InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The princess and the commoner ❯ Finding out ( Chapter 1 )
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“Little girl get out of the way!” A driver of a carriage with a furious look on his face yells. A young boy pushes the little girl out of the way from the fast horses pulling a carriage. “OW” “Why didn't you get out of the way, you might've got yourself killed?” “Oh…” The boy stared at her with a shocked look on his face. “Are you okay?” “Yeah” “KAGOME WHY IN THE WORLD ARE YOU OUT HERE IN THE MARKET!?!”
The queen picked the princess up and walked away towards the castle. While the young princess looking back over the queen's shoulder she sees the young boy still staring at her. “What's your name?” The princess asks. “Inuyasha Takahashi!” he answers. “Thank you Inuyasha!” Inuyasha just stares at her with a blank look and smiles.
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*Birds chirping*Kagome opens her eyes. “Did that actually happen? I'm not sure. Maybe it was my past life or something.” Kagome said to herself. She sits up in her huge marvelous king sized bed. One of the queen's maids walks in “Oh good you're awake, the queen would like to have a word with you down in the corridors” “Alright then, tell her I'll be there in a couple of minutes.” The maid walks out and down the stairs. Kagome gets out of bed and freshens up. She then walks down the stairs in the tallest tower of the castle. She finally reached the corridors. “Yes mother, what did you want to speak with me about?” “Oh my darling, good morning, oh about that, I think you should have a seat first though.” Kagome and the queen walk over to a bench and they sit down. “I have set an arranged marriage for you and the Prince Hojo from the Kingdom in the land of the west.” The queen said ever so calmly. “What! You must be joking right? Me married, but I'm only 16! And with a guy I don't even know!” Kagome yelled at her mother while jumping up off of the bench furious. “I'm sorry Kagome but what is done is done.” “But why?!” “Because my darling I am getting to old and I cannot hold the throne for much longer, because of the law.” “But you are queen can't you change the law?!” “Unfortunately, past laws cannot be changed, I'm sorry my darling” “Why can't Sota take the throne?” “Because he is far too young.” Kagome storms off runs to her room and slams the door.
The princess screams and yells. Pacing back and forth in her room. Biting on her thumbnail. “What if I'm not ready to become queen yet, I don't want to get married, especially to a stranger.” Kagome asks her Persian cat Buyo. “Hm, maybe I can find someone that I really love and marry him. But if I find someone their probably going to be a commoner and mother will never allow such a thing. Unless the commoner is a sweet, kind gentlemen, which I doubt I could find.” Kagome screams into her pillow and lays there for the rest of the day thinking of what she can do.