InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Suprise ❯ The Suprise ( One-Shot )

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Inuyasha let out a sigh as he continued through the forest path.. The sky was a beautiful shade of blue and not a single cloud blemished it. The wind was soft and was dancing with the leaves, cooling the travelers from the summer's heat. It was a perfect day. Glancing behind him, he looked upon the caravan that he and Miroku were guarding. Just a bunch of humans that were overly paranoid about demon attacks. Well, of course with all the battles, killing, and death around, youkai were in heaven. Stupid daimyo.
“Miroku! We should stop for lunch and let them take a break!” He yelled over the group.
“Sure! I could use a break!” He replied with a laugh. Looks of relief could be seen on the clients as they hopped of there beast and took off there satchels. Inuyasha stretched his arms over his head as he let out a tongue curling yawn. What a boring job… He thought. Grabbing his sack from the cart he placed it in, he walked around the tired humans and took a seat next to Miroku. “I wonder what are lovely wives packed for us to eat.” Miroku said with a greedy grin as he rummaged through the hanyou's pack.
“I'm not sharing any of mine.” Inuyasha growled as he snatched his pack back, “You have your own food.” He reached a clawed hand into his back until he found his item of choice. Yes… Sweet dumplings. He purred to himself as he ate the delicious morsels.
“If I know Kagome, she wouldn't like you eating that before you ate something different.” Miroku grinned as he began to eat his onigiri.
“Feh, I'll get to the other stuff in a second. I didn't want you eating it while I wasn't looking.” He said as he finished his treat. Reaching into his bag again, he felt around for his bamboo water holder when suddenly he felt a soft cloth. His eyes knit together in confusion as he pulled out a small green cloth. He had no idea what it was.
“Inuyasha, I think congratulations are in order.” Said Miroku as he took the small cloth from his hands.
“What is it?” He asked.
Miroku chuckled, “Inuyasha, my friend, this is a baby apron.” He grinned as he handed back the cloth. A look of happiness and disbelief came across the hanyou's face. He was going to be a father…
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Kagome brushed some dirt on her hakama as she walked away from her weeding. She gave herself a pat on her back; the garden was looking quite nice. For a girl from the future, I did a pretty good job. She thought happily while she wiped the sweat from her brow. Now all is left is dinner then I can relax!
She let out a gasp as she felt herself being lifted into the air and being spun around by the waist. When she finally was put down and moved the hair from her face, she could see her husband who had a big giddy grin on his face. “I love you!” He laughed as he pulled her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around him.
“I see you found you present.” She whispered. Looking into his gold eyes, they seemed to radiate with joy. “You exited?”
“No, Kagome, of course not.” He kidded. He began to plant butterfly kisses all over her face. “Why don't we go in and celebrate?” He suggested.
Giving him a small peck on the lips, she replied, “Only if you cook dinner.”