InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Seal ❯ Things that go slapp in the night ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Aloha!! (Yes I know I don't speak Hawaiian)

Um… I won't say much up here, but will say more after the chapter.

I have decided that I'll post ca one chapter a week, giving me some time to accumulate some more chapters. It's been going rather nicely till now, but you never know when you're going to develop a sever case of writers-block. Better safe than sorry, you know? ;-)

I have only a few more pleas before you may read:



Now on with the show!!!

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in this story (if I did I'd be rich, filthy stinkin rich. I'd be off to the Bahamas and… and… and I better come back down to earth as they aren't mine) ; Inuyasha and co all belong to Miss Rumiko Takahashi. Just having plain fun writing about them. ;-P

The Seal

Chapter 7: Things that go slap in the night…

It was the third night the girl had been there. The third night he was alive again. She had first appeared the night he awoke, and he couldn't believe all the changes that had taken place in such a short time. To him it seemed that they hadn't done anything but argue, yet… how had they become friends if that was all they did? He didn't understand her. Did he hate her? Hate her for looking like his executioner, hate her for making him remember, hate her for knowing him so well, when he didn't know himself?

Sighing, Inuyasha glanced sideways, observing the object of his currant thoughts. She was curled up on her futon, at the old bats, 'supposedly Kaede', place. She looked sweet, innocent, harmless… but was she? He didn't know…

Actually, there was very little he DID know about this… girl. He knew that her name was Kagome. He knew she hated being compared to Kikyo, which had brought him hours of amusement. He knew she wasn't from this place. He knew she had the Shikon no Tama, and it erked him that she wouldn't give it to him. But most importantly: He KNEW there was more to her than met the eye, and that she was keeping secrets from him. She'd said so herself. He HATED that! He hated NOT knowing.

Flexing his claws, he crept closer to her. Enough with these silly games. He'd asked… nicely, he'd humoured her peculiar antics, not that they didn't benefit him, but enough was enough. He wanted the jewel, and he'd take it. She couldn't complain, it was her fault for trusting him… a demon.

Inching closer, he was now practically hovering over her. So close. He could see the pink jewel, nestled on her collarbone, her chest rising evenly in her deep slumber. If she woke up now… A smirk appeared on his face. 'Boy would she scream.'

A hand reached out, hesitantly at first, but slowly gaining confidence, towards the sleeping girl. While he was slowly working up his nerve his thoughts whirled around previous scenes shared between them, trying to subdue his guilty conscience.

*Flashback* "You're a good person, Inuyasha, deep down." "Demons aren't good." "Whoever told you that?" "Who hasn't?" "I have." *End flashback*

'Hmph. Show's what she knows,' he scowled. Yet his hand was still just hovering above the jewel, not moving an inch further. "Keh, this is stupid. Is a fucking bitch going to stop me?!" he muttered angrily to himself, careful not to wake the other residents of the hut.

"Sigh. Inuyasha…" He was startled from his silent pondering, by the wenches sleepy mumbling. She rolled over on the futon, facing him, while lying on her side, smiling softly in her sleep. The same smile he remembered her flashing him over and over again, during these few days he had known her. Her arm crept towards him, reaching out to him, seeming to sense him lingering near her, but his senses told him she was still asleep.

He let out a frustrated growl. The arm that had previously been closing in on the Shikon, was redirected to stroking some of her raven hair gently away from her face. His ears flattened, both in misery and shame at his cowardice. He couldn't do it. 'Damn her!'


Kagome was once again dressed in her green school sailor-uniform. It was still night, but that was the way she had planned it. To avoid Inuyasha.

The hanyou in question was deep asleep sitting close beside her. Her plans had come close to being ruined when she came awake to the sight of a slumbering Inuyasha leaning over her. She was still trying to decide if she should be worried or pleased. The yelp she'd let out when she came face to very handsome face, with him, had been small, but loud as hell to someone with Inuyasha's attributes. It…it had… unnerved her, a bit, to find him so close to her… and the jewel.

She felt like a hypocrite. Here she had gone to all that trouble assuring him that she trusted him, believed in him, and she was getting skittish just by him sleeping next to her. And what a lovely image he made, sleeping next to her. Kagome blushed, looking away. This just wouldn't do. The well was calling her, and it'd be best to leave while no one was watching her. That is if the well let her leave. At this point, she rather doubted it, the gods being cruel and all, but she wouldn't give up hope while no one knew.

Casting a last searching glance at the other occupants in the hut, particular the youngest of them all, and gracing him with a smile, she left.


Inuyasha could never say what it was that made him come alert so fast. One moment he had been in an impossibly deep slumber, which puzzled him as he couldn't remember having fallen asleep in the first place; the next he was wide awake, all his senses straining to pick up any trace of the, by now, obviously missing 'not Kikyo'-girl.

Swearing some rather choice words, not meant for mortal ears, yet Kaede did survive hearing them, thank goodness (Keh.), he rushed out in search of the escapee.

Kagome, blissfully not aware yet of these non-flattering words used to describe her person, had in her leisurely stroll only made it as far as the opening of the forest, having placed more value on the art of masking her presence than haste at the time. She was at this time still in high spirits, having actually managed to leave the hut, a feat she had not believed she would succeed in, sharing the hut with a inu-hanyou as she was.

Her mood though was rapidly sinking. She KNEW she was helpless, by her own restrictions naturally, and the forest was in her paranoid mind filled with dangers. In the time where she'd come from, people did not go into dark, dank forests at night. There were dangerous people in them, and if it was a big forest, like this one, there might be some dangerous animals. Some vicious predator, waiting to attack her, and that was in 'her' time. Here there were youkai… Demons, making little to no noise, waiting to pounce on her and her jewel. Like that creepy chittering she was hearing…

…or the growl that could be heard right behind her, from an enraged male half human, half inu-youkai.

"Um… maybe I'll turn back now," she sweated.

Inuyasha was NOT amused. Here he was feeling guilty, of all things, for even considering taking the Shikon without the bitch's permission, and she had the nerve to… to… Oh, someone was going to die!!!

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING?!!!" Kagome was more concerned with Inuyasha's claws which were alternating flexing and fisting, looking like they were anticipating a nice neck to strangle, than his gruff fix'er-up'er attitude. Inching towards a tree, wishing to put anything between him and her, she pathetically squeaked, "Um, going home?" The glare he sent her told her it would have been best to keep quiet.

"Listen bitch-" And the tables had turned.

Inuyasha knew he had done something… bad, when the 'puny girl' stopped shaking, and instead started glowing a pale pink, along with the Shikon no Tama. Pink. 'Such a nice fluffy colour,' Inuyasha thought, 'So why is the girl glowing pink scaring me shitless?' She'd been nice and meek up until the bi- 'Oh, shit.'

"What is it with you?!" a very tense Kagome grit out through clenched teeth, eyes narrowed in barely concealed rage. "Bitch, wench, Kikyo, girl…" Inuyasha's ears were flattened tight to his skull, trying to dampen the terrifying sounds slowly rising in volume. "…CAN YOU NOT CALL ME BY MY NAME THIS ONCE??!!! IS IT SOOO HARD TO REMEMBER??!!! MY NAME IS KAGOME!!! KA-GO-ME!!! NOT KIKYO! NOT GIRL!! NOT WENCH!!! AND CERTAINLY *NOT* BITCH!!!"

Instincts and temper taking over, Inuyasha went on the heavy defence. "Keh. And why should I call you otherwise, hm?" He leant over her, face to face, glare matching glare, voice dripping with venom, "You are nothing but a weak pathetic human. You were born weak, you will die weak, and there is nothing you can do about it!"




Well, um, as stated above: It *was* necessary.

And, um… *nerves twitch* …I wanted to show that not all was peachy in paradise?

I think this is the first sort of cliffhanger I've written till now… And I haven't even reached the action yet…


Oh! And any spelling mistakes can be blamed on incompetent English teachers, and/or my spell-check program, because I, myself, am PERFECT!!! ;-P

If you have any questions about the story that you find unclear, I will do my best to answer them, as long as I deem them of no harm to my present plot-line. I really appreciate all your ramblings (not in anyway meant as insulting, just clearing that up), and might use some for inspiration if permitted, but for now I have my own agenda.

Thanks to all you reviewers, I'll do my best not to disappoint you all.

PS. Is nobody going to read and review my other story, soon to be stories?


Well that was all, for today at least, toodles!! ;-D