InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Princess and The Misunderstood Nightmare ❯ Why are you saying goodbye? ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Princess and the Misunderstood Nightmare
Chapter eight
Why do you say goodbye?
I have no life but this,
To lead it here
Nor any death, but lest
Dispelled from there;
Nor ties to earths to come,
Nor action new,
Except though this extent,
The realm of you.
Inuyasha had left Kagome with Moroku and Sango. He used hunting as an
excuse to get away from them. He couldn't understand the thoughts and
emotions going through his head right now. Kagome could go home, it
didn't matter to him. That's where he was taking her in the first place, now
these humans have shown up to take Kagome home; and he didn't want her
to leave. He didn't realize he wanted her to stay until they showed up, and
she wanted to leave! She wanted to leave him. He kept telling himself it
didn't matter, that he didn't need her, but deep down further then he was
willing to admit, he needed her. He didn't know why or how, he just did. He
knew she couldn't and wouldn't stay. Why would she want to stay with a
half- demon like him? When her father strives to kill all demons that come
into his lands, why would she even consider staying with him? Inuyasha had
been about the forest for two hours now; it was time to head back. He didn't
know what he would do when he saw Kagome. The best thing to do would
just let her go, don't let her know you want her to stay. Inuyasha ran toward
the camp, as he came into the camp everyone looked up to see who it was.
Moroku and Sango looked as though they were in a deep conversation that
was cut off just as he ran into camp. They had got a fire going, and were
cooking some stew over the fire. Despite Inuyasha saying he was going
hunting when he left, no one asked if he caught anything or if his prey got
away. Inuyasha looked around the camp, and then jumped into a tree and
went to sleep.

“We need to leave as soon as possible. I don't trust the half-demon. I don't
know how he got lady Kagome to trust him so, but it can't be a natural trust.
He must have enchanted her, or something or the sort.” “Yes I agree with
you Moroku. We must leave. Sooner rather then later.” Replied Sango.
In the morning everyone arose with the sun, with the exception of Inuyasha,
who by the looks of it has been up from hours before. Moroku and Sango
packed everything and got ready to leave. The expected for the half-demon
to fight them in taking Kagome, but they were not going take a demon
straight into the heart of the human realm. “Kagome we are ready to leave
when you are, mylady.” Said Moroku. Kagome looked up at Inuyasha as he
sat in the tree. “Inuyasha are you ready to go?” Kagome asked. Inuyasha
stiffened and jumped from the tree. He looked at Kagome. “You can go with
the humans, they are more then capable of taking you the rest of the way.
Feeding season is nearly over and you are only two weeks walk to the
castle.” Kagome stared at Inuyasha in shock. She didn't want him to leave
her with these complete strangers. Sure Sango seemed nice and Moroku too,
although it seemed he had a problem with keeping his hands to himself.
Witch he demonstrated last night, but Sango could take care of that. But
Inuyasha was the one who saved her life, showed her that not all demons
were bad and was the first real friend she had ever had. Inuyasha was the
one that risked his life to protect her. Inuyasha the one, which she bandaged
wounds for. Inuyasha the one she saw in the hot spring. No, she did not want
to leave him. Kagome looked at him, but his face was a mask. He wanted
her to leave. “Inuyasha it only took us a week to get here, how it can be that
it will take two weeks to get back?” asked Moroku, not noticing the looks
passing between princess and demon. “Because Moroku, the forest doesn't
not like it when people leave it. The forest will try to hold you back making
take twice as long as it took get here.” Said Inuyasha, he voice sounded
vacant. “If he wants me to leave then I will, I will grant him that for saving
me, no matter how much it hurts.
Kagome turned around, trying to hold in the tears that threatened to fall.
Kagome turned and run. Sango and Moroku and to run to catch up, but
Sango saw the way Inuyasha looked at Kagome, and she him. Sango saw the
tears that ran down Kagome's face when he told her to leave, and she saw
the broken look and Inuyasha's when she left. “I think there was more to this
then what we first saw.” Thought Sango, as she ran to catch up to Kagome.