InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The wilderness of One's Heart ❯ Chapter 5

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Five: Aww Hell!?
The familiars watched in amusement as Kagome banged her head constantly onto a tree. By now the children were all asleep in the huts.
“Damnit, Damnit, DAMNIT” she whispered as she banged her head.
“How could I forget?” she asked herself, “After all the shit I went through those last mating seasons you would think I would remember.”
She plopped onto the ground. “Damn”
`Why are you acting like that' asked Kialia slyly `You know you can't wait to see Kouga again'
Kagome growled at her.
The others snickered.
Kagome chose to ignore them.
~Somewhere Else~
An army cornered a lizard demon.
“Where are they?” The leader asked deadly
“I d-don't know,” the lizard demon strutted
The leader growled and grabbed the lizard's neck.
“Where are the children you took from the Western Land Castle”?
“I don't know, she has them,” the lizard said
The leader's eyes narrowed “who has them?” When the lizard demon did not answer the leader tighten his hand around the demon's neck.
“The queen of the shadows” he chocked out
The leader dropped him in disgust and turned around. “ Kill him”
The army loaded their bows and shot the demon killing him instantly.
The demon walked towards his black horse where another demon that looked similar to him was on a white horse.
The demon on the white horse had a white tail wrapped around his right shoulder. He was wearing white pants and a white top with a plate of armor covering his chest.
This demon also had golden cat-like eyes, long silver hair, elf-like ears, and four magenta stripes on his face two on each cheek, a blue half moon symbol on his forehead, claws, fangs, and a cold demeanor.
The demon on the black horse had on red pants and a red top with black armor around his torso. He had golden cat-like eyes, two blue stripes on his cheek, long silver hair, elf-like ears, claws, fangs, magenta half moon symbol, and a cold ruthless demeanor.
“Inuyasha have you heard of this queen of shadows,” the demon on the white horse asked
The demon named Inuyasha turned his head towards his brother.
“Yes, I have Sessomaru. The pups are safe with her.” He said quietly
“Are you sure? You have never met her, but you trust her. She has the monk, miko, demon slayer, and the fox demon. They are our warrens did you forget that?” Sessomaru growled
“Just because I have never seen her face doesn't mean I do not know her reputation, brother,” Inuyasha snarled. “Remember a few years ago when a pack of demon pups disappeared from their homes in the middle of the night in one of our villages, but were escorted back a few weeks later with not a scratch on them by a demon female. She has taken down warlords, slave trades, and slain demons that would take a whole demon army to defeat, and has a reputation of beauty, brother.”
Sessomaru eyes widen slightly
Inuyasha nodded “My brother, when the queen shadows arrives at our village. I want to welcome her personally,” Inuyasha said slyly with a lustful glint in his eyes.
Sessomaru grinned
“It's mating season brother, and I shall take my true mate. I shall have the queen of shadows”