InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Price of A Life ❯ A Single Shard ( Chapter 6 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
By: Foxy Lady Inu Yasha fights Naraku, but there is one shard missing.
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance / Angst | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 10.23.2002 | Pages: 1 | Words: 1.6K | Visits: 534 | Status: Completed
Chapter 6:
A Single Shard
Naraku smiled cunningly. No one stood a chance against him, not even the half youkai that had finally found him again. The half youkai with his desperation for the half of the Jewel that Naraku possessed. Silly love would not save him from his death. It wasn't a force worth listening too. Naraku's smile widened. He was driven by hate… hate and lust for more power… and killing the hanyou would be the final battle in his own search for the Jewel. The hanyou had inadvertently done his dirty work for him, collecting all the shards that Naraku himself did not already posses.
Inu Yasha stood unflinching, his face grim. He knew that the fight was unavoidable and that he would be facing his deadliest opponent ever. Not even his brother posed so much of a threat to him. Yet even Naraku had his weakness, and Inu Yasha could play off that. Naraku believed he was unbeatable.
Pulling the Tetsusaiga out of its sheath, Inu Yasha readied for Naraku's first strike. Naraku noticed and obliged him by reaching out with his growing arm, the tip pointed at aimed for Inu Yasha's heart in the off-chance he wouldn't be able to block. He did, slicing off half of the arm, changing before it had a chance to reattach.
Before Inu Yasha could bring down the sword in 'Cutting Wind,' Naraku's detached arm came around and impaled his back. He gasped in pain as the sharp tip pushed through his flesh and gasped again when moments later, drenched in his blood, it withdrew. Inu Yasha fell to his knees in pain, clutching his chest where the flesh had been penetrated, warm blood flowing between his fingers, staining his red firerat cloak an even darker red.
Digging in his fingers deeply into the wound, his grip on the Tetsusaiga went lax and he waited for Naraku to begin his mocking, as he knew he would. When talking, he distracted himself.
"So, hanyou, you are not as powerful as I thought."
Inu Yasha's lips twisted into a wry smile. "Well, think again." He removed his hand, bringing it down in a high sweep, letting fly little arcs of blood towards Naraku. "CLAWS OF BLOOD!"
Naraku, not expecting the attack, could only ward of half of the blood arcs. Only two of them hit, one acrossed his now intact arm and the other brushed his left cheek. Whipping away the thin trail of blood from the thin cut on his cheek, Naraku smiled. "It seems that I've underestimated you."
"Greatly." Inu Yasha answered, raising to his knees and charging again. This time he was able to bring the sword down before Naraku could counter it. "CUTTING WIND!"
Naraku futilely drew up his shield, but the red blade cut through it. He swore under his breath as the Cutting Wind his him full force, the wind tearing at his clothing and slicing his skin. When the winds finally stopped, thin trails of blood soaked through his clothing and thicker trails ran down the areas not protected by the flimsy material. If Naraku was a less powerful adversary, the fight would be over. However, as he was not, the fight had only just begun.
"Yes… I have underestimated you." Naraku said, reaching out again with both his growing arms. Inu Yasha jumped back, blocking one arm, but was unable to fend off the other. It dug into his side and he hissed in pain. Naraku laughed. "Kukuku… But I will still beat you!"
Inu Yasha clutched his side and backed away, hoping to put more distance between them in order to easily block the next strike. His slashed arm repairing, again Naraku struck with both arms. This time with the aid of the distance, Inu Yasha was able block both. Using the momentary elapse of time when Naraku drew the pieces of flesh back to him, Inu Yasha charged, swinging the sword in another powerful arc. "CUTTING WIND!" He called again. The newest winds cut through Naraku's left kimono shoulder and the right ripped away from the weight of the material. He frowned.
Inu Yasha stood panting, the edge of the heavy sword resting on the ground while he struggled to catch his breathe. Despite his lack of air, he smirked. "It seems you're getting uncomfortable now…"
Naraku's frown deepened, then turned back up into his own smirk. "It doesn't seem possible that a hanyou such as yourself could pose a threat."
Inu Yasha growled. "Now you overestimate yourself."
"Kukuku… Don't be so sure…" Naraku lunged, this time his entire body traveling with his pointed arms, utilizing more force than what could not be achieved alone. Inu Yasha heaved the sword up and charged as well. Naraku knocked the sword out of Inu Yasha's hands before he could bring it down on him. Inu Yasha barely dodged Naraku's arms, the close proximity making Naraku's aim less precise, and leapt over his head. Spinning before Naraku could turn, Inu Yasha's claws sliced through the air. "SOUL SHATTERING CLAW!"
The arcs of wind, like the arcs of blood, flew array, but Naraku was defenseless against the attack. A single arc cut into his skin in the center of the spider burn. Naraku cried out in pain. His arms returned to normal and the color drained from his face.
"No…" he whispered, his voice unbelieving, "This is not possible…"
Inu Yasha smirked, taking his time as he walked over to pick up his sword. As soon as his hand touched the hilt, it transformed back into the red fang. Powerfully bringing it down, he loped off Naraku's head. It bounced on the ground, frozen in the same shocked expression, and rolled to a stop at Inu Yasha's feet. His face melting into a dour expression, he kicked the severed head away from him. It connected with a near-by wall, the sickening crack of the skull shattering resounded throughout the dark dungeon, much like the one at his previous castle.
Bending over the decapitated body, Inu Yasha removed the Jewel from the tattered clothing. Reaching into his own pocket, he drew out his own shards of the jewel. Gently, he held them in the same bloody hand, waiting for the Jewel to fuse itself together again. When it did not, he became impatient and swallowed the thing in pieces.
Groaning as he felt the Jewel begin to change his physique, he became conscious of his mistake. The Jewel was not complete. He blinked as his eyes began to redden, realized he had precious little time to correct the mistake. He flexed a hand as his claws grew, then collapsed as his muscles reformed.
Strong arms wrapped under his arms and keep him from hitting the ground.
"Ka-kagome…" He whispered, his voice horse, as he sensed it was her rather than saw or smelled her.
"Shh… Inu Yasha." She soothed, wiping his bangs away from his face.
"Kagome… the shard…"
A single eyebrow rose and Kagome understood why the change seemed so difficult for him. She opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted as she sensed something and snapped her head to the side. "Kikyou." She hissed.
Kikyou stood in the doorway, watching the happenings in the room with a blank expression. When Kagome said her name, her brow furrowed and she frowned, finding she had been noticed.
Kagome's eyes narrowed. "She has the shard." She informed Inu Yasha.
Inu Yasha nodded, pushing himself up onto his feet with his own power. He swayed, but remained upright. Kikyou began backing away, but Inu Yasha's change had already included his demonic speed. He tackled her, his hands around her neck before Kikyou could blink. He bared his teeth at her and growled.
"Inu Yasha!" Kagome interrupted, running towards them and placing a soft hand on his shoulder. Slowly, his eyes focused at her and his hands loosened, but did not move away from her throat. Kagome reached under his arms, knowing exactly where Kikyou had placed the shard. Smiling seductively, she held it just out of his grasp.
"Kagome…" His voice was commanding, an order placed within the name that she hand over the Jewel. He stood up, forgetting about Kikyou for the time being, allowing her to escape.
"Is this what you want?" She asked, still holding the shard away from him. She knew he wouldn't hurt her by losing control as he almost had with Kikyou. Her eyes flitted after the dead priestess's retreating form, then back to Inu Yasha's almost completely blood red eyes. She was saving Kikyou's life as well as teasing Inu Yasha. "Then you have to come and get it." Opening her mouth, she daintily placed the Jewel shard on the tip of her tongue.
Inu Yasha's expression told her he thought she was completely serious. On impulse, she wondered if she really was. Taking a small step towards him, she proved it to both of them that she was. "Well?"
He needed no more invitation. Gathering her head in his hands, he pressed his lips down over hers, hard. Gently, her tongue flicked through his lips, leaving the shard in his mouth. Trailing kissing over his cheeks, Kagome waiting for him to swallow the Jewel. Moaning in ecstasy as the change shifted from painful to smooth, the last of the human blood faded from his system.
With a renewed passion, Inu Yasha's mouth returned to Kagome's. She returned his kisses just as fiercely, pausing only when his hands began to loosen her armor. Her reluctance was summed up in a single word. "Here?"
Inu Yasha smiled. "Here is as good a place as any."
Kagome smiled as well and returned her lips to his.