InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The truth hurts ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Truth hurts.
Chapter 1
Kagome woke up as she heard the birds singing.
Her hazel orbs fluttered open, and she took in the scenery before her.
“Was it all a dream?” she asked herself.
She felt the necklace around her neck, nope it had all happened. They had defeated Naraku, and finally gathered all of the shards, they had gotten Koga's when the demon gave into Kagome's begging and said, “Only because you asked for it.” He then stole a kiss from her and ran off. Inuyasha growled, and kagome only giggled.
“I guess it's time to go back huh?” kagome said to her self.
“What cha'doing?” she heard a voice above her say.
“Nothing Inuyasha, wanna talk?” kagome asked the hanyou, he looked at her suspiciously before coming down with a “keh”
“Inuyasha I have been thinking, about what to do with the jewel's wish. What do you want to do with it?”
“I dunno kagome…”
“Inuyasha… as much as it pains me to say this… I really care for you, maybe even love you, but… if you really love someone you have to do everything to make him or her happy, right? And I just want you to be happy, so how about if we use the jewel's wish to bring Kikiou back?” kagome asked, her eyes not leaving the ground for a second.
“Kagome… don't use the wish on that, I…well I just can't forget about Kikiou, but still don't use the wish on that.” Inuyasha said, still shocked from the girl's sudden confession.
“Inuyasha, I understand that, she did more than I could ever do, but, what should we do then?”
“ I just don't know anymore kagome…”
With a heavy sigh kagome started thinking.
“Inuyasha…this is hard.”
“I know,” Inuyasha said, `kagome…you are nice and all, but I just don't know if what I feel for you is love or just friendship, or maybe even brotherly love.' Inuyasha thought.
Kagome suddenly stopped, “Inuyasha, I sense something awful coming this way.” Kagome said a dark tone on her voice.
“ Yeah me too. Kagome run to Kaede's hut and tell her to tell Miroku and Sango to try and find us if something happens to us when they come back.” Inuyasha said unsheathing Tetsaigua.
Kagome nodded and ran with all her might towards Kaede's hut.
When she got there she told Kaede what was happening and Inuyasha's message.
“Child come here for one second.” Kaede said, she took an old Kataana from a secret compartment on the floor.
She then turned to kagome, “kagome, this Kataana was used by a miko stronger than Midoriko, somehow she could make it transform into many things, and I think that you are now strong enough to use it. Please be careful okay?”
“Thanks Kaede.” With this she left the elder woman's hut and started to run towards Inuyasha.
After a while she made it, just as soon as Inuyasha was thrown down into the ground.
“Inuyasha! Are you okay?”
“yeah. Just peachy.”
“ sarcastic much?”
“just shadup!”
with the little argument over they started to fight.
The demon seemed about eight stories high, but as soon as Inuyasha attacked him it exploded.
“so I see that you are stronger than I though… no problem. I shall still have the girl.”
“what?” Inuyasha whispered, he then turned around enough to see kagome being grabbed by a man, his ears were shaped like fins around the edges, `he must be a Mer-man demon. Shit.'
Before Inuyasha could do anything, the Mer-man started rising into the air and dragging kagome with him. She had been struggling against his grip but to no avail.
`oh no… what am I going to do now?' kagome thought.
she looked up into her captor's eyes. They were a shade of gray.
“What's your name?” she bravely asked.
“if you must know, my name is Hiroshi, and you shall become my mate in just mere moments.” Her captor said with a dull voice.
Kagome's eyes got wide, she screamed in fear.
“shut up wench!” Hiroshi said, as he hit her behind her head and knocked her out.
“kagome!” Inuyasha screamed as her body went limp.
“Do not worry hanyou, this girl shall be treated like a queen” Hiroshi said, then he chuckled, “she shall become my mate!”
“Don't lay a finger on her!” but before he could attack he disappeared.
“Damn” Inuyasha cursed, a silent tear falling from his, now red, eye. He bolted up and ran with all the force he had.
When he arrived at Kaede's hut he entered and scanned the room, he saw Miroku, Sango, and Kaede sitting around the fire.
Miroku, alarmed by the fact that Inuyasha had been overcome by his demon, and the other fact that kagome wasn't with him, stood up and went over to Inuyasha.
“What happened?” the monk asked
“Kagome…kidnapped…” Inuyasha snarled, trying to keep control.
“Kagome has been kidnapped?” Sango asked, worried about her companion who had become like a sister.
Inuyasha silently nodded, his amber eyes coming back, but part of his eyes were still red.
“We have to get her back, now” Inuyasha said, going outside.
“Okay, bye Kaede” Sango said as she nodded, Miroku said good-bye too and then they left on kilala, and Inuyasha ran.
`Kagome we'll get you' Inuyasha thought as they made their way north, the direction on which he smelled Kagome's faint scent.