InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Soul Within ❯ To Wonder ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Quote of the day (from a fridge magnet): “If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would ever get done.”
If you haven't already done so, please read my newest one-shot: Through Amber Eyes. Please comment on it too!
Thanks you reviewers for all of your patience. I now give you chapter eight!
The Soul Within
Chapter Eight
A cool, ominous summer wind blew through Kagome's village. The trees swayed and the colourful flowers danced in the breeze. Mothers called their children inside to put on some warmer clothes and the village men shivered as they gathered outside the main village temple, for reasons that may have had nothing to do with the weather.
Naraku coldly surveyed the men before him. Weak. They were all weak. He didn't know why he bothered with them. He could've easily searched the surrounding lands and discovered Kagome's location by now. Why didn't he? He simply didn't feel like doing it. Unfortunately, that required him to rely on the useless people before him.
Naraku narrowed his eyes and began to speak. “As you are all aware, the miko Kagome has disappeared from her home. Naturally, she will need to be returned safely. She has been gone for a couple of days so she cannot have gotten far. You men will divide into groups and search the neighboring villages to the north, south, east and west. Also, be sure to check the surrounding areas.”
It took the men several seconds to realize that Naraku was going to say nothing more.
“Sir?” asked one man timidly, “…When should we leave?”
Naraku arched an eyebrow. “I though that I had made that clear,” he said coolly. “I told you to divide up into groups; that means now.”
“But sir!” exclaimed another man. “If all of us leave, who will protect the village? Who will protect the women and children?”
Naraku glared at the man. He was testing his patience. “Naturally, I will see to their safety,” Naraku said in a chilling voice.
Unsurprisingly, this did not comfort any of the married men. They shifted from foot to foot and muttered amongst themselves.
Naraku was losing his patience. “You have one hour to pack of everything that you may need for the search. You will report back in one day.”
“Okay, I think that it is officially dark out. What do you guys think?” Kagome asked, peering through a tiny crack in the boarded-up window.
Shippo hurried over to the window and smiled in delight. “It's dark! Let's go out and play now!” he exclaimed excitedly.
Kagome laughed. “Sounds good!” she replied. She was as excited as the kitsune beside her. Holding Shippo's hand, she pulled open the heavy door and exited the room, leaving Miroku and Sango to give each other “What just happened?” looks.
Sango shook her head. “That Kagome…she's strange, but in a good way,” she said, walking through the door.
Miroku smiled in agreement as he followed her into the castle hallway. “I would think that after her experience with Inuyasha last night…” he trailed off.
Kagome had told them about her experience the night before. To say that Sango and Miroku had been shocked would have been an understatement; they were struck speechless. What they didn't know was Kagome's encounter with the undead miko that had brought her to the castle in the first place.
“He can have quite the temper sometimes,” Sango concurred. “I'm just glad that the poor girl wasn't scarred for life. I can't believe that she went after the jewel.”
Miroku regarded her seriously. “Do you think that she could have purified it, Sango?”
Sango was taken aback. “What?” she asked in disbelief. “I-I don't know…I know that she's a miko but…I just don't know. I haven't seen a demonstration of her powers.”
“I understand.” Miroku nodded. “But all the same…I guess we'll never know, now will we?”
“Perhaps not,” Sango said sadly as the pair stepped outside.
It was a clear night. Sango could faintly hear Shippo's laughter, but that was the only sound that penetrated the peace and tranquility that the dark night housed. There were no clouds in the sky, only the bright, twinkling lights that were the stars. They shone brightly against the coal-black sky.
“It's so beautiful out tonight,” Sango said softly, as though afraid to disturb the serenity of the night. She allowed a small smile of contentment to grace her features.
“It is,” Miroku approved quietly. “I guess that only people like us can appreciate scenes like this.”
Miroku turned to smile at her. “Sango?”
Sango blushed. “Nothing,” she muttered, sitting down on the soft grass. She moved a rebellious strand of hair behind her ear and smoothed an invisible wrinkle on her skirt. She closed her eyes and sighed, only opening them when she felt a warm hand on top of her own.
The monk smiled at her. “Don't look so sad, Sango. It hides your beauty,” he told her seriously.
Sango's face felt like hot coals. “Miroku…I-” Suddenly, a dark look overcame her face. Narrowing her eyes, she swung her palm and slapped the monk as hard as she could. “Pervert!” she yelled, referring to the hand that had been on her rear seconds earlier.
He just had to ruin the moment…
Sango stood up angrily and was just about to walk away when she saw another figure. “Inuyasha,” she greeted cheerfully, all traces of anger gone.
The said human only nodded at her, but Sango didn't mind. She knew that he was lacking in the communication skills department.
Inuyasha looked at Miroku. “I want to talk about the jewel,” Inuyasha said bluntly.
Miroku's eyebrows rose in surprise but he nodded anyway. “Would you prefer to walk and talk or just sit here?”
“Here's fine.” Inuyasha sat on the grass and stuffed his hands into opposite sleeves. He didn't beat around the bush. “I assume that the girl told you what happened last night?”
Miroku frowned at him. “Her name is Kagome, Inuyasha. And yes, she told us.”
“Including the part when the jewel shard turned pink?”
Miroku's posture instantly straightened. “You mean that she purified it?”
“Only a bit,” Inuyasha said grudgingly.
Sango's face lit up. “This is perfect! If she can purify one shard, then she can purify all of the shards! And if she does that, then she can fuse-”
“No,” Miroku interrupted.
Sango looked highly affronted. “Why not?”
“I agree with the fact that she can purify each individual jewel. However, even if she did that, she would not be able to fuse the jewel together. Only the spell can do that.”
“Are you sure?” Inuyasha asked doubtfully.
Miroku nodded firmly. “Absolutely. If the spell were that easy to break, it could've been done a long time ago.”
Sango sighed. “I guess you're right.”
Miroku turned back to Inuyasha. “So, what else were you saying about last night?”
Inuyasha looked sour. “Nothing. I just wanted to know if the jewel could've been purified.”
“I'm sorry, my friend. It is highly unlikely.”
Inuyasha nodded. “I guess I'll be going now,” he said standing up.
Inuyasha turned and looked at Sango. “Yeah?”
Sango pressed her lips together and gave him a sad smile. “You really upset Kagome last night.”
Miroku looked surprised. “She was upset?”
“She's still here?” Inuyasha asked at the same time.
Sango rolled her eyes at the ignorant men before her. “I think red eyes and puffy cheeks qualify for upset,” she told the monk sarcastically. She flicked her gaze back to Inuyasha. “Yes, she's still here and as I was saying, Kagome was really upset and I think that she'd appreciate an apology.”
Inuyasha snorted. “You obviously don't know me very well if you think that I'd ever apologize to someone like her, Sango.”
Sango rolled her eyes again. “I know what you're like, Inuyasha. I'm just saying that the girl has done nothing to you and you treat her terribly. Considering that tomorrow is her birthday, and she is going to be spending it with us instead of her family, I thought that you could be nice for once. You only turn eighteen one time.” Without another word, she stomped off, muttering about going hunting.
“Kagome is turning eighteen?” Miroku asked stupidly. He pouted. “How come Sango knows everything that is going on and I don't?” he asked in a mock sad voice.
Inuyasha shrugged. “Must be a woman thing.”
Miroku nodded. “True, they do spend a lot of time talking.” His face became serious again. “If it is her birthday tomorrow, an apology would be a present that I'm sure she'd appreciate. See you later, Inuyasha.” He hurried off to catch up with Sango.
“It's not her birthday yet!” Inuyasha yelled after him, but the monk just gave him a backward wave and kept jogging.
“Keh,” Inuyasha muttered.
A musical laughter floated through the night air, coming from the direction of the stables. Inuyasha instantly recognized it as Kagome's laugh, even though he had never heard it before.
She stayed…he thought in disbelief.
Having nothing better to do, he headed toward the stable to see what Kagome found so funny.
He had not taken more than two steps when he heard an earsplitting scream.