InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Road Less Traveled ❯ A Mother's Dreams ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: A Mother’s Dreams
Author: Nicluv1787Rating: K
Genre: Family, Introspective
Prompt: DreamPairings or Characters: Mrs. Higurashi, Kagome and InuyashaWord count: 468
Summary: Mrs. Higurashi has some unexpected late night visitors.

A single sliver of light illuminated her ascent up the stairwell, reaching the landing Mrs. Higurashi paused to inspect Kagome’s a jar bedroom door. Sliding her hand into the space between door-jam and door, Mrs. Higurashi opened the door further for a better look. She found Kagome fast asleep atop of her half-finished homework, her head pillowed on her math book.

Kagome’s home.’ Mrs. Higurashi thought elated, before immediately chastising herself. Most mothers weren’t excited when their teenage daughters were home on a school night. Then again Kagome wasn’t most daughters and Mrs. Higurashi wasn’t most mothers. Most mothers dreamed of the day their daughter graduated from high school, got married, and had a child of her own. All she ever dreamed for her daughter was that she would return to her safely. Because destiny had a different calling for her daughter, and who was she to stand in the way?
It wasn’t always easy letting her daughter jump down that well, on to certain danger in a time hundreds of years away, out of her reach of motherly protection. She tried to ignore the blood stained and torn clothes Kagome brought back with her, asking questions would only fuel her anxiety.

But every time she jumped down that well she let her leave with a smile and wave, what else could she do?

Kagome shivered in her sleep and Mrs. Higurashi was brought back from her thoughts, was she really this out of practice since Kagome had been gone? As she motioned to put her daughter to bed a flash of red from the window caught her eye, Mrs. Higurashi paused just behind the doorway as Inuyasha landed soundlessly into Kagome’s room, Mrs. Higurashi watched as Inuyasha approached Kagome cautiously. Maybe they had fought she couldn’t say, but judging by the pained look on the young man’s face she was inclined to think so.

Inuyasha leaned down and gathered Kagome up in his arms, walking her over to the bed he laid Kagome down carefully. Kagome stirred slightly in her sleep, Inuyasha was frozen in place his hand hovering just above her, Kagome only mumbled in her sleep before rolling over. Inuyasha looked relieved, as he sat back on the heels of his feet. His gaze was fixed intently on Kagome, almost as if he was on guard. Mrs. Higurashi knew Kagome was in good hands and decided to retreat.
She was only a few steps from the doorway when a voice just above a whisper called to her.
“You know I’ll always protect her.” He said gruffly, but low enough where she wasn’t sure if she was intended to hear it.
“I know you will.” She replied before walking away. ‘If it wasn’t for you I couldn’t let her go with a smile on my face.’