InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ the night we went to the next level ❯ Chapter 12

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Inuyasha's point of view
Chapter 12
I took her out of the castle & wrapped her in my shirts. Her bleeding continued. I walked towards the village. Sango saw came running. I ran into Keade's hut & put her on a cot near the door. She told everyone but Sango to leave. I went to Goshinboku to think. Shippo came up & asked what happened. I didn't answer him. He sat on the ground waiting for Sango to come out & tell us news about how Kagome was doing. I could her them talking of Kagome needing lots of blood & wandering what had happened to her.
I didn't want to hear that she was going to die soon. I watched the sunset alone wandering what will happen to me & my relationship with Kagome. I sat up all night hoping to find answers to some imaginary question. Shippo came up & hugged me tight. I looked down & saw that he had fallen asleep & I took him to the hut. Keade approched me & said” she needs more blood & where did you get those blood stains from?” I shook my head & watched as everyone except Shippo & Kagome starring at me. I walked over to the corner &sat down. I pulled out tetsiaga & when I saw myself in its reflection I know I was going to regret it.
I stood up & used the sword to show what had been done to Kagome but using my body instead of hers. They all gasped when I was about to cut off my pants. I stopped hoping they got the picture of what happened to her. I thought about what else he did to her. I only knew one thing & that was to protect Kagome. They all asked what happened next. I shook my head & left the group to be by Kagome. She woke up & curled up into a ball. I watched, as she looked up &was shaking badly. I left feeling like that I lost her forever.
Kagome sat up as I left & said “ wait Inuyasha I thought we were still in Naraku's castle, I'm sorry I scared you so bad. Please stay here I don't want to be that way again.” I turned & left any ways. Miroku walked up behind me & asked.” what is wrong Inuyasha you're not acting like yourself today?” I said” I have a lot on my mind ok so just leave me alone.” He carefully backed away & retreated to the hut. I slept in Goshinboku.