InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Random Place ❯ Ultra Mega Death Warriors 5: Feudal Combat ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"Sesshy! Sesshy look!" Grumbling at the indignation of being bothered, Sesshoumaru turned. "What now mutt face?" Inuyasha continued bobbing up and down excitedly. "It came!" Sesshoumaru quirked a brow. "What did? The brain that wench ordered off ebay for you?" Inuyasha stuck out his lower lip, pouting. "That's mean Sesshy."

Rolling his eyes, Sesshoumaru fell backwards onto the couch he'd been leaning against. "Whatever. Just tell me what came before I get annoyed and super glue you to the couch again." Inuyasha's eyes widened at the threat, remembering full well how uncomfortable and embarressing that particular incident had been.

"The game!"
"What game?"
"Ultra Mega Death Warriors 5: Feudal Combat!"
Sesshoumaru shot up from were he'd been lounging on the couch. "Seriously?!" Inuyasha nodded enthusiasticly, bouncing on the balls of his feet. "Sweet! Lemme see!"

Inuyasha handed over the package he'd been clutching to his chest.
"Why is it still in this stupid packaging?"
"I couldn't get it off."
"You're kind of pathetic. You know that, right?"
Inuyasha growled as Sesshoumaru swiped a clawed hand across the packaging, effectivily shredding it.

As the paper fell to the floor, both boys stared transfixed at the picture on the cover. "Sessh, how come those characters look like us?" Tilting the game in hand, Sesshoumaru scrutinized it. "I think they are us."

Snatching the game from his brother's hand, Inuyasha held it up to his eyes, squinting. "I dunno Sessh, that one kinda looks like a girl." Smacking his brother upside the head, he re-stole the game back.
"Ow! That hurt!"
"Oh get over it."
Inuyasha rubbed his head sullenly as Sesshoumaru removed the tape from the edges.

"Here, go put it in." He shoved the game into his little brothers hands, then moved off towards the kitchen.
"Why do I have to? You know dad doesn't-"
"Just do it worm butt. 'Sides, I have to get something."
Grumbling to himself, Inuyasha wandered over towards the t.v. "Now lemme' see here, I just push this button..." The light that ment the system was on went on. "And then I push this, no this button..." The drive tray came open.

Grinning at his genius, he gingerly put the game into the drive and pushed it closed. Then he sat back and waited. And waited. He looked from the game-box, to the t.v, back to the game-box. As far as he could see, it should have been working.

"Sesshy! Sesshoumaru!"
"What now cat bait?!"
"It won't work!"
Sesshoumaru came into the room, his arms filled with junk food of all kinds. "Whad'u mean it won't work? Don't tell me you broke it." Inuyasha's eyes followed the fatty goods Sesshoumaru dropped at his feet. "I did it like you showed me, but it won't work."

Seshoumaru looked between his brother, the t.v, and the game-box. Pinching the bridge of his nose in a very InuTaisho way, Sesshoumaru sighed.
"You pushed the power button thing?"
"You put the game in?"
Inuyasha nodded. Sesshoumaru's eyebrow twitched. "Did you turn the t.v on?" Inuyasha opened his mouth to reply, then stopped, relizing his mistake.
"Smart Inuyasha, smart."

Shrugging, Inuyasha grabbed the nearest bag of Cheetos and ripped it open.
"Sor-ry. 'S not my job to remember that."
Sesshoumaru stabbed the t.v with a clawed nail, the screen blinking to life to reveal the start up screen for the game. Grabbing a controler, he chucked it at his younger brother, who caught it deftly. "Get that full of Cheetoes and dad'll kill you."

Blinking down at the slightly orange controller, he lifted it to his mouth and licked off the cheese, much to Sesshoumaru's disgust.
"Like that's much better."
"It's not cheesey no more!"
Sesshoumaru decided not to push the point any further. "Whatever."
"Boys! I'm home!" The Inu Taisho walked through the house, looking for signs of life. Aside from the fact that it looked like someone had raided his secret junk food cabinet, all was in order. But then, all he cared about was the junk food. "Nooooo!!! Someone stole my precious!" He howled in agony at the travesty, collapsing onto his knees before the barren cuboard. "Poor Little Debbie! And Chester! Oh, Chester! I hardly knew thee!" He sobbed uncontrollabley.

"Take that baka breath!"
"No! You killed me!""You have 3 lives left you idiot! Get over it!"
The Inu Taisho lept up from his place on the floor at the sound of his sons' voices.
"Ha! Super Ultra Mega Hyper Bloody Death Bomb!"
"No fair! You cheated!""I did not baka-"
"Ha ha! Mega Ultra Death-Spin Claw Kick!"
"No fair! You can't do that!"
"Yes I-Noooo!!!"
"Hahaha! Super Evil Light Show of Death!"
"No! Quick, reflect, reflect!"

Pushing open the swinging door that connected the kitchen and the living room, the Inu Taisho was pummeled by the noise level. His sons had the t.v turned almost all the way up, and, they were yelling at each other.

Covering his ears and screwing up his eyes, he assesed the situation. That is, until he relized what was spread all over the floor. "MY PRECIOUS!!!" Neither boys so much as flinched when he threw himself down beside them, gathering the bags of junk food into his arms and rubbing them compulsivly against his face.

"Ha! Mega triple power up!"
"No fair Sessh, you cheated!"
"Did not! I got it fair and square!"
"Yea?! Well take this! Ultra Mega Wedgie Wacker!"
"That doesn't even make sense!""So what?! It does in my universe!""Well your universe is retarded! Ultra Hyper Purple Poison Attack!"
"Noooooooo!" Inuyasha dropped his controller in defeat.
"I win! Hahaha! How do you like me now?!"

The Inu Taisho, pulled back into reality by the insane noise the telivison was emiting, looked up from his fryed goods to his sons. "What on earth are you playing?!" Both the boys looked back at him, then said in unison, "Ultra Mega Death Warriors 5: Feudal Combat!" His eyes grew wide. "It came?!" They nodded.

Letting his 'precious' fall into his lap, he swiped Inuyasha's controller, which still lay on the ground before him. "Score! I play-" He stopped mid-sentance, his eyes dropping to the controller in hand. "Why is this all slimey?" Sesshoumaru snorted. "I told you...!"

He turned his attention to his youngest, who was staring guiltily at his hands.
"Sorry dad. But it got all cheesey and-"
"You got my cheese on the controller?!"
"I said I was sorry..."
"Hey dad, ask him why it's all slimey!"
"Why is it slimey Inuyasha?"
"Cause I maybe..sorta..kinda...licked, it?"
"You licked it?"
Inuyasha nodded aprehensivley as the Inu Taisho looked down at the controller in hand. Sesshoumaru snickered as he waited for the axe to fall.

Wordlessly, he grabbed his youngest by the back of his haori and proceeded to pull Inuyasha towards him. "Dad what-" Taking a fistful of the childs clothes, he wrapped it around as much of the controller as he could and started his attempt at rubbing the saliva and Cheetos from it.

"Da-ad, why are you using my clothes?"
"Because you're the one who got Cheetos on the controller."
"But Sessh's the one who gave me the Cheetos!"
Sesshoumaru shot his brother a nasty glance.
"That may be a fact," Here he shot Sesshoumaru a look, "but you're still the one-"
"But remember what mom said? You're not supposta use my clothes to clean things anymore!"
He snorted. "It's not like you don't anyway. Besides, what momma don't know..."

Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes at his father. "Oh really?" The Taisho stopped his minstrations to the controller. "Sesshoumaru.." Said inu smiled evily. "I know dad. Our little secret." He did NOT like the look his son had on his young face. In fact, it was the same look he'd worn the last time he'd blackmailed his father for a plastic pool filled with Reeses Peices.

"Hurry up and pick your player dad so I can kick your butt already."
"You're going to kick my butt?"
"Yep. And there's nothin you can do about it."
The Taisho grinned. "Oh we'll see about that."