InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Unicorn and the Spider: Kik/Nar drabbles ❯ Buzz ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Buzz
Pairing: Naraku/Kikyou
Rating: PG-13
Theme: Death
Spoilers/Warnings: Chapter 457-ish
Summary: Death called to him in the shape of righteous imprisoning eyes.

Naraku/Kikyou “Death” shard


She was dead - for certain this time, and Inuyasha's grief and her absent power in the breeze was proof enough of that.

With her death, his longing was gone - for the most part. And although she was
physically gone, memories of her, thoughts of her, and conversations of her had pricked at his skin - distracting him like an itch. Kikyou, the priestess who had caused him so much adversity, was finally dead and somehow, he couldn't be completely satisfied.

How could anyone forget such grace, such beauty - such fortitude?

His bones resonated with his hot blood. Her memory became the fly that buzzed in his ear.

She was dead, but he could feel her waiting across that line where death and life converged, hovering in place with that same smile on her face, dark and knowing.

“Soon, we'll see each other again. Soon.”

It wasn't the sort of tender tones a departed lover proclaimed to another. The words echoed in his head subtlety, bubbling to the surface - coating his fate with his own poison.

Departed or not, the miko knew his time was sick. Death called to him in the shape of righteous imprisoning eyes.

Scythe in hand, Kikyou knew well; she was patient.

She had no reason to doubt Death because after her, Naraku would be next.