InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Worst Episode of Bad Luck ❯ new enemy but old friend ( Chapter 11 )
I am so sorry for the wait. I have been haveing alot of problems with my computer. I have lost a lot of my work and what i did have saved I can't view becasue I no longer have the right program, but I am going to do my best. I am almost done with this story, only a few chapters left which I have only one and a half probaly left to write so. Here is the much a waited chapter 11.
oh and sorry for the errors but i no longer have spell check. but i will try and do my best. and if i have skiped somthing please let me know
Chapter 11 : a new enemy but an old friend.
Kagome stood and stared at Sesshoumaru. What she had said was true. She now feared everything about herself. Why she really wan't to sure. Perhaps it was the power she now had. The demon blood mixed with her miko blood was a deadly combination to both humans and demons alike.
"Perhaps it is time to let your self let loss for once. Maybe by doing so you will see that you should not be scared of yourself. But others should fear you. For fear is power. And power is everything." Sesshoumaru's cold voice reached her ears.
"What are you saying?" Kagomes timid voice asked.
"I beleive you are ready to face a true opponent. And i have the perfect being in mind." He finished with a rare evil smirck.
Everyone sat around the campfire much as the had been the past coule of weeks. Miroku and Sango sceemed to sit closer and closer each night, but neither wanted to have direct contact in fear it might upset Inuyasha because he was unable to do so with Kagome.
Karara as always was in Sango's lap. And Shippo in Inuyasha's. The only thing unusual tonight was Inuyasha who sat across from Sango and Miroku insted of in his usual spot high up in the trees.
Silence reined in the camp except for the occasional sound of the fire poping ro the crickets cherping near by.
Inuyasha sat with his head half droppe, eyes fixed on the fire, and his ears drooped as he absentmindedly petted Shippos fluffy head. . Miroku and Sango shared alook. They both knew Inuyasha was slipping father and father in to depression and they knew somthing had to be done soon or they might lose him completly.
Miroku was the first to speak. " Inuyasha perhaps tomarrow we should head back to Kaede's and take coupld of days off to rest our bodys and our minds. We do not want to over do ourselves."
They sat for a moment wondering if Inuyasha had heard a word at all. But by the words that had left his mouth next, they knew he had heard but took it the wrong way.
"You mean you want to go back so you can have time to forget her." His words were laced with both anger and sorrow.
"Inuyasha that is not what Miroku ment. We are just as concerned about you. You don't eat and you don't sleep. Alll you do id snap at everone. It seems the only one out of us that can get close to you is Shippo. Please Inuyasha 'none' of us have had time to really understand what is going on ." Sango's words seemed to soften him at first, but then the scowel returned to his face and his head jerked up.
"I know what the monk ment, he wants time alone with you. As for the rest," he yelled," I don't eat cause it doesn't taste like 'Hers', I don't sleep cause when I do I dream, I dream of nothing but 'Her', I snap at everone hoping when I am done I'll come face to face with the ground from being sat." Inuyasha's voice softend a little more, " and the reason why I let Shippo near me so much is because 'her'.... because Kagome's sent is all over him. Even after he takes a bath it is still there, because with out knowing she did it, she had marked him with her sent as her pup." As he finished a single tear made it's way down his cheak, which Shippo wiped a way then clung to Inuyasha's neck.
The still of the night once again sarrounded the small group. With out saying a word, but a look, Inuyasha seemed to say he was sorry and to make amends.
They sat for another half hour. Everyone was about to fall asleep when Miroku's head shot up.
"What is it?" Sango asked as she sat up.
"Holy power," Miroku replied, " very strong holy power. "
Just then three soul collectors flew through the open area.
"Kikyou," was all Inuyasha could get out as she stepped from the trees.
Yes I am back I am going to be getting the updates out as fast as I can. no promises when. But I am trying. there is going to be alot of errors due to the program I am using to write not. It sucks. plane and simple. and I can't spell worth shit.
but please continue to read and review. let me know aobut any mojor fuck ups . And once more this story is almost finished. I am sorry about the wait. I hope with in the next couple mounths this one will be done and I will be working on to love, to hate, a little more then simple touches, but I will be update it too.
Thank you so much once again.
Lammora_moonstar @ Yahoo . com (no spaces)