InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Weight of Your Words ❯ Chapter 1

[ A - All Readers ]
Disclaimer: Inuyasha and Co. are Property of Rumiko Takahashi. I’m just a worshipper.

The summer sky had faded from its fiery reds and deep oranges to a deep and quiet blue speckled with stars, and Sesshoumaru, seated amongst the roots of an old, wizened peach tree, perched over a riverbank, had failed to notice the passage of time. It was the soft murmur of grass beneath dainty footsteps that broke the Taiyoukai out of his reverie.

Someone was slowly approaching the riverbank opposite. A delicate sniff brought him the scent of sunshine, sakura, and morning dew–the scent of a crisp spring morning. Kagome.

Sesshoumaru inhaled deeply, noticing for the first time how the muscles in his jaw were clenched. Another deep pull of her scent, and he visibly relaxed, an annoying effect the young miko had on him, as well as all other youkai that acquainted themselves with Kagome. He’d found it strange, that she, a human–and a miko, at that–cared for and befriended youkai.

She’d been an enigma from the very start, this young girl that traveled with his pathetic hanyou half-brother. How she could stand being in the hanyou’s presence was beyond him. Both youkai and humans alike looked down upon Inuyasha’s tainted blood, he being half human and half youkai. But if it wasn’t his blood, it was Inuyasha’s personality that kept people away. Rough, uncouth, and rude, his half-brother wasn’t the type to attract people, at all.

But Kagome stayed faithfully by Inuyasha’s side, and together with the female slayer, monk, and kit, they traversed Japan in search of the shards of the Shikon jewel, in their mission to make the jewel whole again and to defeat Naraku.

Selfless, compassionate, and infinitely courageous, Kagome was one of a kind. She’d never failed to surprise the great Taiyoukai, and it unsettled him greatly. Where others trembled in his presence, she stared defiantly into his eyes. Where humans were filthy and ill-mannered, she was clean and refined. Women, and human women especially, were uneducated, but this miko displayed an intellect that rivaled and surpassed even his own, with her complex thinking and wide vocabulary. She made him curious, and it irritated him.

The object of his thoughts had emerged from the tree line, humming softly to herself. She caught sight of Sesshoumaru and inclined her head slightly in greeting. Kagome moved to sit upon a flat boulder at the river’s edge, tucking her legs neatly beneath herself. A slender finger dipped into the water, creating ripples that barely reached Sesshoumaru’s side. Sesshoumaru followed the ripples back to its source, up a finger, to a hand, a delicate wrist, and up the chihaya-clad arm to Kagome’s face. Her azure eyes smiled to him knowingly, like discs of blue fire, even in the pale moonlight.

ÒWhat is it that unsettles you so, Sesshoumaru-sama?Ó She spoke softly, knowing his keen youkai sense of hearing would catch every word. Eyebrow arched, Sesshoumaru regarded her coolly with his golden eyes.

ÒAnd what, exactly,Ó the Taiyoukai retorted, Òmakes you believe that this Sesshoumaru is unsettled, miko?Ó Kagome smiled gently, turning her face to the swollen moon.

ÒYour aura.Ó Sesshoumaru growled. He’d forgotten her uncanny ability to read auras. He cursed himself mentally, feeling not unlike his idiot half-brother. ÒWatch the surface of the water,Ó Kagome murmured, interrupting his moment of self-deprecation. An eyebrow shot into his hairline as he watched the distorted ripples skimming the surface of the river, away from himself, their evident origin. ÒAnd they say you are the stoic ice prince,Ó Kagome let out an amused exhale.

In a flash, Sesshoumaru stood stooped above her, clawed hand wrapped around her slender neck. He couldn’t understand. He, the emotionless Taiyoukai of the West, never showed any sign of weakness. But here he was, letting his aura wreak havoc in the physical plane, all for the observation of one very observational miko.

ÒYou will speak of this to no one,Ó he growled quietly, staring into her eyes. She was calm, her face belied no emotion and her pulse had not quickened beneath his claws. Her eyes were hard as they stared back, flashing indignantly. He felt the surge of miko power from within her body and released her throat.

ÒWe are allies, Sesshoumaru,Ó she said coldly, ÒI have no need to discover your vulnerabilities.Ó He held her stare for what felt like a lifetime, before looking away and sitting beside her. Sighing inaudibly, he turned his gaze upon the moon.

ÒThis Sesshoumaru is perplexed.Ó The waxing moon was swelling into a seven-month belly, ripe with whimsical miracles and magic. Kagome slanted her gaze to Sesshoumaru’s face, where the powder blue crescent moon sat upon his brow, a stark contrast to his moon-kissed alabaster skin. ÒI bear the mark that names me as the Taiyoukai of the West, the mark that names myself as my father’s true heir.Ó He paused, jaw clenched. ÒAnd yet, the hanyou, my pathetic half-brother–Ó

ÒYour half-brother, though he may be hanyou, is not pathetic,Ó Kagome cut in, her tone firm. Sesshoumaru grunted, furrowing his brows.

ÒRegardless, this Sesshoumaru is a full-blooded youkai, and Inuyasha half. And yet, he is capable of wielding tetsuaiga where I am not. He has managed to wound me in battle, and succeeded in severing my left arm, if you’ve forgotten our first encounter.Ó The miko nodded quietly, realization slowly dawning on her that this confession was his way of apologizing to her. She took his clawed hand into her smaller, slender one.

ÒSesshoumaru, I am honored that you confide in me so, but I will not beat around the bush. Our mutual trust will not be sullied, so I will not try to sugarcoat this.Ó

ÒThis Sesshoumaru would expect no less, Kagome.Ó The Taiyoukai lifted his gaze from their reflection in the river, amused at he sight of them together. She, clothed in her white chihaya and midnight blue hakama, and he, in his obviously youkai armor. Miko and Taiyoukai, what an interesting pair.

ÒInuyasha, though only hanyou, and thus limited in strength when compared to you, has strength within that he can draw on, if the need arises.Ó Sesshoumaru gave her a disdainful look.

ÒAre you insinuating that Inuyasha possesses an inner strength that this Sesshoumaru cannot detect?Ó Kagome was torn between frustration and humor. She knew he relied on strategy and faith in his unrivaled power and strength, but surely, he was aware of the courage born from emotions.

ÒIn a way, yes.Ó The Inuyoukai growled, causing Kagome to sigh. ÒSesshoumaru, do you remember when we fought against you in your father’s tomb?Ó


ÒThat was the first time tetsuaiga transformed for Inuyasha.Ó The Taiyoukai’s golden eyes widened just a fraction. ÒThe rusted katana wouldn’t transform for himÉ until he declared that he would protect me.Ó Sesshoumaru froze. ÒSo you see, in having something to protect, Inuyasha became stronger, more powerful, and could wield a fully-transformed tetsuaiga.Ó

ÒSomething to protect,Ó Sesshoumaru murmured, as though dazed. The weight of her words seemed heavy on his tongue. Kagome felt him tense suddenly beside her, and then, she too found herself tensing as a memory struck her conscious.

The wind whipped around them, bringing with it the powdery soft snow of the arriving winter. Two figures stood on a hill of sand along the stretching shoreline, one staring out to the turbulent sea as blood dripped freely from his wounded arm, the other watching quietly.

ÒFather, do you insist on going?Ó

ÒDo you intend to stop me, Sesshoumaru?Ó

ÒI will not stand in your way. However, before you go, you must entrust the swords Sounga and Tetsuaiga to me.Ó

ÒAnd if I refuse, will you kill me, your own father?Ó The waves crashed along the beach as the wind picked up, and Sesshoumaru stayed silent. The great Lord Inu-no-Taisho sighed, ÒDo you desire power so much? Why do you seek power, my son?Ó

ÒThe path I walk is the way of supreme conquest, and it is power that will reveal the way for me.Ó

ÒSupreme conquestÉ tell me, Sesshoumaru, have you someone to protect?Ó

ÒProtect?Ó Sesshoumaru paused, frowning. He drew his arm from his side, ÒThe answer is no. I, Sesshoumaru, have no need of such.Ó The wind picked up with greater speed, and with an almighty roar, Lord Inu-no-Taisho transformed into his true form and took to the skies.

Kagome gasped and pulled her hand from Sesshoumaru’s, effectively severing herself from the memory. Her breathing shallow, she turned to regard the Taiyoukai as he remained as he was, almost as though in a trance. What had just happened? How had he transferred the memory to her? Kagome didn’t know how to react, least of all, what to say.

ÒSomeone to protect,Ó the Taiyoukai said quietly, turning to rest his gaze on the miko. Though a fiery sapphire blue, her large, trusting eyes reminded him of Rin. Yes, Rin was someone he protected. As was Jaken, he supposed. He felt warmth in his palm and looked down to see Kagome’s hand clasped loosely in his. He tightened his hand around her, feeling the smooth, soft skin of her slender hand, and the power that thrummed beneath it. He thought of the many battles she had fought, some of which he had found himself involved. He thought of the times that his very claws had saved her from harm. He thought of her face the first time he had aided her; her sapphire eyes wide with shock, lips parted in surprise. He thought of the second time he had saved her from bloodshed. She had given him a slight smile that was warm and appreciative, nodding once before launching into battle.

He knew that as she had grown, so had her powers, and they very nearly rivaled his. He knew she was strong, butÉ she was also someone he wanted to protect. He thought once again of golden eyes, much like his own, wise and knowing, gazing at him over an armored shoulder. ‘Have you someone to protect?’ Sesshoumaru turned to face Kagome as her hand rose to cup his cheek. Leaning slightly into the soft hand, the Taiyouaki closed his eyes.

ÒYes, father.Ó


A/N: So, this initially started off as an assignment for my AP Literature & Composition class. It was supposed to demonstrate plot, character development, etc. Unfortunately for me, I never finished it, nor did I turn it in. Out of sheer boredom, I decided to turn it into a slightly angsty, somewhat waffly one-shot. Sorry everyone, no hentai here. I may develop the story more later, I’ll know by the reaction I get from you guys. ^.^
Keep up with me! -