InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ the television portal ❯ the most unexpected aquiantance ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 3- the most unexpected acquaintance
“Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, really, what would I say to them? And trust me, Kagome wont like this one bit. Maybe its better if I don't butt in, I need to find a way back home anyway.” Inuyasha refused to let her go so easily. He wasn't goanna admit it to anyone, but he was in love, for the third time in his life! Somehow, beautiful girls were crossing his path ALL the time. But he never even thought about them, his heart belonged to Kagome. But now... things were different. It was obvious. His heart was torn in two ways.” Yafa, please, don't worry about it; you're just assuming that's how Kagome will react! Come on; just follow me back to them.” At that moment, Yafa felt comforted. She nodded and went along with him. He offered her aride on his back; they'd get back faster that way. She accepted it, climbed on, and they were off.
Now, you can probably imagine what the two were in deep thought about. Inuyashas thought: “ I just don't understand. She's so warm and lovely, she has the most beautiful brown hair and green eyes... it just makes no sense. How fate suddenly made us meet. Somehow, she taken my whole heart in a matter of minutes....! It took me forever to finally stop lying to myself that I don't love Kagome. I do love her, there's no doubt. But Yafa... its useless to try and figure it all out, I love her too! Anyway, I know Kagome would really enjoy Yafas company, its meant to be, for sure! Until the mystery is solved of her sudden appearance in the futile era, ill just make her one of the group. I definitely have a big crush on Yafa, i can't deny it, as stupid and pathetic it may be.”
This was Yafas deep thought: “ as much as im exited to be in such a wonderful cool place, im also really scared. The things I might face, the things I might have to go through, it's pretty scary in the futile era, especially in Japan! How will I ever get back home?! It makes no fucking sense, how the hell I ended up here! There's got to be a way to get back, I just need to find it... oh, sandy must be crying his head off for me disappearing, my parents probably called the police by now, if I know them... oh well, its not that bad, I guess. I won't lie to myself, ive been dreaming for something like this to happen for ages! Talking about HOT guys, I just happen to be on one,hehehe. He's cuter than ive ever imagined him to be. Unfortunaly, i can't tell him or his friends that im not REALLY a drawing. Oh crap, im mixing myself up now!!! Never mind, they don't need to know, and im not goanna spoil this awesome adventure!!!!”
Eventually, Inuyasha and Yafa arrived at the old tree. Fortunately for him, they were still there. But Inuyasha was gone for so long, they ALL fell asleep, to his great surprise. It was about 12 midnight, and the moon was very bright and high up in the sky. Inuyasha whispered, “You want to wake them up, or just wait for them to wake up themselves? It doesn't matter either one” to even more of his surprise, she said, “nah, let them sleep. Ill introduce myself to them tomorrow. Lets go over there, by that lake! I'm tired, im sure you are also.” Like a book, she read his mind. He followed her to a hill full of soft grass and flowers, and he laid himself down at a little distance from Yafa. Of course, he made sure he was right next to his friends as well, to protect them if he had to. After about ten minutes, when he was sure she fell asleep already, he turned his head and just stared at her. He murmured to himself “is she real?! Is that really the girl I just met a few hours ago? She so beautiful, with the moonlight on her face and body.... I cant stop staring at her, she so gorgeous!” it was a very relaxing night, the stars were all out, the breeze was just right, and the sight of her, with her hair gently swaying in the wind, made him intoxicated. “jeeze,i feel like a total moron, meeting her only now when Kagomes already in my life. I love Kagome, more then shed ever know, but i love Yafa as well. It's so pathetic; life really likes to screw me up! Its simply becuz.. Her hair, her eyes, and the way she spoke to me. I LOVE HER. Will I EVER be able to tell her?”
The next morning, Kagome and Sango woke up at the same time, at first confused where inuaysha went. Then, Kagome found him. And guess who she saw not too far away?! “INUYASHA!” he jumped.” Wha.. Oh, hey Kagome! Sorry I ran off like that last night, but im glad I did. Look over there...” he pointed his finger to the girl's direction, and to his relief, she didn't seem mad at all. In fact, she seemed happy. He knew Kagome would take this positively. The girls' hair was long and brown, she was the same height as Kagome, and her clothes were interesting also. A mini pink zip up jacket, a pink head band, a pink undershirt, nice long blue jeans, and black boots. In Kagomes mind, if Inuyasha brought a girl to the group, she definitely was someone special. Who she was exactly, she was yet to find out. “Inuyasha, who is that girl?” he sighed, praying she wouldn't kill him. “Her name is Yafa, I ran into her last night, she was being attacked by the local villagers. I didn't wait to find out who she was, I got those fuckin people out of the way. Then, I started asking her a whole bunch of things, to just kinda get the picture, you know? Anyway, there seems to be nothing wrong with her, so lets talk to her for a while. Maybe, eventually, it'll all start to come together” Kagome smiled, she was exited to know who this girl really was.
They walked up to her. “Hey Yafa, what's up?” she slightly jumped in surprise, then turned around.” Oh, hi! Kagome? Whoa, you're exactly who I know you to be. Kaogme, I'm from your time, but of course I don't live in Japan, I live in Israel. I'm a pure born American. I'm 15, I don't know how, but yesterday, at about 6 at night, this really freaky portal sucked me into the television screen, and it made time stop so no one would notice I left. I don't know why, but it brought me here!” totally perplexed, Kagome giggled. “My god! Really? Thats so cool! It's a pleasure to meet you! So, you think you're up to the challenge of life in the futile era?!” she was being sarcastic. But she was also kinda serious. “You bet, Kagome! I wont let any of you down, trust me!!! But there's so much I need to tell you... hey, lets sit near those bushes down there. Ive got so much to explain, and I think your the only one that'll understand me.” Ok, sure.” They went near the bushes, and start yakking away about everything imaginable!