InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Scrapbook ❯ Heartbreak ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I do not own Inuyasha and I make no money from these stories.

7 - Heartbreak - Blue

Watching her dance with Inuyasha… she looked so happy in his arms, her head resting comfortably on his shoulder. The sight was unbelievably painful. It felt like his heart was trying to claw its way out of his chest to then stab itself over and over. Hell, a knife to the heart would probably have hurt less than seeing her so content in the arms of another. And if the dance itself wasn’t bad enough, Kagome and Inuyasha dated for the rest of middle school and into ninth grade, and he had to watch every minute of it and act like everything was just perfect.

Miroku had always dreamed of being Kagome’s first kiss, but the hanyou had absolutely crushed his little fantasy, and he’d made sure to do it at a time when he was there to witness it. Once again he was nearly overcome with the desire to beat Inuyasha to a bloody pulp, but he knew that if he did she would be upset. Thankfully for him, but not so much for her, he got his chance. He even had her blessing.


She’d come to him in tears and, when her sobbing eventually subsided, she told him how she’d seen Inuyasha kissing another girl. It took everything he had to hold her while she cried over another guy when all he wanted to do was kill the guy for making her cry in the first place.

“I can’t believe he did that! It hurts, Roku! It hurts so much. He should be the one that’s hurting. He’s the cheater!”

“Don’t worry, Kagome… I’ll make sure he hurts too. I promise.”

And he had. Even with the rapid healing due to his half demon blood, Inuyasha hadn’t been able to get out of bed for a week, and he'd been almost completely black and blue for even longer. Miroku had expected some kind of repercussions for injuring the great Taisho’s youngest son, but when the old inu taiyoukai found out the cause of the fight he was behind Miroku in an instant. He even said that his son had gotten off easy, that if he’d found out first, Inuyasha wouldn’t have left his bed for a month.

The great and terrible Taisho loved Kagome like a daughter and was more than disappointed that Inuyasha had ruined the chance of her really becoming his daughter like he’d hoped. She certainly wasn’t going to be Inuyasha’s mate now. He was embarrassed to have sired the hanyou. He thought he'd taught him better, taught him how to treat a woman, but apparently the lesson hadn’t stuck. Maybe the beating he received from Miroku in her name would be easier to remember.


He’d been there for her when she couldn’t stop crying, reassured her that it wasn’t her fault, that Inuyasha didn’t deserve her. She was available again, but she was fragile and he didn’t want to take advantage of her vulnerability, and he definitely didn’t want to be a rebound. He wanted her, but he wanted all of her and he knew she wasn’t ready to give her heart away again just yet. He wanted her, but he wanted her forever and he knew she wasn’t ready for another commitment, not when the last had turned out so badly, just another reason he wanted to kick Inuyasha’s ass again.

It seemed like forever, waiting for her to be ready to move on. It was made all the more difficult because she still saw Inuyasha every day at school and it was like he was rubbing his new girlfriend in her face, reinforcing all her feelings of inadequacy. It made it that much harder for Miroku to make her like herself again.