InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Princess and The Misunderstood Nightmare ❯ Your stuck in my head ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Three:
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha & co.
InuYasha was staring at Kagome, thinking that she just fainted and he barely did anything. How in the
world had this girl survived out there in the world? InuYasha sighed. He moved her back onto the
futon, and but the blanket back over her so she wouldn't catch a cold. Hey just because he was a
demon didn't mean he was stupid when it came to catching colds and stuff like that. InuYasha was
now sitting back in his corner of the hut, trying to get back to sleep even though he wasn't even asleep
to begin with. InuYasha kept thinking about the girl for some reason that he couldn't fathom. All these
questions kept running through his head. Like, where did she come from? Or, who was she? These
questions and more kept running through his head. He couldn't sleep if his life depended on it at that
moment. InuYasha got up and went outside. He was hoping that the clean air would clear his mind.
Ever since that girl came he couldn't concentrate. Before she came he would wonder through the
forest that he has been it since he could remember all day, and kill stray demons that were stupid
enough to get in his way. But now he couldn't stop thinking about that girl and he couldn't figure out
why. This girl, this human, a pathetic weakling that couldn't take care of its self was stuck in his head
and he couldn't get her out. Oh how he wished for a distraction. About that time a demon came into
the clearing, and oh InuYasha was so happy he could just jump up and down for joy, but instead he just
drew his sword and got ready to fight.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
InuYasha was getting tired, the fight was harder then he thought it would be and now was regretting
Using so much energy. Inyasha could see two gaping holes in one demon and the same with the other.
The hole came from when InuYasha used some of his magic abilities on them trying to burn more
energy while fighting them since he didn't think it would be a hard fight. But the magic didn't kill
them it just slowed them down a little. InuYasha has been fighting them for an hour now and he was
starting to get tired. InuYasha new he had to kill them soon or he would die either from exhaustion or
from bleeding to death. InuYasha got ready to charge at them, he was trying to avoid using this attack
since he was low on energy and this attack uses a lot. InuYasha sheathed his sword, started gathering
energy and got ready to let loose the attack. When InuYasha let go of the attack the two demons didn't
know what to think first they saw a light that was like a bright white beam. Then it turned into fire and
the demons had no time to react. The fire ball discenagrated the demons in a instant. InuYasha
collapsed onto the ground with a loud thump. He lay there for several minutes trying to gather some
strength to get up and get back to his home before trouble showed up. InuYasha could barely move, let
alone get up so he tried to drag himself away from the area and towards his home. He didn't make it
very far before he had to take a brake. InuYasha new if he didn't hurry up he wouldn't make it to his
home before something showed up syncing that he was weak and nearly exhausted to the point of
passing out. InuYasha new he had to get to his cave and to do that he would have to get up if he
wanted to get there before he got eaten. He struggled to get up and at first he fell back down with a
definite thump. He tried again, this time he was able to stand but he was wobbly and didn't think he
could stand for much longer. He had to get to his cave and soon.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I has been two hours since InuYasha was attacked and he just made it to his cave. Generally he could
make it there in five minutes if he ran, but he didn't have to energy to run and he was weak so walking
to longer then it should too. InuYasha finally was able to make it to his home. He pulled himself into
his cave, he didn't have the strength left to get back on his feet. InuYasha was finally save in his home
where he could relax, rest and get over the massive energy drain. InuYasha collapsed onto his floor
with one final thump and was out cold.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Kagome woke up when she heard someone walk out of the cave, she thought it might be an animal so
she got up and looked around. When she didn't find anything she sat back down. One thing was
bothering her though. Where was the demon that was in the cave earlier that was threatening her?
“Maybe he went out hunting or something,” thought Kagome. She was thankful that he was gone. She
didn't think she could face him right now anyway. After he threatened her and then she fainted she just
couldn't do it. Kagome got comfortable on the futon; she wasn't planning on getting up anytime soon.
I mean it was in the middle of the night! Kagome was laying there now for quite a while, she lost track
of how long its been since she woke up. Kagome was almost asleep when she heard this dragging
sound coming from outside the cave. Kagome was getting really scarred by now. Usually she wouldn't
get scarred about something like this, but she was in a forest, she had no idea where she was and to top
it all off she was staying in a cave with a demon! The dragging sound got louder and louder until it
was right outside the cave. Kagome grabbed a big piece of wood. Whatever was out there she wasn't
going to be caught without a weapon. Kagome rose her weapon above her head getting ready to strike
when she saw a flash of silver. Kagome looked closer, and she could she more silver. She gathered up
her courage and got closer to the object of the fear. When she got close enough she was surprised to
see that its was the demon! Kagome dropped her weapon and rushed over to the boy. She noticed he
was bleeding badly. Kagome didn't know how much of a beating demon could take but she went
ahead and decided to clean his wounds just incase. When Kagome got his outer shirt and inner shirt off
she couldn't believe was she was seeing. There were wounds all over him. The wounds almost
covering him from head to toe. Kagome cleaned his wounds and best she could and wrapped them in
some cloth she found. When she was finally done Kagome got back in bed thinking, “ I guess he
didn't go hunting after all.”
HI ppl!!!! OMG I did another chappy!! Yay!! Ok seriously I right sooo much better when ppl r reading this stuff so thank u to all u ppl who have been reading my story its not much but thank u! thank u! thank U!! oh and if any of u like reading more then just fanfiction.. read “Eragon” and its following book “Eldest” then theres another coming out.. oh and there making a movie out or egagon isn't that cool..!! well bye bye for now..