..." The smile on Kagome's face disappeared, but she forced it back.

Inuyasha put a comforting arm around Kagome's shoulders. "Yeah, you two can play with Sakura later, okay?"

The two kids nodded their heads, and raced past their mama into the kitchen area.

Sango walked to where Kagome and Inuyasha sat, and took a seat on the floor. "Kagome, actually, there's something I wanted to talk to you about. You see, Miroku came up with a plan for you two to get Sakura back..."
Alright, finally I was able to write another chapter! Please let me know what you think...this is getting rather long, and it's good to know if it's worth it or not to write such a long fanfic...

Also, someone asked me about Shippou and where he was. Well, I dunno. Shippou doesn't really have a big role in the anime/manga so I didn't make him any kind of main character in this fic, but he may just show up later on, who knows. ;)
December 2001