InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Worst Episode of Bad Luck ❯ A New Look ( Chapter 8 )
I don't own Inuyasha. It becoming a little easier to deal with but I can fully and totally admit I don't own him. Although the little voice in my head is trying to say differently.
Ok sorry i has taken me so long to update. I made a mistake and am trying to work on two more stories besides this one and its not easy. I was hoping to have one of the others up last week but it didn't work out that way. But when I do 'finally' get it up, I hope that you all will read it. Also make sure you have read chapter seven, I posted it not to long after chapter six, its more of kind a a filler chapter but its still a chapter. Anywho, now back to the story.
Chapter 8: A New Look.
It was quiet in Kaede's hut. No one had said a word since Inuyasha had came back. They all just sat in their spots.
Inside they each were hurting but no one want to talk about because of last time when to many wrong things got said.
Deep down Inuyasha knew what had to be done, they had to go find her. But where was she. All they knew was she was with Naraku and who knows where his castle was.
Inuyasha let out a loud sigh, he wanted so badly to go get Kagome back but for the first time in his life he felt almost helpless. The last few days nothing had went the way he had planed. And it seemed like with everyday that past his life and the lives of his friends just kept getting more and more fucked up.
"How did this all happen?" Inuyasha's thoughts came out load which caused everyone to look at him.
"Ye may hold that answer within thy self Inuyasha," stated as she lifted her head from her herbs to look at the unhappy hanyou.
" and what is that suppose to mean ya old hag, are you hinting too that this whole thing was my fault cause i don't know how to keep my mouth shut when I am suppose to or that I keep it shut when its suppose to be open.? I Know I screwed up. I know this." Inuyasha yelled in frustration, " I FUCKED UP is that what everyone wants to hear. I broke Kagome's heart. I did this .....too....her...." he said slowing down as he realized what exactly he did. "oh shit."
All Kagome could do was stare at the two figures in front of her as they explain what exactly the spell will do for her and to her. She wasn't really listening. All she could think was how if she did this she wouldn't have to depend on Inuyasha any more or the others. She wouldn't get hurt, she won't be a distraction and get the others hurt. All she could feel right now is numbness and maybe if she let Naraku put the spell on her she would be able to forget Inuyasha.
Her mind turned back to what the baboon pelt in front of her and what he was saying," your power would be unexplainable, you would still be miko, and that with the youkai power you would invincible...." but then she cut him off.
"I will do it. I don't care, as long as I am a live." She stated sternly sounding almost angry.
"Very well, follow me then." He gestured toward the door. He led them out of the room with an evil smile on his face.
On the way out Kagome had to stop and close her eyes cause her eyes hurt from going from all dark the brilliant light of day. After a few seconds she was able to open her eyes once again and continue to fallow the men in front of her. They led her across the court yard to the main room of the castle.
As she entering she noticed her body in the middle of the room, it was dressed in what seemed to be the finest deep blue silk she had ever seen. Her face and other exposed skin was clean and her hair was brushed. She gasped at the sight of how beautiful she was and her reaction did not go unnoticed.
"You are very beautiful, " Naraku said as he eyed her body that lay before them. " Please go and stand next to so we may begin. Sesshoumaru are you prepared, " he asked as his gaze turned form the lifeless body to the emotionless Lord.
"I am" is all he would offer.
"Very well, " Naraku said as he turn and walked to table the was set against a wall. On the table there were many different bottles that seemed to have herbs in them and some pieces of paper that had lots of writing on them and few scrolls.
Naraku grabbed couple of the bottles and the largest scroll and walk over and knelt down beside Kagome's body. He then looked over his shoulder at Sesshoumaru and nodded.
Sesshoumaru drew his Tenseiga as he walked to the young girls body. His closes his eyes trying concentrate cause he knew that if his heart wasn't in this he knew the Tenseiga would not work. He drew in a few deep breaths and opened his eyes to see the imps of death latched on to the body at his feet. He was mildly surprise that he could actually see then but he pushed it a side. Talking one last deep breath he swung the sward at the target that only he could see and slicing them in half and soon they disappeared.
A strong light began to admit off the body as Kagome could feel herself begin to return. She could feel herself renter as she heard Naraku chant something and sprinkle some stuff out of the bottle over her body. She was tingling from head to toe, slowly she could feel every part of her body as it awoke.
PAIN. All the sudden all she could feel was pain.
The bright light that surrounded her body turned dark but was still illuminating the room in which they were in.
Then it was gone, the light, the pain, all gone.
Kagome slowly sat up. She opened her eyes and immediately closed them again. She knew it was night and it was almost completely dark in the room except for a few candles but it seem like it was the middle of the after noon and she had just looked directly at the sun. Finally she was able to open them and look around her.
"How do you feel." a deep voice asked.
"AHHHHH, would you be quiet." Kagome yell instinctively flatting her new ears against her scull. After a few second she realized the new feeling and reached up to the top of her head. "oh shit I have ears on the top of my head." She whispered in a half scared half shocked tone.
Kagome sat not moving for a few minutes soon a small smile made its way on to her face as she realized how much she could hear. She could hear the wind out side blowing, a owl hooting in the distance, cricket chirping out side but it sounded like they were right next to her, and she could hear the heart beats of the other two who were present in the room.
"Wha... what has happened to me." She asked softly.
"Exactly what I tried to tell you would happen. You are no longer human. But you are not a youkai nor a hanyou. In truth there really is no word for what you have now become. But are you not happy?" The baboon commented.
Kagome looked down at her hand and sew her new beautiful long claws, " at lest I won't have to worry about breaking my nails any more." she said with a half giggle.
Sesshoumaru stepped forward, "I am sure that everything will be very confusing for you, that is why Naraku and myself have decided that you will stay with me, at lest until you have you full abilities under control."
"Tha.... thank you." was all Kagome could get out.
Off somewhere, No one really knows where, a scream could be heard for miles.
Sat by a small stream, was the dead miko staring at her reflection in the water and the ears on the top of her head.
It done Finally. I know I left it hanging again, but that's just kind of my insurance that you guys will come back and read cause now you are wondering what in the hell is going on. HAHAHAHAHA. Ok sorry.
Now I would like to thank everyone who has reviewed
I love getting reviews.
I would also like to think everyone who has read it.
And for those of you who do like my writing I am posting a new story at the same time this chapter is going in up to please read and review it if you get the chance.