InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Path of Insanity ❯ Path of Insanity ( Chapter 1 )
I hope you guys like it I was intending it to be an Inuyasha full demon poem but well it kind of changed so enjoy! Oh and by the way it's Inuyasha thinking about the death of Kikyo then when he meets Kagome. ENJOY!!!
Disclaimer- I do not own Inuyasha `n' co.
The Path of Insanity
I walked down the path of insanity,
Not knowing what was coming over me,
I had killed too many people already,
I walked down the path of insanity.
Knowing the death of my love,
I had tried to forget she was above,
Away from me like one big shove,
The stress I was free of.
Then I met another girl just like you,
She had that smile and happiness too,
She lifted my heart, and I knew,
I had finally found someone new.
I walked down the path of insanity,
Not knowing what was coming over me,
I had killed too many people already,
I walked down the path of insanity.
She cheered my soul,
She gave me a heart instead of a black hole,
I had finally reached my goal,
I changed from running to a stroll.
Know that I lived in peace,
All my troubles came to a cease,
My relationship had increased,
I felt happy that my heart was back to one piece.
I walked down the path of insanity,
Not knowing what was coming over me,
I had killed too many people already,
I walked down the path of insanity.
I walked down the path of sanity…
I walked down the path of sanity…
I walked down the path of sanity…
I hope that I didn't miss spell any words and all that jazz, so if you like it please review!!!!
Flames are always welcome!!!!!!!!!!