InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Phoenix Blade: Time Lapse ❯ Future Shock ( Chapter 29 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own anything…All characters and many situations created and owned by Takahashi-sama!
Bouquets: It's `betta' with a beta…thanks, Nokomarie!
A/N: Poor Kagome…maybe worrying about math tests would be easier…
Bit of a spoiler for the last two episodes…had to include it. Sorry!
In response to a query: Naraku will be reappearing in a chapter or so…just can't keep a nasty villain down! Now if those pesky sub-plot bunnies would go into hibernation…
The Phoenix Blade: Time Lapse
Chapter 29: Future Shock
Present Day
Mrs. Higurashi did a double-take upon walking into her kitchen the next morning, at the sight of her pyjama-clad daughter standing at the sink, filling a kettle and staring out the window at the winter rain.
“Kagome, dear! When did you drop in? Is Inuyasha here, too? I haven't a thing in the house to feed him…” The dark-haired girl put the kettle on the element, and turned to hug her mother.
“I came in late last night, and Inuyasha isn't here. He's camping out somewhere in the snow.”
“It was starting to dust down when Kirara dropped me off at the well…it really is beautiful in the Sengoku Jidai, when you can see all the stars at night…so long as there aren't any blood-thirsty youkai hanging around.”
Mrs. Higurashi started to bustle around the kitchen, as Kagome curled up with a hot mug of tea and a blanket. “What would you like for breakfast, dear?”
“I don't care, so long as it isn't rice porridge! Eaten enough of that to turn into a bowl of it…”
“All right, dear…how about eggs and toast?”
“That would be perfect, mom. Where are the boys?”
“Sota is on an overnight trip with his kendo team at a tournament in Ichikawa, and Ojii-chan is still sleeping. Why didn't you come back with Inuyasha, dear?” There was something in her mother's tone that caught Kagome's attention.
“We didn't have a fight…well, not with each other. It's been a really busy couple of days…” She quickly updated her mother on her stay with Sesshomaru, and her encounter with Koga, Mrs. Higurashi nearly burning the eggs as she paid more attention to Kagome's account than her cooking.
“My goodness…all that, in such a short period of time?”
Kagome studied the mug in her hand for a long moment, biting her lip, before she slowly raised her head to look her mother in the eye. “Mom…I think that there might be youkai in this time. To be more specific, I think that Lord Sessaki and Lord Kogashu could be either descendents of youkai, or maybe…even youkai themselves…mom!” She dove for the glass bowl her mother knocked onto the floor, catching it just before it shattered. “Geez, mom…you're not usually this fumble-fingered! Are you okay?”
“Yes, dear…I'm just boggled by the thought that there may be blood-thirsty youkai running around. What are you going to do?”
“Phone the Academy, and set up an appointment with Lord Sessaki. Ask some questions that might turn out to be really stupid, but I have to take the risk. I have to know who my allies are in the fight against Naraku.”
“When do you plan to do this?”
“I'll phone right now to see if he can fit me in, and then hopefully have time for breakfast and a really looong hot bath! Got some oni guts to scrub off…” She returned the bowl to the counter, then busied herself hunting up the phone number for Lord Sessaki's private secretary, and dialled. She found herself unconsciously straightening up when the old man answered in his peculiar, squeaky voice. “Office of Lord Sessaki…”
Twenty minutes later, after an afternoon appointment had been secured, a driver arranged (the secretary had insisted, saying that it was far too dangerous for her to ride her motorcycle in the weather they were having), and Kagome was safely out of the way in the bathtub, Mrs. Higurashi picked up the phone herself. She dialled the same number that her daughter did previously, and waited patiently, listening to the rings.
“Office of Lord Sessaki.”
“Good morning to you, Nekajo-san…”
“Ah, good morning, Higurashi-dono…first your daughter, and now you. Is everything all right?”
“Yes, Nekajo-san. I would appreciate a moment of Lord Sessaki's time…it concerns his meeting with my daughter later today…”
A shrill chuckle came through the phone lines. “Finally figured it out, has she? Clever girl... My lord will be proud of her…I wonder who's won the betting pool…”
“Nekajo-san!” Mrs. Higurashi was scandalized. “You were all betting on this?”
“Of course, Higurashi-dono…only small bets, mind you. Nothing over ten yen. He forbid anything larger, to discourage anyone trying to give her hints...and of course, my lord did not participate.”
“Well, in that case…”
“Lord Sessaki will speak with you, madam.”
Kagome fidgeted in the back seat of the car, looking out the windows at the streaming rain and the traffic, wondering how much snow would have accumulated by the time she returned to the village, phrasing and re-phrasing the questions she wanted to ask.
There was no easy way of coming out and saying, “Hey, sir, are you a demon by any chance? If so, when did you stop trying to kill your brother?” Then her heart froze. What if he succeeded in killing Inuyasha, and was trying to make up for it?
Her mother had pulled the microfleece lining out of her dragon hide leathers as well as her under things and washed them and dried them while she was in the tub. She had suffered agonies of indecision while trying to figure out what to wear to this meeting, since she may be asking some really dicey questions. Just to be on the safe side, she had on her cuirass, but had vacillated between the red haori she'd received at the New Moon Festival and her dragon hide. In the end, she'd decided to go with the grey leathers, since she really was curious if he was the one who supplied it…where the heck did he get a dragon?...and had sworn colourfully at the gold-and-violet obi a few times, struggling to tie it in an approximation of Sesshomaru's style. She'd given up on that, folded it in half and wound it around her waist before tying it in a crisp bow, the doubled tails still hanging down past her knees. Her mother had combed out and trimmed her hair, then neatly braided the entire length, and she was good to go.
The quiver and bow had been left at home, but she cradled Fenikkusuken against her shoulder. No way was she going in unarmed, even if Lord Sessaki showed every sign of being a `friendly'. Mentally rolling her eyes about `talking to the sword', she tried pumping the blade for information.
Hey, you.
Yo, Fennie.
C'mon, Fenik. What's the deal?
I could start using you to chop firewood, you know.
Fine. Be that way. You know I'll get you back for this.
I could always ask Totosai to turn you into a ploughshare when all this is over, instead of keeping you as a souvenir.
Kagome sighed, gave up baiting the sword, and carefully crossed her legs at the ankles, mindful of the mirror-like sheen on the toes of her well-worn combat boots. Her mom had polished those too, clucking her tongue over their shabby condition, and had made her promise to go see that `lovely Sensei Shimano' to requisition a new pair. The girl grinned. A stop by the Armoury afterward would be just the thing to cheer her up or steady her nerves, depending on how things went.
“Here we are, Higurashi-san.” The driver shot a smile over his shoulder at her, before getting out with an umbrella to open her door for her and walk her up the Academy's rain-slicked staircase. The two drenched duty guardsmen snapped off salutes as she turned to thank her escort. He smiled encouragingly at her and leaned in to whisper in her ear. “Good luck with Lord Sessaki, Higurashi-san.”
“Uh, thanks.” She was through the entrance doors and halfway up the corridor, heading for the stairs, when it occurred to her that the driver seemed to know something. She paused, and frowned, then shrugged. When the secretary arranged the driver, he'd have to tell him who the passenger was coming to see…right? Lord Sessaki did have a rather intimidating reputation, after all. Shaking herself, she marched purposefully towards the second floor offices, not stopping until she was poised outside the door. Taking a deep breath, she pushed the wooden panel aside, bowing to the wizened old secretary as she stepped in. He peered at her over the frames of his reading glasses as she unbuckled her combat boots and placed them neatly by the door. Kagome wondered if he ever actually used the computer sitting on the end of the low desk, since it never seemed to be on.
“Good afternoon, Nekajo-san.”
“Ah, Higurashi-san. Lord Sessaki has been called away to deal with a minor issue; he asks that you await him in his office.” She nodded, and waited for him to stand up and open the door to the inner sanctum. He observed her keenly as she passed. “I assume the Emperor's birthday is the next time you will be gracing our presence for an official function?”
Kagome paused. “The 23rd of this month, correct?”
“You'll receive official notification next week; the invitations are being prepared at this moment.”
She bobbed a small bow to the old man, who smiled secretively at her, then bustled her in before closing the door behind her. Kagome headed straight to the cushion placed in front of the large wooden desk, and arranged herself in the formal, back-pain-and-arch-strain-inducing kneeling position, a sheathed Fennikusuken laid parallel to her thigh on the tatami mat. She adjusted the obi…man, does it clash with the burgundy trim… and tried to calm her mind and sort out what she wanted to say, since now there was no turning back. A sparsely elegant ikebana arrangement of bamboo stems and dark twisted branches rising out of a raku bowl on the desk caught her attention, and she focussed on that while she waited, her thoughts slowing and falling into order.
Sessaki slipped noiselessly through the outer door, his eyes glinting in anticipation. His secretary wordlessly rose, went to a cupboard in the corner, and extracted a long white pelt. Sessaki raised a fine eyebrow, but took the soft fur from his hands and draped it over his right shoulder without comment. He then stood very still, eyes closed in concentration, while his appearance shimmered briefly as the pale blue crescent moon and violet cheek-stripes appeared on his face, his skin took on a pale hue, and his ears elongated to points, holding back the long silver hair he released from its topknot. His eyes opened, blazing brilliant gold. The short secretary silently prostrated himself in front of the demon lord, who stepped over him as he strode to the door of the inner office.
Taking a brief moment to thoroughly subdue his youkai, and reflect that a white kimono would have been more appropriate than the silver-grey he was currently wearing, Sessaki swiftly slid open the door and stepped inside, shutting the panel firmly behind him. Kagome was kneeling on the cushion in front of his desk, back rigid, `eyes-front', all as protocol demanded.
“At ease, Higurashi. What does the Phoenix of Legend desire of this Sesshomaru?”
As he spoke, she turned to look at him, her mouth opening. Then her jaw sagged and her eyes widened until they took over her face. Her lips moved, but no sound came out. He took a step closer… and she exploded like a coiled spring.
Kagome yelped, shot to standing, threw up a barrier, drew Fenikkusuken and crouched in an attack stance in the blink of an eye. Ribbon-like waves of pure power whirled around her as she pointed the blade at his heart, the green and red vapours spiralling faster and faster. Her eyes flashed silver, and she began breathing hard, completely at the mercy of the flaring energy emanating from her body, in response to the icy shock racing through her veins.
Those silver eyes took him instantly back to an early-winter morning five hundred years before, when a huntress had been interrupted in her kenjutsu katas, and begun to stalk him before she snapped out of it. Sessaki took a step back, spreading his long-fingered hands in a gesture of surrender, and spoke to her softly. “I mean you no harm.” Damn! If she sends off any more energy surges, every demon in a two-hundred-mile radius will be deluging the Palace with phone calls…have to calm her down…before she purifies me or brings down the building…or both.
Kagome's molten eyes were focussed on him like target lasers, her breathing coming harsh and ragged. Then, just when he was wondering if a retreat might not be in order, she blinked, hard, several times, squinting at him like her vision was cloudy, and he saw that the silver was receding to a brilliant rim around her iris. He also realized at that moment she was trying to de-escalate the power spiralling around her, not gather it for a blow. Keeping an eye on the flaming sword, he tried again to reach her, his voice gentle. “You are in the present, not the past. There is no need to fear.” She drew a long, shuddering breath, then dropped the tip of the sword away from his chest, while not taking her eyes from his. The ribbons of power flickered, and dove back inside her. The effort was too much; he caught her as she fainted dead away.
Less than one hundred miles away, in a blocked-off area of Chichibu-Tama National Park, huddling under a dripping tarp which barely provided cover against the driving sleet, Yashita was going over the plans for the next day's cadet manoeuvres with his subordinate sensei, who happened to be a one-eighth inu-youkai hanyou. The energy signature from an incredible surge of distinctive spiritual-demonic power stopped Yashita in his tracks, and raised the much-less sensitive hackles of his subordinate.
“Holy gods, sir…what the hell was that?!”
Yashita took a moment to collect his thoughts. “My mate…”
The other hanyou's eyes were wide. “Shit…the stories I've heard about her are true, then?”
“…Most of them, anyways. Cover for me…I'm going to find out what the hell's going on.”
“Yes, sir!”
“Don't lose any of those cadets, or else…”
“No, sir!”
The few other youkai and hanyou who were in the know would have had a hard time picking up the camouflage-toned blur as it sped away, towards the city, and towards a certain miko whose distress call was clarion-clear.
Kagome slowly surfaced from the blackness, aware of being flat on her back…again…and considered throwing up a barrier, but thought twice. Sesshomaru… Lord Sessaki… while certainly looking as deadly as ever while scaring her right into the fifth hell, had not actually attacked her. In fact, he did his best to reinforce that he was not going to do so…maybe this would turn out okay? A barrier might be misinterpreted as a hostile move... She heard something shift not far from her right ear, a rustling movement against the tatami mats, and something that sounded awfully like a heavy sigh. Slowly, she turned her head towards the noise and peeked through her lashes.
Pewter-grey silk brushed with feather-like patterns. Silver hair and fluffy white fur coiling sinuously on the mat. No armour, but two arms, one propped on a bent knee, long clawed fingers supporting his chin. Finely chiselled cheekbones adorned with colourful striping. Blue crescent moon. Predatory yellow eyes boring into her. Kagome snapped her eyes shut, and gulped audibly, her hand tightening on her sword hilt.
I am possibly so very far beyond dead they won't need a coffin.
A deep voice she wasn't sure she recognized any more spoke. “Your lack of control is appalling, miko.”
Kagome struggled to catch up with the squealing thoughts racing around her brain, and she finally risked cracking one eye to cautiously peek up at him. A regally arched eyebrow was the only sign of his inner amusement as he watched her processing the information provided by her eyes. She finally noticed that her sword wrist was pinned down gently but firmly by his other hand.
“Killing me with my own fang would not be an appreciated outcome of this meeting.”
Fang? Fuck
She felt faint again, but fought it back, steadying her breathing with a tremendous effort while blinking up at the coffered ceiling. He continued to hold her wrist down, rather amused at being practically able to hear her assembling her thoughts. “Questions, Higurashi?”
“M-my train of thought rather spectacularly derailed when you came through the door, sir.”
“Hm… how long since we last encountered each other?”
“Um…only forty-eight hours. You were recovering from the `Wind Scar'…”
“…and a certain irritating miko inflicted herself on me as a guard.” He let go of her wrist, and folded his hands into his kimono sleeves, watching her keenly.
Kagome twisted upright onto her knees, urgently catching at the trailing edge of his sleeve. “The little girl…did she find you? I couldn't bring her to you, because I was fighting off the wolves attacking her village…”
Sessaki looked at some point into the distance over her shoulder. “Yes, Rin entered my life.”
“Rin? She began to talk?”
“Much to Jaken's dismay.”
“Jaken? The toad? Oh, hell…your secretary Nekajo, right?” She let go of her sword and gripped the silken fabric tightly between her fingers. “Who…who else is here? H-he's not d-dead…?”
Sessaki raised his eyebrow as she tortured the rich fabric. “My brother lives.”
Kagome's brain was whirling, until it finally engaged with a near-audible click. “Kogashu is obviously Koga. He's the one who really tipped me off, because he looks, sounds and acts nearly the same. But Inuyasha…” He didn't give her any hints, just a significant look. The girl frowned, biting her lip, then smacked herself in the forehead. “Damn, damned, damnable! How could I have been so stupid? Inuyasha… “Yash”…Yashita. Shit! How couldn't I have known it was him? Oh, man…” Then she thought of something else, and her eyes went wide. “Gods…I've kissed him in both centuries…is that moral?”
Sessaki's lips twitched. “I cannot speak to that issue…he is your mate, however.” She flushed bright red, and ducked her head, releasing his sleeve from her fingers.
“But…but… what about Shippo?”
“The kitsune is attending to the boot issue.”
“Boots? Armoury…Shimano?!” She was gasping by now; he wondered if she was going to faint again. “How did all of you…?”
“Concealment spells of impressive strength. Only those capable of maintaining the spells were permitted anywhere near you while you were a cadet, since we did not know at what point your powers developed.”
“Wait a minute…there are more demons around? How do you know about the boot issue? My mom got after me just this morning…by all the hellsher, too?
“Your mother identified Yashita a few months ago. She keeps us apprised of your activities so that we can best supply you with what you need.”
“My mom figured it out…I am dense…really great supplies, by the way, from field rations to enchanted swords to dragon hide…” She eyed him speculatively. “You do remember that you called yourself a traitor for teaching me your family's kenjutsu, don't you?”
“I have experienced some humour at my previous opinions.”
Kagome scratched her head. “Am I on some playback loop? Did I go through the well once before, and fail, so you sent me back a second time, better prepared?” He looked perplexed. “You know, in those sci-fi movies… `space-time continuum' and all that jazz?”
Sessaki scowled, as if the very idea was not permitted. “Once was enough.”
“I was just wondering if there is another copy of me running around somewhere…”
He quirked a very tiny smile at her. “I was not going to mention her.” Kagome made a face as he continued. “When I met you as `Sesshomaru', it was obvious you were not only well-equipped but also highly trained in military skills. It became clear around the middle of the nineteenth century that aggressive intervention on our part was necessary to create a favourable situation for you.'
Kagome's eyes were wide. “Y-you've been planning this for over a hundred years?”
“Closer to four hundred, beginning with the commissioning of your sword.”
“So things like my body armour, the sword, the kenjutsu, the leather outfit…you were sending hints to yourself to pay attention when we ran into each other in the past?”
“Of course.”
“Whew! I think my brain's sprung a gasket…”
“Hm…that is unfortunate…however, `Jaken' is currently holding off two of your comrades, who are anxious to reassure themselves of your state of health.”
Nekajo's eyes twinkled with malicious delight, as he brandished the Staff of Two Heads at the kitsune and the wolf youkai, while barring the door to Sessaki's inner office.
Fuck, toad, get out of the way! Kagome nearly knocked me over with that blast, and I'm in the other wing of the building…what the hell's Sessaki doing to her?” A small flame singed his chest, and Kogashu jumped backwards out of range.
“My lord is not harming the miko…can't you tell that she's calmed down?”
“That's my adoptive mother in there…”
“I can hear her voice from here…I can assure you that she is very lively indeed.”
“Lucky for him…Yash'll kill him if anything's gone wrong…”
“That is why this whole operation was left up to my lord's superior expertise…if you'd been in charge, wolf, I shudder to think of the consequences…”
Sessaki rose from his spot and re-seated himself gracefully behind his desk; Kagome sat cross-legged on the cushion and re-sheathed her sword. She raised absolutely huge eyes to him; he smiled faintly at the expression in them as he carefully let his youkai slip loose. Minutely adjusting one of the twisted branches of the ikebana arrangement, he spoke. “Sessaki serves me very well in these modern times, Higurashi. The name Sesshomaru belongs to myth, along with dragons…”
“On that topic… where, exactly, did you find a dragon to supply this outfit?”
“In northern China, around three hundred and fifty years ago.”
“Wow…Totosai said that Fenikkusuken was made out of two fangs…”
“That blade took him three times longer than usual to forge. Totosai was not pleased when he had to leave it unmarked.”
“Your fang…and Inuyasha's?”
He nodded his elegant head. “You possessed a weapon that not only aggressively and specifically protected you from us, but it also recognized Tetsusaiga and Tenseiga. It was obvious after the fact how it came to exist.”
While Kagome digested all this information, Sessaki cocked his head at the door. The sounds of squabbling were rising in volume…better deal with this now, before Yashita arrived. “Higurashi? Are you ready to greet your kit and the wolf?”
Her head shot up. “I-I guess so… what about…Yash?”
“I'm sure his arrival is imminent.” He rose to his feet; she followed suit. “I am proud of you, Higurashi…for one so young, and a human, you have done well.” She looked up at him, blinking in surprise at the compliment.
“Er…thank you for everything you've done...sir.” she mumbled.
His eyes sparked a bit. “You may refer to me as `Sessaki', if you wish…”
“I would prefer you to call me `Kagome' as well…it's a pleasant change from `miko'. Um…may I ask you a question? Are you still going to try to kill me or Inuyasha in the past?”
He snorted. “The possibility remains.” He moved to open the door. “Ready?”
Her grin lit up her face. “Born ready, apparently. Bring `em on…”
He abruptly slid the door back. “Nekajo, step aside…Kitsune, do not fling yourself at her; you are no longer a child.”
Kagome was struck speechless as Shimano stepped over the threshold, his outline shimmering and blurring, until a tall, green-eyed, pointy-eared, red-haired fox demon was galloping towards her on furry paws. He swept her into a bear hug, laughing. Kagome held on tight, breathless, as he lifted her off her feet and swung her around.
“Shippo…I can't believe it! I mean, I can…but…you're taller than me! Hey, are those four tails?”
“You bet, Kagome…I do way better transformations now than eggplants and pickles.” He squeezed her ribs again. “I'm so glad you figured us out! It's been murder not being able to tease you about stuff that happened way-back-when all this time…and your mate's been so grouchy lately that he's no fun to bug…”
“A-hem!” The sound of a noisily cleared throat brought their attention to the doorway. Kogashu was lounging against the frame, arms crossed over his chest, a long tail swishing against his legs, his piercing blue eyes sparkling above the black gi he wore as an everyday uniform. “Is the fox-brat going to get all the lovin' around here? Thought you might be a little bit glad to see me, princess.” He grinned toothily as she released Shimano and purposefully crossed the office towards him. He didn't notice the silver-sparked look in her eye, nor the clenching of her hand into a fist. “How's my woman doin'?”
She came right up to him, looked him dead in the eye… then hauled off and belted him with a solid right hook to the jaw. Kogashu's head snapped back, and he staggered, stars ricocheting around his vision. There was a stunned pause, and then Sessaki and Shimano began making muffled snorting sounds. Clutching his face, Kogashu glared at the gimlet-eyed girl. “Fuck, Kagome…what the hell?”
Kagome nursed her fist, panting lightly, eyes flashing. “You know exactly what that was for, you jerk! You're lucky I didn't go for any other part of your anatomy…”
Shimano wiped his eyes. “Man, Yashita would've given Tetsusaiga to see that! Go Kagome!”
Sessaki tapped a claw on Kagome's shoulder. “You met Kogashu's younger self fairly recently?”
Kagome's anger dissipated as soon as it flared. “Five hundred years ago for him, twenty-four hours for me. Hate to say it, wolfling, but I really enjoyed doing that…”
His frown disappeared when a flash of remembrance lit his face, and he grinned wryly while rubbing his jaw. “S'okay, princess…I deserved that. Now can I have a hug?”
“You are out of time, wolf. Shimano, open the window for Yashita.” Kagome looked at him questioningly. “His arrival in the front entrance would cause unnecessary comment, as he is supposed to be in Chichibu-Tama.”
The thump of booted feet hitting the wood-framed windowsill spun her around, her heart accelerating. Yashita paused, his dark braid swinging over his broad shoulder and spraying water droplets, dressed in full camouflage complete with combat boots, his golden-brown eyes taking in the scene of four demons minus their concealing spells, and one definitely unharmed miko all staring at him. He jumped down, rain water spattering on the tatami mats, and fisted his hands on his hips. “Someone mind telling me what the fuck is going on?”
Kagome moved, and he found himself with his girl wrapped around him, crying her eyes out all over his already rain-dampened chest. Splaying his hands across her back, he closed his eyes and rested his cheek against her hair, exhaling, letting his concealing spell slip away. The other demons filed out, and he heard the door quietly slide shut, leaving them alone. Rubbing soothing patterns through the leather, he began purring gently, mainly to distract himself from the tell-tale pricking at the corners of his own eyes.
“Shhh, Kagome…it's all right. I'm here… and I'll always protect you.” She leaned up on tip-toe to kiss his cheek. “Keh…my turn, koishii.” Catching her chin, he kissed her in the way he'd been wanting to for more than a few hundred years, and was pleased when she responded, pressing herself tighter against him, fisting her hands in the back of his jacket. Despite the caresses, tears were still running down her face. Breaking the kiss, he cupped her cheek in one hand, using his thumb to stroke the moisture from her skin. “What's the matter, my `stormy-eyed beauty'?”
Kagome hiccupped slightly. “Y-you're all here…you all survived Naraku. Kikyo didn't pull you down to hell. I'm so happy…”
“Keh! So happy that you're smearing snot all over my fatigues?”
She leaned back slightly, and jabbed him in the chest. “Dammit, dog-boy…oh, gods.” Kagome wrenched herself out of his arms and backed up several steps, her hand over her mouth, her face stricken. Puzzled, Yashita held out his hands to her.
“I'm just kidding, koishii…”
“No…oh, shit…how is this supposed to work?”
“I kiss you some more, you stroke my ears…we see how sturdy Sess's desk is...”
“No! Not that…we…you…crap…I shouldn't be doing this…with you.”
“Excuse me? We're mates…”
“Not yet!”
I know that…your scent…”
Fuck…I feel like I'm cheating on Inuyasha… with you! How weird is that?”
“Not weird enough to stop, I hope.” He stepped towards her; she retreated. He halted. She met his amber eyes, then squeezed hers shut, tears leaking out of the corners.
“What am I supposed to do now? How am I supposed to act towards you? If Inuyasha smells you anywhere on me, he'll try to come after you…even though he's you.” Her voice was an anguished whisper. “Isn't there some rule of the universe, that the same person can't exist in the same time…what if one of you goes `poof'?”
“I will admit to feeling extremely uncomfortable when the pup was so close that one time at your house. Did I … I mean, he…say anything to you afterwards about it?”
“No. You…he… chewed me out for going out with you. Don't you remember? See? This whole conversation is just too weird! Hey…where are your ears?”
“Wanna see?” He smiled slowly, and offered the end of the braid to her. “Go ahead…undo it. I know you've wanted to for years…” Hesitating briefly, Kagome stepped in close, undid the thong, and began loosening the silver length. She was startled when his bangs fell forward as well as his sidelocks…and the bangs hung down past his chin.
“Whoa! What's up with these? And…and…where did this come from?” She paused in the act of combing the bangs away from his eyes, her attention caught by a single frayed cheek stripe. He gently circled her wrist, when it seemed that she might bolt backwards.
“One question at a time…We figured that the hair style would be a dead giveaway, so I started pulling it all back decades ago. I hated the topknot-thing because it hurt my ears. Now I can do something about it…” Moving to stand over the raku bowl on Sessaki's desk, he used his claws to razor off the extra length of his bangs, the artistically-arranged greenery now looking like it was infested with over-productive spiders.
While she watched him play barber, Kagome shuffled her feet, unable to take her eyes off the cheek stripes. “Are…are you a full youkai now?” She tried to pick up any differences in his signature, but there were none apparent.
“Not exactly. It's part of our story, Kagome…don't worry about it. This had nothing to do with wishes.”
“You…look so much more like your brother now…it's kind of spooky.”
“Most people think I now look like my dad, actually.”
Kagome's fingers started twisting the hem of her tunic. “I can't believe that I didn't know it was you…I mean, I've kissed you…both of you…hey, how come I was able to win that `friendly' sparring match at the New Moon Festival? You should've kicked my butt!”
Yashita grinned. “Keh! I should point out that I was half-naked, and managed to end up with you on top of me by the end…”
“You threw it, in other words. Damn…and I was so proud of myself for finally beating you.”
“…but to be fair, you were extremely fast, and you did catch me off guard with that destabilizing move…and truthfully, I ended up on my ass fair and square.”
“So…I did beat you? Really?”
“Yeah. But don't count on it happening again, wench. Look, Kagome…come here… please?” His voice dropped a couple of notches into the lower registers, and his eyes were so soft and glowing, that Kagome wavered and almost gave in.
“I-I can't…Yash. It's like I'm being disloyal to him…somehow. Oh, gods!” Her hand flew to her mouth again; he cocked his head while he waited patiently for her to tell him. “T-the N-new Moon Festival…you knew Inuyasha stayed in my room overnight…after I was kissing you that afternoon…you must think I'm a …”
I think you're the most amazing woman, Kagome…I was confusing you, I'll admit…but I couldn't pass up the chance to hold you in my arms. You had to choose the pup. Otherwise, Sessaki would have had an apoplectic fit…”
Kagome slid her sleeve back to reveal the braided silver hair bracelet. “You knew who this belonged to all the time…did my explanation sound plausible?”
“You recovered very well, actually.”
His girl suddenly gave him a distinctly suspicious look. “That wasn't a replacement ceremonial kimono, was it?”
“I confess…I swiped it the night you went through the well. When you dropped it outside the door, I couldn't resist. It was warm like you, and smelled like you…so I took it home with me. All those kisses you gave me in the gardens the day after more than made up for returning it to you.”
Kagome's eyes were filling with tears again. “You've waited for me for so long…what am I supposed to do, Yash? I-I love him…you…but I can't be with both of you…”
“Why not?”
What? Eeyeew! Yash! That's…that's… just too…creepy… to even contemplate! I already have Kikyo participating whenever Inuyasha and I smooch….” She executed a full-body shudder just thinking about it.
He subtly closed the distance between them. “What stage are you at in the mission?”
“Um… camping out with Sesshomaru, and then kidnapped by Koga.”
“That idiot wolf…I still haven't completely forgiven him. Kagome, the pup becomes really possessive of you after that…really, really possessive, so try to be patient.”
“Uh, how possessive is really possessive?”
“More than this…” He pounced, wrapped his arms around her, hiked her up against his chest, then dropped down cross-legged, circling her legs around his waist. Kagome went wide-eyed with shock at their intimate position, started to struggle on principle, then remembered who he was and gave in, curling her arms around him. He dropped his chin to her shoulder, deep-breathing her scent while undoing the braid and spreading her dark hair over her back, tangling it in his claws. “You smell so good, koishii…even better after we mate, but this will do fine.”
Her voice was muffled in his chest. “You smell different, too…it used to be pine forests and mossy places…now your scent is…”
“A bit more floral? That's our mated scent…”
She popped her head up, grinning. “Sort of like an air freshener…” He chuckled. Kagome stilled, thinking hard. “After you fought `Koga' the first time, you practically undressed me on the battlefield…were you looking for something?”
“Control.” He could feel her start in surprise. “ `Koga' really got under my skin that day, running his mouth off with all that shit. I needed to calm down, fast, and breathing your scent was the only way.” He fingered the collar of the jacket. “This tunic is good for a lot of things…but not when it comes to using your scent as a safety valve.” He paused a moment for emphasis. “Kagome …even if I seem totally out of control at any point, your scent, your voice, your touch will always reach me. Don't forget that. Trust me, you'll know the situation as soon as it occurs.”
She searched his face. “You've just told me something really important, haven't you? With bright red flashing lights on top of it?”
He nodded, amber eyes serious, bringing up a hand to stroke her cheek and through her hair, while snugging her even closer to him with the other hand spread flat across her hips. “I'm so very sorry, Kagome.”
She arched her eyebrows, trying not to think about what was pressing firmly against her crotch at that precise moment. “Umm…What for?”
“For all the idiotic things the pup is going to do to you, and for a few he's already done… for instance, do you remember the first time I had you in this position?”
Blushing, she ducked her head. “In the bathroom? Yeah…”
“It was damn lucky that your mom interrupted, or we'd be arguing about names for our first pup…”
“Probably not, actually… I still had some issues about Kikyo, and how you felt about her as well as how you viewed me…” His eyes darkened, and he gripped her tightly, moulding her against him.
“You are my heart, my soul, my life, Kagome…my only love. Never forget that, no matter what happens with the pup. He's going to make some stupid-ass mistakes…but not in loving you.”
“That's warning number two…D-did you just say…you love me?”
He kissed her very, very gently. “With all my heart, koishii. Believe me when I tell you, the pup loves you deeply, passionately, and exclusively. He's just not good with words…”
Kagome nuzzled his cheek. “You certainly have become less tongue-tied, then.” There was a moment of sweet, shared bliss, and then Kagome remembered something. “Can I ask you one thing? Do I ever get rid of that piece of Kikyo's soul?”
“Um…maybe. We are mated, so I'd say that you successfully overcome any squeamishness.” He squeezed her a little, smiling. “I've been watching you since you were born…that's how your mom busted me, because she remembered me coming to the hospital to see you. One or the other of us has been guarding the shrine twenty-four/seven for the past five hundred years, to make sure that your family stayed safe. It's been tough on me these last six months, not seeing you every day, worrying about what you're going through over there.”
She regarded him thoughtfully. “The morning you just happened to show up, when I was locked out of the well…you knew exactly what was going on, didn't you? Good acting job, by the way…”
He looked a little abashed. “It was spur-of-the-moment on my part to help you out on this side during the Royakan incident. At least I got to cuddle you…I'm really, really sorry for breaking your arm, koishii. That's the time your mom rumbled me; I had to tell Sessaki she'd figured us out, and we made arrangements for you to be seen at the infirmary here. Then, I had to watch Kogashu carry you in…”
“So, who picked out the motorcycle?”
Yashita leered cheekily, amber eyes sparkling. “Who do you think? You always did prefer something red, purring and fast between your legs…”
Ack! Since when did you become such a hentai?!”
“Five hundred years without a hug or a kiss from my koishii is a long time.”
Kagome remained still for a moment, then straightened up, and slid her flattened palms up over his damp chest to rest on his shoulders, looking intently into his eyes. “I hope I get the chance to say this to him soon, but I'll practise on you first.” She took a deep breath. “Inuyasha, I love you.”
His answering kiss took her sanity away, until she was barely hanging on to any scrap of self-restraint to stop herself from engaging in something that would be effectively impossible to explain to Inuyasha. The sound of the door sliding open halted them in mid-lip-lock, Yashita clutching her protectively against him and snarling ferociously at whoever was in the doorway.
“Kindly disentangle yourselves.”
Kagome was sure that her face couldn't become any redder and hid in Yashita's shoulder. With a low growl of displeasure at Sessaki, he deftly lifted and swung her around, so that she was still in his lap, but now with her back against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her hips and glared defiantly over her shoulder at his brother, who merely gave him a pointed look before gracefully seating himself directly opposite the couple. Kagome, despite suffering from near-terminal embarrassment, smirked at the look on the taiyoukai's face when he noticed his embellished floral arrangement. Shimano bounded over and plopped down beside them, ignoring Yashita's growl to grin cheerfully at Kagome and place a new pair of combat boots next to her feet. Kogashu and Nekajo were last, the toad youkai seating himself beside Sessaki, and the wolf not coming into the room any farther than the first line of mat-binding before flopping down.
Sessaki pulled his attention away from the ikebana and leaned slightly forward. “Kagome, it is critical that you understand our viewpoint. We cannot tell you anything that may change the outcome of your mission by disrupting the flow of time.”
Something stirred in the back of Kagome's mind. “Just like in an American sci-fi movie I watched. A nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and its crew were sent back in time to just before Japan's attack on Pearl Harbour. If they'd chosen to change history…it could've had major repercussions down the line. I understand what you're saying…now that I know you are all alive and Naraku is dead, I can cope with almost anything this mission throws at me.” Silence fell in the room. Kagome looked around at the solemn faces and inhaled sharply.
“Naraku…is dead, right?”
“We assume so.” She thought Sessaki's shoulders sagged the tiniest bit.
“The Vortex disappeared from Miroku's hand, didn't it?”
Kogashu snorted. “Yeah, but it was twice as cursed afterward. I don't know how Sango put up with him…” There was a chorus of grunted agreement.
There was a moment of profound silence, and Kagome noticed that all three of them looked rather stricken, and that Yashita's grip on her had tightened to nearly the point of discomfort. “If Naraku is dead, what's the problem? Why…why do you all look so gutted?”
Shimano scooted closer, and took her hand. He cleared his throat before looking her in the eye. “You were injured in the course of the final battle…and you fell into the well. It sealed behind you.”
“So…you don't know if I lived… or died?” Three heads solemnly nodded; she felt Yashita's intake of breath. “Wait…Yash…wouldn't your heart tell you if I was alive? We were connected then…” She twisted around to see his face. He was looking at her with drooping ears and a tight expression.
“The moment the well sealed, it was like the connection was severed. My heart rate changed immediately.”
“Oh…but…you didn't die…then that's a good chance that I lived, isn't it?”
“That is the outcome we are hoping for, Kagome. Everything we have done is to encourage your survival.” Sessaki folded his hands into his sleeves. “Your discovery of our true identities presents an opportunity.”
“You will be scheduled for training here; you must learn to control your power. A fainting `weapon' is a liability.”
“Um…no kidding… extra training actually sounds great.” She hurried on, noticing the look in his eye. “Uh…is there something else?”
“You must not reveal anything to Inuyasha. A confrontation would not be desirable…you will have to do something with that tunic, since you are now covered in your mate's scent.”
Kogashu sat bolt upright, a rather broad leer twisting his face. “Don't waste any time, do you, Yash?” He scuttled backward from the intensity of the glares directed his way.
Sessaki turned back to Kagome, who was rather pink-cheeked. “Leave the leathers here while you dine with us and Nekajo will see to it that they are de-scented.”
“Uh…leave the leathers?…I didn't bring a change of clothes.”
“Our mates are bringing some appropriate items for you.”
Kagome sagged back against Yashita's chest, her eyes wide. “Your…mates? All of you?”
Kogashu grinned. “You haven't met mine yet, in the past. Red-headed, green-eyed beauty called Ayame from the north mountain wolf tribe. I have to admit, though, I had a hard time giving you up for her. We have five runts of our own.”
Kagome looked to Shimano, who swished his tails proudly. “My Kogane and I have three pups; my daughter is in the same class at the same school as your brother. She thinks Sota is `cuuute', by the way. I can't wait for you to meet them, since they've been hearing stories about their `obaa-san' all their lives.”
“Obaa-san? I'm honoured, Shimano.” She squeezed his hand, feeling tears beginning to prickle, but blinked them away.
Finally, she met Sessaki's yellow gaze. He gave her one of those rare smiles that melted his eyes to liquid gold. “I believe that you were quite fond of Rin?”
The girl gasped, and gaped at him. “Rin? But she's just a little kid…oh…she grew up, of course. Wait a minute! How can she still be alive?”
Yashita's voice rumbled in her ear. “One of the perks of being mated to a demon, Kagome…your lifespan extends to be the same as mine.”
“It will greatly please Rin, now that you can attend our daughter's wedding this coming Spring…where is the pup?”
“He's still a day or so away from coming through the well…I left them at the harpy battle site, and it started to snow over there.”
“Yashita, radio your unit and tell them you will return in the morning.” Sessaki stood up, and indicated that they all should rise. Yash grumbled, but released her so she could climb to her feet, then quickly jumped up and slipped an arm around her waist. Kagome poked him.
“I thought you said that the pup was a little possessive…”
“I've had centuries of waiting, koishii. It was tough letting you go through the well that first night, trust me.”
She waited until the other three had exited the office ahead of them, and placed her hand over his heart. “Yash…it must have been hard for you, watching the rest of them find mates and have kids, while you were all alone…”
“That's what kept me going, Kagome…wanting to be with you again. The pup is a lucky dog, to be with you nearly every day.”
Kagome bit her lip, playing with the flap of his breast pocket. “Yash, does he ever tell me…he loves me?”
He kissed the crown of her head. “Not often enough, but he does…eventually.”
Her fingers began pressing and pushing on the damp fabric of his fatigues, and then she unbuttoned the top few buttons, pulling the neck open. He smirked, knowing what she was looking for. “You took it off, koishii. You'll have to find some other way to subdue me. Kissing's good…”

A/N: For those of you that were hoping for a shredded Sessaki…just wait! Imagine how shocked you'd be if you found that your suspicion about your boss being from Mars was correct. Kagome's reaction is a little muted right now…she'll be back to her own fiery self soon enough.
Probably too soon for Yashita's liking.
If you're interested, `Kogane' means gold.