InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Protector of Her Heart ❯ First Move ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 12: First Move
The palace was in an uproar after the kidnapping of the princess. Even to those who were skeptical before, it was now very clear that someone indeed was threatening the royal family. Now many began to suspect that the Princess Kagome's surprise illness was no accident, but a murder plot by the villain, and had kidnapped her to fulfill his plan.
In short, it was nothing more than chaos.
The king's advisors locked themselves in their council chamber, stunned by this new move from an enemy they didn't know. Some felt that the old wars between the Human Lands and the Demon Lands would begin once more, but since King Sesshoumaru was known for wanting to keep the peace, that idea was quickly thrown out. Perhaps is was rouge demons seeking revenge, but it couldn't be, since they wouldn't be this bold, would they?
While ideas were thrown left and right, it was clear that one question remained; who could have concocted such a plot? And for what purpose?
The dowager queen was hit hard by the turn of events, and had kept to herself since the kidnapping. It wasn't just as her role as a dowager queen to a country that was seeming to fall apart; it was also the worries she felt as a mother. Her daughter had already had a close brush with death just a few weeks ago, and now had been kidnapped. It was obvious someone didn't want her daughter living in this world, and to know as a mother, she could do nothing was almost more than she could bear. Only two things kept her awake to the world; the fact that it was known her daughter must be alive somewhere, because of such an obvious abduction, and that her trusted knight protector had gone after her.
Though many doubted him, after seeing the service the hanyou had paid her daughter when she had nearly died of illness, the queen knew she could count on him.
Inuyasha had gone, but there was one other who wished he had not given his word so he could have left too. “It isn't fair,” Kouga muttered, looking out on the darkening horizon. “It isn't fair…I should have gone after her…I shouldn't have just said I would stay here—”
“Don't think on it so hard,” Miroku comforted him, as they both stood on the grounds of the palace, looking out to where Kagome had disappeared. “What Inuyasha said was true; they need someone with your strength here in case something else happens.”
Giving a small grunt, the wolf looked back towards the west, the gentle breeze blowing his long ponytail out behind him. “That mutt has to be insane, to cross all the way into the Demon Lands on foot like this. He isn't slow, but he isn't all that fast either…and then to think he can just face a dragon to bring Princess Kagome back…I always knew he was insane.”
The monk nodded, his indigo eyes also set upon the west. “He may very well be insane, but even if that is so, he is determined to protect her highness, and he won't let himself give up, that is certain.”
Shippou, who was sitting on Miroku's shoulder added, “Kagome may call him an idiot sometimes, but at least he's an idiot who thinks of what's best for her. If he hadn't done that, then she probably would have never survived that illness.”
Thinking of that stressful time just weeks ago caused a sigh amongst all of them. Kouga folded his arms as he said, “There is definitely someone after Princess Kagome, but who…and why...Why would anyone want to hurt her?” Giving a growl, the wolf finished, “When I get a hold of him, I'll make sure he pays.”
“I'm sure the courts will take care of that,” the monk added, “But I don't think anyone will object as to the form the culprit is in when he is brought to judgment.”
By the way Kouga clenched his fists, it was obvious that his frustration in not being able to save his princess was being vented through imagination of what he would be doing to the one responsible. With one look back at the horizon, the wolf sighed. “I suppose its best that I didn't go anyway…The mutt will probably go to that brother of his for information, and I really don't want to go there with both of them bickering.”
While Kouga stomped back to his guard shift, both Miroku and Shippou shrugged over his last comment, having never heard anything before about Inuyasha having a brother, but they both supposed it was of no importance. “He was right,” the fox demon added, “It isn't fair that only Inuyasha gets to go when I want to protect Kagome too!”
“You don't think Inuyasha is enough?” The monk asked skeptically.
“I know he isn't enough! A dragon is the most powerful kind of demon there is! He can't fight it without me there, helping to distract it! I could help! I can turn into all sorts of things! I want to help save Kagome!”
Sighing, about to deny him, Miroku began, “Shippou…”
“It's not fair! Kagome saved me once! Why can't I go and save her?” Now there were almost tears in his eyes, and even the monk could tell that this little demon thought of Kagome as almost a mother.
Glancing back towards the west, their destination, Miroku asked, “Shippou, do you think you're brave enough? To face a dragon to save her? To even perhaps face death, all to save this one woman?”
The redheaded fox seemed to stop and think for a moment, his eyes widening as he seriously took in the words and began to contemplate the situation. “Kagome protected me,” he spoke slowly, meaning every word. “She took me in and hid me, when she knew others would want to kill me…She kept me safe, and treated me like an equal…she was so kind to me…” His bright green eyes were almost in tears at the thought. “Yes, I would. I would face a dragon to save her. I would die if I had to, just to thank her for all she did for me!”
Even Miroku was unable to keep the grin off his face. He's got the spirit, at least… “Then do me a little favor, Shippou, and perhaps we will find ourselves chasing after her yet…”
Soon afterward, the master of the stables found himself chasing after an angry, barking dog with a curious fluffy tail, while a traveling monk decided to liberate a strong looking horse of the stables and on to the main road. The dog soon gave up and allowed the master of the stables to see that one horse had oddly been set loose, but not before the monk, and the newly transformed fox demon were long gone.
Sitting atop the horse as they galloped away, towards the west, Shippou sniffed the scent on the wind. “That's Inuyasha's scent!” he pointed out, and they were off, following the trail towards the Demon Lands.
* * * * * * * *
Inuyasha knelt on the ground, his nose gently sniffing the scent that lay lightly on the grass. That gentle, calming scent that never failed to soothe his nerves soon hit him once again. It's Kagome's all right…but it's getting fainter…
He was already half way through the Human Lands, but though the hanyou was much faster than any horse when running, it wasn't enough to keep up with a dragon. As he glanced up, towards the almost endless trail of empty plains, he felt the worry fill his heart. It'll take me some time to get to the Demon Lands…she'll have to find some way to stay alive…
But following it throughout the night gave him no doubt in his minds that it was taking her to the Demon Lands, but under who's orders, and for what purpose? Why anyone would think of harming her, such a pure hearted soul was beyond him, but the motive had to be her position.
Thinking about her kidnapping brought upon the guilt one more. Damn it …I should have stopped it…I should have done something…But he knew there was nothing that could have been done. It had happened so fast, who could have predicted it? But with his job as her protector, it was horrible that such a failure could have come upon him like this. He had nearly failed her when she was sick, how could something like this slip by just after she got well?
But one thing was for certain, he would find her, wherever the dragon was taking her. He would get her back. And he would kill the one responsible.
The hanyou stood up, the wind drawing him ever on, blowing in his face, carrying more of Kagome's beautiful scent in the breeze. For only a moment, he closed his eyes, and allowed the scent to warm his heart, like it had just the night before as he danced, holding her close in his arms, while he felt her soft form against his…and promised he would be with her forever…
He knew now it was a reckless thing to have said, but…after what had happened, he didn't care. When he got her back, he would tell her again, and mean it, never letting something like this happen once more.
The scent reminded him of her beautiful dark eyes, revealing so much about her inner thoughts, her long, dark hair that swished so elegantly around her as she danced in his mind, and her smile…Inuyasha knew her smile would never leave him…and sped up his heart thinking about seeing it once more…
Amber eyes snapped open as his thoughts began to wander too far, and he couldn't allow that…not even in daydreaming. I can never forget the law of the world…Never.
His thoughts returned where they needed to be. He knew, at this pace, it would take him ten days, at top speed to reach the Demon Lands, and then, to where? He didn't know how far this dragon had taken the princess in, or what it planned to do with her there. In fact, he didn't know anything at all about this dragon demon, and Inuyasha knew that he had to have some information on it to fight it properly.
Eyes narrowing, Inuyasha knew he only had one option…his brother. Though he cringed at the thought, Sesshoumaru boasted of knowing everything that happened within his lands, so of course he would know about this dragon demon, even if he didn't lift a finger against it. But meeting Sesshoumaru again after all these years would be a nightmare…he hadn't seen him in at least two hundred years, not since…
Gasping, Sesshoumaru turned, his sword slicing away at the enemy, its deep red blood splattering all over his face. Yet he did not see the demon sneak up behind him until it was too late. He whirled around, yet he was not fast enough.
His amber eyes widened in shock and there was a small cry of pain as the son of the great demon lord fell to his knees, grasping the bleeding stump of his left arm—
Inuyasha growled. It would be a nightmare for sure, but he would have to do it. For his duty. For Kagome.
Not wanting to waste anymore time, Inuyasha began running once more, the green countryside whirling by as he sped up. Kagome, I'm coming to save you…wait for me!
* * * * * * * *
It had been days since Miroku and Shippou had set out from the palace towards the Demon Lands, and both were tired, and hungry. Their last meal and last sleep, though not very long ago, seemed like ages past…Their horse had even slowed to a trot, though it had been a full gallop that morning.
“How much longer?” The fox demon asked, his voice sounding tired and monotone.
Blinking at his surroundings, the monk determined, “We've stopped rarely, and kept a pretty decent pace…soon we'll be at the border, I think.”
Shippou sighed in defeat. “It'll take us forever to get there!”
“This is as fast as we can go, Shippou,” Miroku reminded him. “We are not graced with speed like Inuyasha is.”
Thinking about him brought upon more unpleasant memories. “I hope Kagome's all right,” the fox thought, staring out at the horizon. “Even with Inuyasha, it will take a while for him to find her and get her back…do you think she'll be okay, left like that?”
“I think she will be. We already know Princess Kagome to be a tough girl. I'm sure she can handle herself until Inuyasha gets there. And there's no need to worry about him at all, not when he's so determined like this. He will undoubtedly make it there in time.”
Their horse passed over a hill, to canter down into a valley which looked like it had been burned at one time; ashes could still be seen underneath the light dusting of green brought on by the spring. “I bet Kouga's going to be upset when he finds out we went, too,” Shippou grinned. “Too bad he's still under employ at the palace, or he would have run off as well.”
Miroku had been listening to the young fox, until they passed into the valley and came upon what appeared to be a burned out, ruined estate. Now they could clearly see fields that were charred, and in the distance, a collapsed, old manor house that had once held great splendor. The scent of ash could still be caught on the wind, though it had been some time since the fire had occurred. The monk sighed sadly, and turned away as he glanced at the once-great estate, now reduced to ruins.
Noticing Miroku's melancholy, Shippou asked, “Miroku, what's wrong?”
The monk paused, and for a moment, it appeared that he didn't want to talk about it, but he sighed and began, “Do you see these lands, Shippou? These lands…I didn't even realize it before; they used to be mine…Before there was a demon attack and I lost everything.”
The fox gasped. “Really? All this used to be yours?”
Miroku nodded. “Every acre. It was a fine manor estate I suppose, for a high lord. Nothing to the great palaces of dukes, but it was pleasant, when it still existed.”
“That's not fair!” Shippou snapped at once. “Why is it that you had all this and now, after an accident, you have nothing?”
“It's the way of the world, and I assure you I'm used to it. In fact, in the general scheme of things, it doesn't really matter. After all,” the monk gave a lecherous grin, “I have met many beautiful women on my travels.”
Wondering why he didn't predict this response, Shippou sighed and rolled his eyes, as they continued on their journey.
* * * * * * * *
The dowager queen continued in her solitude, sitting in her room alone, doing nothing but embroidering cloths for no reason whatsoever. It had been days since her daughter had disappeared, and the strain was wearing on her. Every day when they heard nothing was another day when her daughter could be suffering, or dead.
It was just like when her daughter was ill, only much worse.
With a sigh, the queen set the cloth that was only half embroidered down, and glanced up at the portrait hanging on the mantle. It was identical to the one hanging in Kagome's room, a picture of their family when they were happy. It was painted only a month or two before the accident when the king had been killed; before all the pressure had been put on her daughter and her life had changed forever.
Sometimes, the queen wished that everything could have been reversed; that the king was still here, offering her comfort when she needed it, and her daughter would not suffer so much when demanded to find a husband, and quick. It wasn't fair to Kagome and she knew it, but in a country like this, so desperate to have an heir, it was folly to think otherwise.
The door to her darkened room slowly opened, and the queen turned, to see a small figure standing in the doorway. “Mama?” the prince asked slowly, walking in with Buyo in his arms, looking frightened.
“Souta,” the queen sighed, her face lightening when she saw her son. She remembered the joy that had arisen when he was born, with the absolute certainty that the king had an heir. But she also remembered when her husband changed the succession laws in favor of Kagome. Why he did was always a mystery to her, but when Kagome was young, she was always interested in laws and politics, and perhaps he thought that with her interest in how to run a country, she would be better.
But thinking about her daughter only brought the worry on, so she put aside those thoughts once more. “Did you want something, Souta?”
Her son came in closer, looking worried. “Mama…I'm worried about Kagome,” he admitted, not even stopping himself as he ran to his mother for comfort. Smiling slightly, she hugged him back, knowing that even at the age of ten, her boy was still just a child.
“I'm worried about her too, Souta,” she told him softly, hiding the full extent of her feelings for her child. “It's terrible that something like this had to happen right after she got well again.”
Unsure of himself, Souta asked, “Mama…do you think that everything will be okay? Like when she got sick?”
The queen paused a moment before answering. “I don't know, Souta…I honestly don't know.”
“But…her knight went after her, didn't he? Won't he be able to get her back?”
That question caused her to wonder the same. She had seen the strange, silver haired man during Kagome's illness, and it was clear that he did care for her enough to want to protect her with his life. He had saved her from dying before, there would be no doubt that he would try with all his might to save her again. “I'm sure he will try as hard as he can to do so,” she answered, knowing in her heart that the knight was probably at this very moment risking his life to save her daughter. “And I hope he will succeed.”
They sat in silence, mother and son, for a few moments, contemplating what had happened to them now. Everything had changed since the king had died. And now, with Kagome being kidnapped, their family had been reduced to this. Would this be how it was forevermore, if her knight was too late? Was he already too late as it was?
There was a knock on the door that drew them from their tender moment. “Your Highness?” It was Lord Bankotsu.
“I wish not to be disturbed with matters of state now, Lord Banktosu,” the dowager queen spoke, wishing she could have her quiet moments of peace now more than ever.
Despite her warning, the door opened and the head of the council walked in all the same, though he held no prideful smirk, as he usually had. “I'm sorry, your highness, but this is a matter of great importance.” As an act of apology, he bowed low to the prince and her as well, though a dowager queen had as much standing as he did.
Sighing, the queen stood up from her chair and asked, “And what is it that is so important that you would disturb me and my son?”
Bankotsu began at once, “We have had a most generous offer of marriage for the princess.”
The queen turned away, disgusted, “You know I can't handle that right now! This man will simply have to understand that until Kagome is back among us, no offers will be considered.”
“I thought you would say that,” Lord Bankotsu sighed, glancing up at the ceiling for a moment. “But this man has made an offer that's almost unrefusable, and he seemed very upset when we informed him of the current location of the Princess Kagome. Apparently, he was already en route to the palace when the kidnapping occurred, and now wants to wait until she is back so he can meet her.”
“Tell him to wait,” the queen ordered. “He has no choice otherwise. I can see him later, but I will not accept Kagome's betrothal for her; not until she is returned.”
Banktosu agreed, “That's fine; he probably figured that would be our answer anyway. He seemed to be the type that would be good at guessing our moves.” The head councilman turned to leave, but the queen stopped him.
“Wait a minute, Lord Banktosu. This man, what was his name?”
He turned back for a moment. “His name? I believe he was called…Naraku.” And with that, he left, the door swinging shut behind him.