InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Story of Higurashi Seirin ❯ I Don't Need You To Save Me ( Chapter 2 )

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Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters in this fan fiction are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. The original characters and plot are the property of Chiaztolite, who is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise.No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary of Previous Chapter: Sesshoumaru offended Benten, the Goddess of Beauty, in the hot spring by calling her “an eyesore”. Thus, she punished him and turned him into a woman.

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The Story of Higurashi Seirin
Ch02: I Don’t Need You to Save Me
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A sudden realization turned his blood cold... He had been turned into a woman.

Sesshoumaru, now in his feminine body, glared at the three approaching tiger demons with wrath in his eyes. He truly had neither time nor patience to deal with these idiots. He had to pursue the blasted goddess, Benten, and compel her to return his original body.

“I have no time to deal with scums like you...” He hissed with his transformed voice. “If you do not desire death, then be gone!”

The tiger demons looked at each other before bursting out in mocking laughter. Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes in growing rage at the sounds of their insolence. His fingers flexed; an old habit he had whenever he felt the itch to tear his opponent’s throat.

“That’s very cute.” One of the tigers said, after their laughter had subsided. “You, a human girl, think you can defeat us, three demons from the great tiger clan?”

As he straightened his spine, Sesshoumaru glared at them menacingly. He contemplated if he should slaughter them all with his sword, Tokijin, but eventually decided that his talons would be more than sufficient to rid these sleazy low-class demons.

He charged forward, swinging his arm to shred his opponents into pieces with his claws. Yet, as soon as he moved, he felt something terribly wrong. He used to be able to attack with such grace and ease; striking a blow to his foe was as easy as breathing to him. And now, every single movement felt heavy, clumsy, and weak like...
... human.

His eyes widened when he realized not only that Benten had turned him into the opposite gender, she had also taken away all of his yokai power. The realization set his fury ablaze. How dare that...

A hand strongly gripped his wrist, ending his musings. His forehead wrinkled in distaste as he felt the touch. He loathed the feel of this lesser being touching his skin. It certainly felt foreign to him, as he had never been so weak as to give his opponent a chance to lay hands on him. To think that he had been forced to stoop so low fuelled his anger even more.

One of the tiger demons pushed him until his back was slammed against the rough bark of a tree. The obnoxious scum held him there, twisting and pinning his right hand above his head. Sesshoumaru bared his teeth threateningly, but the tiger demon only bellowed in laughter.

“Give it a rest, little girl!” The male feline roared. “You won’t be able to...”

But his arrogance was immediately silenced as he felt an unexpected sharp pain attacking his mid-section. Slowly, he lowered his gaze, only to find the gleaming blade of a sword piercing his stomach. Beads of blood gradually dyed his garb red. He raised his head to gaze into the eyes of the female before him. There was resolution in those amber eyes, a fierce killing intention that was so acute that it sent chills down his spine.

Sesshoumaru tightened his grip on the hilt of Tokijin as he pushed the blade deeper into the tiger’s stomach, earning a tortured moan from the insolent yokai. The sword felt oddly and uncomfortably heavier now that he was no longer what he used to be. But he felt a strange sense of comfort in knowing that despite his unexpected and most unwanted transformation, his skills with the blade had not left him. He churned his blade inside the tiger’s gut once before yanking it out. With a guttural cry, the demon collapsed onto the ground.

The other two demons, who had been silent in awe as they witnessed the assault to their comrade, still could not utter a single word. They gaped at the girl before them, finding it hard to believe that a mere human could inflict such injury to their kind.

Sesshoumaru, with blood dripping off the tip of his sword and the first tiger yokai lay motionlessly behind him, glared at his remaining two opponents. They stared back at him, their reddened faces were smothered with awe and rage. It was not long until one of them let himself drowned in fury and blindly charged forward with a sword in hand. Sesshoumaru lunged forward, meeting the attack with his own sword, letting the two blades collided. Swiftly, as fast as his new human legs could carry him, he swivelled on his heels and detached Tokijin from the collision. He swung the sword and slashed his foe across the torso, aiming to dig deep enough to inflict fatal injury. Then he leaped away, putting some distance between him and the tiger demons.

He gritted his teeth in irritation when he saw his opponent did not collapse from the attack. There was not enough pressure applied on his blade; he had overestimated the power of his slender arms. He had injured his foe, surely, proven by the torn cloth and the blood that leaked out from the long gash across the demon’s chest. But apparently, it was not sufficient to bring the scum down.

Once again, they took their stance and faced each other. They stood still only for a very brief moment before they lunged forward, launching another attack. But before they had a chance to clash their sword once more, a blur of red landed on the tight spot between them, interrupting their duel.

The uninvited creature clad in bright red robe rose to his feet, his right hand that gripped an enormous sword was casually arched over one shoulder.

“You guys know it’s not nice to gang up on a girl, don’t you?” He asked with a grin plastered on his face.

“Inuyasha...” Sesshoumaru growled. His foul mood was made worse by the sudden appearance of his half brother.

The ears of the half-dog demon twitched at the sound of his name. A deep frown appeared on his forehead. How did this girl know his name? Without turning his body around, he glanced at the girl behind him from the corner of his eye.  

“Girl, do I know you?” He asked. His forehead frowned as he searched his memory. He turned his head further to get a closer look at the mysterious girl. His eyes captured the sight of her silver hair, a glimpse of her fiery amber eyes, that familiar-looking white kimono with red honeycomb design, and that armour...

Especially that armour.

Inuyasha could no longer contain his confusion. He turned around, meeting the girl’s angered gaze. His eyes widened immediately. He opened his mouth but for a moment, he was at lost for words.

“You... are...” He stuttered.

To Be Continued
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Thanks to those who have reviewed. I appreciate your input. It helps me a lot when I’m developing this story. Sorry for the long wait. It’s harder than I thought to work on two different stories at the same time. But I’ll work hard to update more often. Again, reviews are greatly appreciated. Please drop me a few lines if you can.
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