InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Three Guardians ❯ Mr. Lonely ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Mr. Lonely
Darkness was all he could see, the stench of death was all he could smell and pain was all he could feel. He could not remember how he came to this dark and desolate place, but one thing he did know, he had to get out of here.
Struggling with the darkness of his mind he attempted to free himself from the metal clasp on his wrist that further restrained his movements. His attempts were futile as he continued to exhaust himself by pulling and tugging on the restraints.
His golden eyes pierced through the darkness looking for a means of escape, finding none, he looked around trying to familiarize himself with his surroundings. He saw a small pot next to his cot, he snorted in disgust, and they expected him to relieve himself in that small thing. He looked away from the pot and looked towards the torch giving off little light. He noticed the cell hold he occupied was anything but impressive. There were spider webs hanging off of each corner, rats scurrying to and foe. No windows to freshen the air, musk of decaying corpses and the dampen atmosphere didn't help fending off the cold.
He looked around once again. He wished he didn't treat her like he did or else he wouldn't be here. He belt lot of misgivings, hell he didn't care much about anything, but since he meet her, he was beginning to feel more for the people around him. He was at a loss without her. She made his gray day blue, but that was all over now. He betrayed her and worse of all he used his own claw and words to pierce her.
He continued his beating and self loathing for quite some time, but it ended with the opening of the door.
A fair woman walked into his cell. She wore a green skirt, a white top with a green scarf and she wore shoes similar to Kagome's.
Recognition flew into his eyes as she dashed towards him; she hugged him with all of her strength. She smiled up at him, giving him her most beautiful smile.
“I will get you out of here soon Inu Yasha. For now you hold on for me.” He held onto her words, she will save him. She came back to him even after all he had done to her.
“You came back for me?” He did not see the sly smile appear on her face as he hugged her to himself. He tried to smell in her wonderful scent, but for some reason the stench of decay was all he could smell. He reasoned with himself that the corpses in this dingy place replaced her pleasant scent.
“Of course Inu Yasha, I would never leave you. I love you too much.” The words hit him in his stomach. He tormented this young woman and she still loved him. How can that be? “Oh Inu Yasha, I was so worried for you, I thought that you were dead.” He watched as the woman in his arms break down.
He saw the tears streaming down her face, but when she hugged him, he once again did not see the glint in her eyes.
“I will come back for you, just give me some time.”
She let go of him, kissed him on the cheek and ran from the cell, with the guard closing it behind her.
He did not see her face change as she ran from him, nor did he see the changing of her clothing into a priestess garb. He didn't see the evil gleam of his recent enemy embracing the changed woman.
“Well done Kikyou.”
The man sitting in the cell didn't see anything outside his cell. He was oblivious to the schemes of his former love.
It has been over a week since he has seen his love. She said she would get him out of here, but he has not heard from her since. He wondered if what he saw was an illusion. Maybe he was going crazy? He missed her scent, the feel of her body against his. He missed every aspect of her.
He believed in her. She will find a way to get him out of this hell hole.
During the time he has been here he found the scent of Naraku, though faint he knew that he was near. Naraku's scent was mixed with that of Kikyou's, he knew that she was the embodiment of betrayal; no other could match all of the betrayals she has accomplished, not even he could compare to such a feat.
He waited and waited for her to return to him. As the minutes and hours passed by the door finally opened and his Kagome walked through the door.
Just like before, she dashed to him and hugged him. He again tried to smell her, but all he could smell was decay, once more he blamed it on the decayed corpses in the other cells.
“Here Inu Yasha, I brought you some food, I know it isn't much, but I thought it was better then nothing.” She looked happy to be helpful, her face was a little dirty, and her skirt was ripped a bit, but nothing too serious.
“Thanks.” He gulfed down what little food she brought. When he finished he saw her smile down at him, he was a little uneasy with the way her eyes glazed over, but he reasoned that there was little light so her eyes didn't have their usual shine to them.
“Sorry Inu Yasha, I am not supposed to be here, I will come later on. Don't worry I will try and free you.” As soon as she said those words she left him in the cell.
Every day since then she came to the cell, brought him food and talked a little. Every time she dashed towards his figure, she hugged him while he tried to sniff her scent, but he found no trace of her pleasing aroma.
And every time he got the chance to talk to her about escaping she made an excuse for leaving.
His days became lonelier then ever, Kagome's brightness lessened every day.
He was beginning to wonder if she really was his Kagome. She was acting more and more like Kikyou.
He looked towards the decayed body in the cell next to his own. He did not want to end up like that, but with out her help he would not survive. Each time she brought him food, be began to fell less like himself and more like the one who attacked Kagome.
“Kagome!” the word echoed throughout the holding cells. This dark and dingy place was no place for his Kagome, no where near what she deserved. As he continued on this train of thought he did not realize his blood boiling, his claws sharpen, nor his eyes changing. He sat in the cell thinking of his Kagome or who he thought to be his Kagome.