InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ the television portal ❯ the beggining of a journey ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

THE TELEVISION PORTAL Chapter 1-The beginning of a journey
Yafa was wondering about a lot of things. For starters, she's been through practically hell…. getting out of bad situations, having to deal with bitches and snobs, getting almost nowhere in studies, social problems, no boyfriend…. The list went on and on. But what made her really crazy was the fact that she didn't know where she stood, in a social kind of way. Often, she thought her social status was ok, but it always went down the toilet bowl. Thinking about all of this, she started her pc, punched up some music, and chatted on msn messenger.
Later that day, she asked her dad if she could rent an Inuyasha movie from blockbuster. He gave her permission, and off they went. Every girl Yafa mentioned about Inuyasha to either hated the show, or didn't have the slightest clue what the hell it was. But she didn't care. If she was different, if she was unusual, the more the better. It's no fun being the same anyhow. She pushed the thought away and went to other things. But little did she know…. Her life was about to change In a heartbeat.
That night, Yafa and her dad came home for dinner, which wasn't that bad. Spaghetti and meatballs with corn and carrots on the side was Yafas favorite dish anyway. When they were all done, she cleared the plates from the table, then went to the living room and sat on the armchair. Everyone else (dad, mom, and her brother Chaim) went to their rooms, since they weren't in the least bit interested in watching Inuyasha. And this is where it all began….
Yafa started to get a strange feeling, like something was abnormal in the universe. She became stuck to the armchair, not able to move. “What's happening to me!” she couldn't even speak, her lips were pressed shut! All she could tell for sure was that time all around her stopped, and she began to panic. “Everything's over for me….im going to die! G-d, I beg you, if you have any mercy, save me…!” at that very moment, a portal shot out from the television set, and she was sucked in, not having the slightest inclination that her dream had finally come true: she's escaped to another world.