InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Time of Your Life ❯ Absence ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 4

Disclaimer: I do not own Inu-yasha. And I am not looking for any money for this story.


(Authors Notes)

Chapter 4: Absence

Kagome raced home tears blurring her vision as she sped past her family and up to her room. She slammed the door

before collapsing on the bed. 'Why does he have to be such a jerk!' She wailed into her pillow.


Sango stared at Miroku in disbelief "That's your plan, get them to spend time together, I've never heard anything so, so...


"I think you already have a problem with your little plan." Shippo pointed out and nodded to where a seemingly comatose Inu-yasha sat, still clutching the bottle of antiseptic Kagome had thrust at him.

They all walked on over to him. "Oh great what did you do this time?" Sango asked peevishly.

"What makes you think I did something?" Inu-yasha yelled.

"Because Inu, you are you, No matter your intentions you cannot keep your foot out of your mouth." Miroku stated bluntly.

"Shut up." Inu-yasha stood up in a huff and stalked towards home. "Nice retort. I could come up with something better and I'm just a kid." Shippo berated him while trying to keep up with his longer strides.

Miroku and Sango watch them leave. "Well what are you going to do about your plan now?"

"It may take some fine tuning but I will speak with him once he has cooled off."


Kagome lay on her bed thinking, 'He is such an idiot. And I'm an idiot for having a crush on him. Maybe I should have listened to my friends and stayed away. They were right after all he is a rude, violent, jerk! But he has his moments, despite what he says he likes his friends and family. He makes sure he or someone he trusts is there to pick up Shippo every day and he even refuses to leave until he makes sure Rin is picked up too, even though he knows he'll catch hell for it. So he can be nice and he's cute, okay that's my irrational, hormone driven, teenage girl side talking, but I am a teenage girl.'

She saw his handsome face in her minds eye, then it turned into his angry face from earlier tonight, she sighed. 'Ugh, he's still a jerk. I'll just stay away from him, it's not like he wants me around anyway, maybe these irrational feelings will go away.'


Subsequently Inu-yasha lay on his bed thinking. 'Stupid girl. I didn't even mean what I said, she just makes me so, I don't even know, I'm a moron. The way she smiles at me, hell even the way she yells at me makes me anticipate the next time she does it. Fuck I'm a moron getting a crush on someone just because they look like Kikyo. She's not even as pretty as Kikyo.'

He sighed. 'But she is damn cute. The more I see her the more frustrated I feel, the more comfortable I am with her, the more I want to see her. Kikyo never made me feel comfortable, I was always too busy trying to keep her there talking to me. I've got to stop comparing them. It doesn't matter anyway Kagome will never speak to me again. It's probably better this way
she'd just end up hurting me like Kikyo in the end.'

But a tiny voice in the back of his brain whispered, 'But Kagome's not like that.'


The next day at lunch Kagome and Inu-yasha went back to eating with their old friends.

"Look what you've done." "Glad to see you've come back to your senses." Said Inu's and Kagome's friends respectively.

"Apologise already." Sango yelled at him.

"Why should I, she seems perfectly happy now." Inu-yasha glanced at Kagome's table.

"If not for yourself, then do it for us." At this Inu and Sango gave Miroku a questioning look.

"With Kagome back in your good graces and in our company again, Sango would no longer be the only female of our group. It would also allow me to concentrate on matters other than keeping the peace between you two." He looked meaningfully at Sango.

"I've told you before it isn't going to happen." Sango shot him a glare.

"But Sango, dearest, we'd be so good together." He said as he gathered her hands into his and stared into her eyes.

"Miroku!" She yanked he hands away and turned to hide her blush.

"Keh! I'm not apologisin'. " Inu-yasha stood abruptly.

A few tables over, Kagome watched him leave in a huff.

"Stop pining over that loser, Kagome. You two barely had a, "thing," so he shouldn't be too hard to get over right?" Yuka said.

"Right," chimed in Eri, "Why not go out with Hojo to take your mind off it. And now that everyone knows your 18 they won't have a problem anymore."

"You told them? Okay, besides the fact that I don't want to go out with Hojo, I think it was my being a freshman rather than my age that they had a problem with, for some odd reason." Kagome said hotly.

"But Inu-yasha took care of that problem right Kagome." Ayume beamed at her from across the table.

Kagome let out a nervous laugh at the reminder of the person she was mad at. But he did after all take care of the problem for her, albeit in his usual violent manner.

She flashed back to a few days ago when they were walking to Sango's car after school.

(Wavy flashback lines)

Off in the distance they saw a commotion, as they got closer they saw a scrawny kid getting beat on by someone three times his size.

"Inu-yasha, do something." Kagome lightly pushed him.

"What do you want me to do?" Inu-yasha retorted.

"Help him."

"Why would I help that jock beat on some defenceless kid?"

"You moron, I meant..."

"I know." And he was off, before she new it he had pulled the much larger boy off the poor kid.

Before the jock could even figure out what happened Inu struck him in the nose. "Run." He commanded the beat upon kid.

(AN: Wasn't sure what to call him 'cause you have the beater, so would that make him the beatee?) He didn't have to be told twice.

Surprisingly the jock had crumbled with one blow. 'Hm not as tough as he looks, I guess.'

"Way to go Inu-yasha!"


(End of Flashback wavy lines.)

Kagome sighed. A few days after that incident they had found out that Inu broke the jock's nose. 'I was guilty for days at feeling happy that Inu-yasha beat him. And In-yasha didn't look all that happy either. That time was my fault, maybe he doesn't mean to be violent.'


Meanwhile Inu-yasha had made his way to the roof to smoke. He took out a cigaret, lit it and took a drag. Staring at the spot where he usually sat with Kagome to study and talk, he couldn't help but think of Kagome. . .

(More Wavy flashback lines)

"Your late." Inu complained as he saw Kagome come out the door to the roof.

She looked up at him and opened her mouth to retort, but nearly stumbled back down the ladder when she noticed his black eye and swollen lip. He caught her hand and hauled her the rest of the way up.

"What happened?" She brought her hand up to touch the bruise on his eye. He winced a little.

"It's nothing, I'm fine."

"That doesn't look fine. Come on we're going to the nurse." She pulled him to the ladder.

"I said I'm fine." He pulled back.

They started a tug-of-war that could have gotten interesting, if not for the interruption.

"Ahem." They turned surprised eyes to see Kaede standing by the door to the roof.

'How'd she get here?' At their questioning looks Kaede explained. "I came to check on your progress and new you met on the roof. I may be old but I'm still spry." She smiled. "I see your getting along well, but are you getting any work done?"

"We get plenty done. Just wait till next weeks exam." Smirked Inu-yasha.

"The exam is tomorrow." Replied Kaede.


"Guess we better get started." Said Kagome.

"I'll leave you to it then." And Kaede left.

After studying for most of the lunch period Kagome ventured to ask again, "What happened?"

Inu-yasha sighed. "I should have ducked when I saw the fist coming."

"You got in a fight? With who? Why?"

"What does it matter. I got hit, end of story."

"But you shouldn't fight. You got hurt."

"Why do you care?"

" ....Because..."

"Look what I do is my business, so but out."

"I'm just worried about you okay." She brought her hand up to touch his bruise again, gentler this time.

He stared at her, 'Worried about me? Why would anyone worry about me?'

They were both startled by the bell ringing and quickly pulled away to head to class. Only speaking to mutter a quick good bye, before heading in opposite directions.

(Wavy coming back to the present lines.)

Inu-yasha, sighed stubbing out the cigaret he had just started, life was just plain boring without Kagome. Hell he didn't even want to smoke to escape his friends anymore, so he turned back and went inside.


Sango was not in a good mood she had visited Kohaku the night before and found his condition worse than last month. Not to mention the fact that her new principal was most likely the cause of it. No Sango was not in a good mood. On top of it all she was now late for class, it was only gym but she was 20 minutes late, she should have just skipped.


Inu-yasha had actually remembered his gym clothes this time, but his mind was not on the game of soccer, instead he had been watching Kagome out of the corner of his eye the whole game, and every time she glanced his way he looked away abruptly.

So absorbed in the girl, he couldn't stop thinking about even though they hadn't spoken in almost three days, that he'd almost missed Sango come storming in late to class, and she did not look happy.

"Miss Hirakotsu, you are late." The gym teacher announced.


"You will go to the principles' office after class. Right after class."

Sango's only reply was terrified silence.


"Shit, shit, shit." Sango punctuated each word with another punch to the wall. Inu-yasha and Miroku looked on, wondering what had gotten into their friend that she could be that mad at the wall.

"Calm down Sango, what's the big deal about going to the principles' office. It's happened before with the old principle."

"What's the big deal? What's the big deal!? He's a child molester!" She screamed now.

"Calm down Sango, they wouldn't hire someone like that." Miroku tried to reason.

"He gets some sick pleasure out of manipulating kids. I know the face of the man that did that to my brother, I'm sure it's the same guy!" She collapsed against the wall and slid to the floor in tears, and neither boy new how to comfort her, they had never seen her like this.

It was then that someone shoved past Miroku and gathered Sango in their arms. Inu-Yasha was the first to recognise them.


"Shh Sango it's okay." She tried to soothe her friend.


After a while the boys were stationed outside the forbidden zone (The girls bathroom) waiting for the girls to come out

"That was kind of scary."

"Yeah." Was pretty much all they said. Then the girls walk out, Sango looking a little red but at least she had stopped crying.

"We will all accompany you to the principles' so you do not get into more trouble." Suggested Miroku.

"Yeah then we're talkin' to Kaede about this." Put in Inu-yasha.

Kagome followed beside Sango silently.


Sometime later.

They now all sat in the living room of Ms. Kaede's house. Kagome was surprised to find out that, not only did they know where she lived, but she apparently baby-sat for Shippo sometimes.

Sango told them the story again.

"What's the rest of the story, there's something you're not telling us." Inu-yasha asked.

'We knew her brother wasn't well, but, how did we not know about this? The girl's good a keeping secrets. It probably happened that summer she spend in Maine.' Miroku thought to himself.

". . . He was my brother's adopted father. When our parents died we were put in separate foster homes. I was lucky, Kohaku wasn't, Onigumo was manipulative and liked to play with his mind. Kohaku was so young, I don't think he knew what he was doing. See Onigumo used him to commit his crimes. One night things got out of hand. Kohaku, he . . . killed that shop keeper. But it was all Onigumo's influence, all his way of life, his gun. My brothers in the criminally insane ward at the juvenile hall because of him."

"But are you sure, Naraku couldn't be Onigumo, could he?"

"I'm almost positive, When I learned that my brother was on trial I went to court every single day, and I saw him, the man that destroyed my brother. They let Onigumo go free, he had an alibi, he couldn't possibly be involved. After that he disappeared. I tried to find him after, but I never saw him again until the day of that assembly. He may have a different name, but I remember the face of Onigumo."

"Sango, I can only imagine what you are going through, but the school-board wouldn't hire someone like that, even if he was equited. However, I will check into it." Kaede lay a light hand on Sango's shoulder to reassure her, she then looked up to see her friends smiling at her encouragingly. Even inu-yasha gave a grunt of support.


After yesterday's drama with Sango, Inu-yasha decided his fight with Kagome was pointless and maybe Miroku was right, that Sango needed another girl to talk to. That is why he stood outside Kagome's house, hand poised to ring the doorbell.

Before he could however, a thirteen year old boy opened the door.

"Hey, you must be Souta, is Kagome home?"

"Depends, are you going to make her upset again, Inu-yasha?"

"How the hell. . . she told you. I'm here to apologise, all right." Inu-yasha crossed his arms gruffly.

"All right, come in." Inu came in followed closely by Shippo since Kaede wasn't available to baby-sit.

Souta turned to yell up the stairs, "Kagome you've got company!"

She came down the stairs and stopped short as she rounded the corner, there in her living room playing with her cat was,


"Ah, Kagome." He stood up and walked her out of the room. Before he could say anything however, Kagome started to talk.

"I'm sorry, I know I've been clingy and I'm a pest to you. I just thought 'Here is a person worth getting to know.' But if you don't want to see me anymore I understand."

"Keh, you're not a pest. I . . . like hanging around you. I like that you think I'm a person worth getting to know. I feel the same." He quickly added, "Miroku and Sango miss you too."

"Friends." Kagome held out her hand, they were lost in each others eyes. After only a moments hesitation took her offered hand and with a light smile replied, "Friends."

"Well now that that's settled will you and your brother be staying for diner?" Mrs. Higurashi startled them out of the moment.

Inu looked at Kagome questioning.

"Yes they are." She replied for them.


I know the end was abrupt but well I felt done.