InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Three Guardians ❯ Turning ( Chapter 9 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
InuYasha's characters are NOT mine!
>Telepathy<(speaking mind to mind)
Chapter 10
Sorry I did not update sooner, I was distracted writing other fics, hope that you like it.
Kratos stopped licking at her neck when he saw her eyes open. He saw the pain flicker within her soul; her pain will soon be healed.
<The sun is just below the horizon, she will turn soon. Monk open the flap entrance, she needs the moon rays upon her. Eirene, Thanatos, come, we must get her out of here when she turns.>
Kratos sat near her head with Eirene at her right side leaving Thanatos at her left. They sat near her, trying to provide her comfort, the turning is not painful, but it can cause confusion.
Kagome's body gave off a pink glow, slowly her wound shown with a pink light as her wound closed and new freshly skin covered it, leaving no scar. Her eyes then gave off the pink glow, but it disappeared just as it appeared. Her eyes were now swirls of blue, green and grey. The colours settled becoming a mixture of each, it was a magnificent sight.
Her body lifted in the air, the glow surrounded her blinding anyone who watched. Kagome's body formed into a more womanly figure, her hair grew to her waist with blue high lights running throughout it. Every human portion of her body became that of a goddess, she no longer looked like a school girl. The clothing changed as well, covering her upper torso laid armour with the crest of a sceptre, her lower portions were covered by long silk material, it covered her so that she looks like a princess in armour.
The glowing died down; the changes were now visible to the human eye. They noticed on her upper left arm a design of a sceptre glowing in pink then disappeared into that of a scar. Her face looked the same, but it did not look human, it was more mystical.
Her body lowered to the ground and lost its glow.
“Kagome?” The voice of the slayer brought everyone out of their trance. She stepped forward but Thanatos got in her way.
<We leave now with our mistress, she is healed now and we thank you. We will make sure that she visits you every now and then, but for now we must leave.>
With that Thanatos blew a blue flame that had transported them to the world of the gods. Luckily for the humans the flame was not meant to destroy.
With that Thanatos blew a blue flame that had transported them to the world of the gods. Luckily for the humans the flame was not meant to destroy.
Kagome's P.O.V.*
Everything happened so fast, I have no clue what is happening to me. All I remember is that fantasy dream then waking up to some dog or wolf licking at my neck. Now I am in some world that I have no clue if it even exists.
My body feels different like something is bubbling in me, I look down at myself and what I find is something that I did not expect.
<You are finally were you belong goddess, it has been along time since we have seen you.> The voice in my head brought me out of my thoughts. I have no idea were It came from.
Out of the shadows came three dog looking creatures. They came up to me and lay down at my feet. If I say that I am stunned then that would be an understatement. Another figure came out of the shadows, but this one looked human, a female. She walked out of the shadows and circled me.
Her movements reminded me of a hunter hunting its prey.
“I see that you have made it, you survived jealousy's test. Your parents will be quite pleased to learn that you live.” She could tell by the look on my face that I was thinking of my family in the future. “No dear cousin, not your human family. You are the daughter of Hades and Persephone. But that is not the reason why you are here. You have to find your mate; you will know who he is when you see him.”
It is so hard to take in what she just said. I lifted my hand signaling for her to stop. It seemed like she understood me. Me Kagome Higurashi a goddess, how can that be, I am only the reincarnation of Kikyou. Just a stupid copy that is no good. This is probably a other stupid dream. Come on Kags wake up, any minute now. I will wake up in my nice cozy bed at home.
I looked at the woman before me, she did not look amused, my bet is that she can read minds. Man what have I got myself into this time.
Tears slid down my face, I can't hold them any longer, everything that I have just experienced is all too new. Everything just happened in a bloody day, one day that changed me. I felt more of my tears run down my cheeks. If I am this goddess then why do I cry, why am I so weak?
My knees buckled be neigh me, sobs racked through my body. I heard whines and cherishes of fur on my skin.
“Don't you think yourself as such, you are strong, you just need to train and become stronger. I will be your trainer, I will teach you the ways of the gods. It is time for me to introduce myself. I am known as Athena.”
I looked at her, maybe this will not be so bad.
“You will train with me for five years. But it will only seem like five days in the mortal world. Then you will be on your mission to find your mate, as well as collect the jewel shards that you have shattered.”
This is my fate, my destiny? To piece together the Shikon No Tama figures.
“What am I the goddess of?” The question popped in my head, I came out before I could stop myself.
She laughed at me shaking her head. “You are the goddess of everything, yet you are the goddess of nothing.”
That left me puzzled, how is that possible? A goddess of nothing yet everything.
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I know that this chap sucks but I need to carry the fict along. It will get better, Sesshomaru is more then likely in the next chap.
I would like to thank AmberRobin
Kariri 2004
Ami Mizun01
Special thanks to:
Alaina Neko
Vi3t babii
Thanks to all of those that have reviewd.