InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The way he feels... ❯ Flames and Cold Ramen ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Why couldn't he just come out and say it. He sighed. He was like a rat in a trap. What happened if she didn't feel the same way?

Inuyasha looked at the fire. The flames twisted and turned. And threw the flames he could see Kagome sleeping. He blushed.

If he could he would just hold her in his arms and whisper sweet nothings to her. *Holy shit! Where the hell'd that come from? * He thought puzzled.

He shook his head and sighed deeply. Kagome was so beautiful. And he didn't like her because he reminded her of his necrophilliac, aw hell no! It was because she was kind and gentle. Then burning with fury. Like flames.

Kagome shifted and he gulped and blushed even redder. "So Inuyasha. Gazing at Kagome again?" Miroku said. Inuyasha jumped. This monk was a sneaky little bastard. Inuyasha glared evilly at him.

"What do you care monk?"

"Well, you've been staring at her for about the whole freakin night." the monk replied calmly. Inuyasha snarled then stopped, it was the truth. He felt like a stalker.

"C'mere." Miroku gestured. He dashed off into the woods. Inuyasha rolled his eyes and walked off.

Sango and Kagome sat up and looked at each other, grinning wildly. "What do you think they're doing?" Sango asked impatiently. Kagome shrugged and blushed.

They both took one last look and fell of to sleep.


"WHAT?!" Inuyasha whispered loudly. Miroku nodded and put a bottle in his hand.

"Put this in Kagome's food and she'll fall in love with you." Miroku said sneakily.

Inuyasha was awestruck. It was to good to be true. The monk just kept on smiling.

"Guaranteed one night of sheer pleasure!" Miroku laughed. "But!" his smile faded. "You have to put it in cold food. If you put it in hot food, it will have no effect. And you have to make sure she is looking at you when she eats it. Got it?"

Inuyasha nodded. *This is so cool! * He smiled really big then darted off to camp.


"Kagome! Can we have cold ramen for breakfast?" Inuyasha urged. He's in a rather good mood, Kagome thought. But nonetheless, it was a change. She smiled happily and nodded.

"So. Why are you so chipper this morning?" Sango asked curiously. She rose and eyebrow. Inuyasha sighed and cocked his head.

"Would you rather me be in a shitty mood? He spat. Sango nodded sadly. Shippo was still asleep.

"Ramen!" Kagome announced. She smiled and placed the food in front if everyone. While she had her back turned Inuyasha placed the potion inside her food. It fizzled a little then looked totally normal.

He smiled at he as she sat down. He gazed at Miroku and they began to eat. Kagome chowed it down. She had had nothing in two days. Thanks to the sense of a false shard.

Then when she was done, she blinked a few times and gazed at Inuyasha. She smiled and blushed. He gulped and smiled a little. *It's working! YES! Thank you Miroku! * He thought and watched Kagome walk off into the forest.