InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Weirdest Pairing Ever! ❯ A Day in Kaede's Village and the Well is Still Berserk! ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I'm finally updating! Thanks to toughs who reviewed! Doujo, I'll use two of your ideas for the names of Sango's comrades.

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha! Rumiko Takahashi owns the series! But I do own this pairing idea (I hope).

A Day in Kaede's Village and the Well is Still Berserk!

Touya and Asako were in Kaede's hut talking about there lives, finding similarities. "Wow! We both have two kids! And the oldest one's a girl and the younger a boy!" Touya says.

"And you father really went berserk on keeping your village safe from demons? Sounds a lot like my father!" Asako says. The both laugh.

"Yah, he used to say if we didn't do something, a horde of demons would be attracted by are undemonfied demon parts lying around." Touya says.

"And my father is always throwing sutras at everything." Asako says.

Masashi and Akira were sitting in the corner of the hut, listening to their chief. (I decided Masashi is the big comrade and Akira is the small one) "The chief is really hitting it off with Asako." Masashi says.

"Before you know it, they'll get married!" Akira says. Touya and Asako both blush at these words.

Out side, the gang was sitting around the hut. InuYasha was listening in on the conversation. "Well by the sounds of it, you two won't be pretend sisters for much longer." InuYasha says.

"Are you saying they'd be more like step sisters?" Miroku asks.

"Bingo!" InuYasha exclaims.

Back in Kagome's time, grandpa and Sota have noticed Asako was missing. "Where did mom go?" Sota asks.

"I think she went to sweep the well house." Grandpa says. So the two go into the well house.

"She's not here." Sota says. Suddenly a gust of wind pulls them into the well.

In feudal Japan, Sota and grandpa climb out of the well. "We're on the other side!" Grandpa yells.

"Grandpa you don't need to yell! I'm right here!" Sota exclaims. The two walk around and end up in Kaede's village.

Back at the hut, InuYasha starts to sniff the air. "Kagome I smell you brother and that annoying old man." He says.

"What?!?!?! Sota and grandpa are here?!?!?!?!?!" Kagome yells. Sota and grandpa heard her scream and came over.

"Hi nee-chan!" Sota says.

"Hi Sota!" Kagome says. Touya, Asako, Masashi, and Akira walk out of the hut.

"Sota?!?!?! Dad?!?!?!?!" Asako says surprised.

"So this is your crazy father and son?" Touya asks.

"I'M NOT CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!" Grandpa yells.

"Who are you?" Sota asks.

"Well for now you can call me Taijiya-san. Later you can call me father!" Touya says. (Taijiya-san basically means Mr.Taijiya)

"Ok Taijiya-san… huh?!?! What do you mean by father?!?!?!?!" Sota asks.

"Well me and you mother and going to get married! But first I'd like you to meet my kids! My daughter, Sango is right over there, but I don't know where my son is." Touya says.

"He's under Naraku's control." Sango says.

"Good! Not let's go find him to introduce him to Sota!" Touya says.


OMG! Marriage plans already?!?! This just gets weirder and weirder!