InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Price of A Life ❯ Rage For Stolen Things ( Chapter 2 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
By: Foxy Lady Kagome is alive... but very different than before.
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance / Angst | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 10.23.2002 | Pages: 1 | Words: 1000 | Visits: 595 | Status: Completed
Chapter 2:
Rage For Stolen Things
Inu Yasha rested his heavily against the wall at his back. Kagome's head rested on one leg, the other bent at the knee and brought close to his chest for support, his hand mechanically stroking Kagome's hair.
She's half demon… He thought. Had he done that to her? Simply by bringing her back? Because he was half demon, she was now too…?
Immersed in confusion, he didn't notice Kagome's hand curl into a tight fist or her previously passive expression give way to a contort of pain.
Kagome stood in her prior oblivion. She looked around, dazed and confused. Slowly, she began to remember the events that had brought about her death. The fear of Sesshoumaru's hot breath on her face, leaning in to taunt her, the pain of the claws inside her chest… giving way only when she could no longer hold to life.
As the scene replayed, her peaceful surroundings diminished, the dark swampy terrain she had found herself in on her first encounter with Sesshoumaru. The only differences were that, although Inu Yasha and his brother were not there, she was not alone.
The same likeness of her reincarnation was again there. Silent tears ran down her now colorless face, similar to Kanna, the only tint was the stark blue of her eyes still remaining.
"I'm sorry that I could not help you…" The girl said softly, her voice full of pain.
"It-" Kagome began, trying to console her. Kei's voice interrupted her own.
"No… there was something…" She said, dropping her head. "I could have stopped him here."
"Why didn't you?"
"Because I didn't know… how far he would go…" Kei grew a shade brighter. "I thought stopping him would cause him more pain. But I was wrong."
"What do you mean?"
Kei's head suddenly raised and her face grew solemn. "He will change every rule your enemies have set against you. Even those of fate…" She prophesied, faded faster. "My time is now long in the distance… but whether that is good or bad is up to you to determine. And never forget what he will do for you…"
She was completely gone. Kagome stared into the place she had been a moment before and outstretched a hand. Seeing her delicate claws, she only then realized what had been sacrificed, not only by Inu Yasha, but by herself.
Her humanity was gone, taken, no doubt, by Sesshoumaru in a sick game for his own enjoyment. Her blood went cold and she snarled. Even her peaceful death was soiled by him, turned to a wasteland of mud.
"I will make him pay," She quietly vowed, her voice raised only high enough for her to hear.
She frowned as her chest began to throb with the pain of claws in her chest. Phantom pains, she thought, the pain of living and still remembering what it had felt like to die. Did Kikyou ever feel like this? She wondered, feeling a strange sense of connection with the dead priestess. Squeezing her eyes closed tightly, she tried to ignore it, but untimely snapped them open again, now to stare out at Inu Yasha.
So, she had woken up, finally drawn away from that place, Kagome thought, her demon eyes flashing in irritation at the constant stroking of Inu Yasha's hand on her hair. It caused a confusion she didn't want to sort out, reminding her again that she did not know why he fought so hard to bring her back. She leapt up and snapped, "Stop that!"
He didn't raise to his feet as well, instead staying seated, staring up at her with a tortured expression. Kagome's frown deepened. Probably thinking about Kikyou… she told herself, reminding himself of the similarities you yourself found.
"I want to know where Sesshoumaru is… Now." Kagome demanded, her voice cold, as it was when she vowed to herself to kill him.
Inu Yasha's mouth dropped open slightly and his eyes filled with pain. "Kagome… please, don't…" He asked, his voice barely audible.
"Why? I thought you hated you're brother and would welcome the chance to see him dead."
"But not at your expense, he's already killed you once."
Kagome's face twisted in rage. Her hand flew out and her sharp claws pointed into the neck of his skin. Inu Yasha inhaled sharply and leaned his head backwards towards the wall to escape the painful prick of her claws. "Don't mess with me, dog boy!" She hissed.
Inu Yasha started up at her, the same sorrowful expression still on his face. "What happened to you?" He whispered mournfully.
Kagome gritted her teeth, then slammed him hard against the wall. His head hit the stone forcefully, and he slumped when Kagome slipped her hand away. She backed away, afraid she might have killed him. Tentatively she took a small step forward, kneeling to feel his pulse with the same hand that had drew the small pinpricks of blood there. A strong pulse beat beneath her fingers. He was only unconscious.
Breathing a sigh of relief, she stood. As she continued to remain there, solemnly studying his comatose form, a single tear fell down her face. Despite herself, his last words had struck home. Her death had changed her, not only in bodily form, but stolen away the kindness, the naivety, the belief that everyone had some good somewhere. Her face, still wet with tears, twisted into a bitter expression. She would make Sesshoumaru suffer, for more than just killing her, she would make him pay.
Unable to hold back the rush of tears threatening to spill, and unwilling to cry them in front of Inu Yasha, equally unwilling to admit why she would not, she spun. Running through the temple, whimpering with blurry eyes, she found herself in front of a river. Sprawling in front of it, she finally broke down in deep sobs.