InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Remains of Life Left Behind ❯ One-Shot

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The Remains of Life Left Behind

Hojo walked up the steep steps leading to the temple. It had been so long since he had heard from Kagome. Her friends were just as worried, her phone wasn't working. They were really afraid she may have died. Her heath problems never seemed to get better, she was always sick. It seemed a miracle that she even got into high school and now in her last year, why did she just disappear?

He didn't want to think that those illnesses finally got the best of her, not so close to graduation. But if it did, why didn't someone call anyone, tell her friends what had happened? The steps seemed unnaturally long and painful as he felt a tinge of guilt. He should have visit earlier. She probably won't see him because she thinks he just forgot about her. That would be furthest from the truth.

The last few years, Kagome had been so distant from him, even when they were together it was obvious that her mind was somewhere else. Maybe a serious disease had her mind so focused, maybe she was really sick and Hojo just ignored it. For crying out loud, gout at that age, back aches. She was lying to spare Hojo, that's why she wouldn't go with him. She didn't want him to get attached to her then she die.

Tears welded up in his eyes, why didn't he see it sooner? Poor Kagome, trying to go through this alone, she was so brave. He shook his head, don't jump to conclusion. She didn't die; her family would have said something. They wouldn't have let the whole world wonder what had happened to Kagome, they couldn't.

He felt a few stray drops hit his arm, and he looked up at the grey sky. A silent pray was said as he wished it wouldn't rain in till he got into Kagome's house. But it looked shaky, ready to dump the whole sky on Hojo head. As if they wasn't enough on it as it was.

It just puzzled him so much that she would just stop coming to school like that, that she would stop hanging out with her friends, or talking to him. Sure, they'd never did get real close, no matter how hard he tried. But he was still always there for her, if there was something wrong, why didn't she come to him? He would understand she didn't have to be embarrassed. Whatever it was, he would have helped her through it.

The door stood in front of him and he let his hand hit it a few times to declare his arrival. He took a deep breath, settling his nerves as he waited patiently for someone come and answer the door. A few moments of silence followed by a ruffle of activity came before the door finally swung open. Kagome's mother stood there, looking worst for ware. He felt dread climb up his spine.

"Is Kagome home?"

She looked at him like he was insane, before forcing the most pained smile he had ever seen. He let her try and gather herself as she tried to tell him what had happened. Maybe she did die; Ms. Higurashi sure looked like Kagome died. Her eyes were swollen and bloodshot, her manner was pained. It made him fear the worst, seeing her mother on the verge of tears that way.

"No, Hojo. Kagome isn't here, she-she had. . .I mean. Kagome moved away, she had to-the doctor said she had to go some place dryer."

She was lying, he didn't think Ms. Higurashi could lie, but the way she wouldn't look him in the eyes, the way she looked like she was going to cry, he knew she was lying. What had happened that she couldn't tell him, what could have happened to Kagome that would cause her family such grief yet be something they had to lie about?

"Ms. Higurashi, what really happened to Kagome?"

"Hojo, don't- she moved. That's all."

"Where did she move to?'

"I have to go, I'm sorry."

With that she closed the door, Hojo watched as she disappeared into the house. What had happened? Where was Kagome? He drug himself away, no answers were going to come from that fragile woman. Maybe he would try and question her brother; maybe he would give him some answers. But something told him he shouldn't bother. What ever happened to Kagome, it was serious and he might never find out what happened.

He started down the steps all too soon, feeling defeated and afraid. What would he tell her friends? Her mother won't tell him anything, she says she moved away. The steps gave a hollowed sound, reminding him of a clock ticking. Well, where ever Kagome was, he prayed she would be OK and that one day she would come back. He stopped at the bus stop and looked down the street for the bus. Wherever she was, he would wait for her. He wouldn't abandon her.

The bus came barreling down the street breaking his thoughts. It made him question the look in Ms. Higurashi's eyes. Did she feel guity? Was that guilt in her face as those tears threaten to fall? What would she have to feel guilty over? So many questions, so many issues left undone. He looked up at the sky as it prepared to realse the rain it had been holding.

"Kagome, it'll be OK."