InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Scrapbook ❯ Jealousy ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I do not own Inuyasha and I make no money from these stories.

5 - Jealousy - Green

Even with the dawning of the evil cooties, he never let her go. If he could, he would have at least one arm wrapped around her twenty-four hours a day. He smiled as he saw the next page. There was a picture of him in his basketball uniform and another with the whole team surrounding a giant trophy. They’d won the city championships and she’d been along for the ride. He smirked at how cute she looked in her cheerleader uniform and pigtails, long green ribbons, their school color, decorating them. There was the group picture of the cheer squad as well, but he couldn’t see any of the other girls, just her smiling face.

They’d decided to sign up together. The girls practiced at one end of the gym while the guys used the other, and they always walked home from practice together. Their families started a new tradition that year, always going to brunch together Saturday mornings after the games. They still did it today, even though there was no game first.

Miroku frowned as he remembered his teammates. It was the first time that another guy had shown interest in her. Hiten and Manten were on the team, but they knew better than to even think about Kagome in that way. Kouga and Inuyasha though, they were always talking about her in the locker room after practice. They fought all the time over which of them she belonged to, like she could ever belong to either of them. She was his, had been since they were in diapers and always would be.

The worst part, though, was that she encouraged them. She’d even confided in him that they were both cute. She had a crush on each of them, but she was too shy to say anything. That had been the hardest day of his life to date, when she told him that she liked someone else. There was definitely a downside to being her best friend, he learned then. She treated him like one of the girls. If he thought that was hard though, it only got worse as time passed.


The next page focused on the fifth grade science fair. They’d worked together and won 1st place with their experiment on the effects that talking to plants had on their growth. She was standing there holding the largest of their plants, the one she’d said sweet things to in her most soothing voice. Of course the plant exposed to her would grow better than the rest. She was like sunshine after all. He stood next to her holding the blue ribbon they’d received, and their display board was visible in the background.

Miroku couldn’t help but smile again. They’d had so much fun working on their project together. They spent every afternoon for weeks talking to their plants, measuring growth, and doing research for their presentation. It wasn’t like they needed an excuse to spend more time together, but it was his favorite part of the school year because the time she usually spent with Sango and Ayame was transferred to him as well. It was like they were four again and only had each other. It sucked when the project was over and things went back to normal, when he had to share her again.

When he saw the next page, Miroku clenched his jaw. The pictures were of a night he wished he could forget. He still hated the hanyou for what he’d done.