InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Worthless Child ❯ Decisions And New Friends ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Everyone should give thanks that the last chapter turned out pretty well. I am still shuttering on how bad the original was. I know Xagor-sama worked real hard on turning a very shitty chapter into a decent one.

"Decisions And New Friends"

Upon reaching home Kagome ran to her room and straight to her bed crying hysterically. Mrs. Higurashi heard someone slam the door shut and became slightly worried that someone had broken into her house. Grabbing the nearest butcher knife she cautiously exited the kitchen intent upon locating the intruder. She tracked the noise to Kagome's door and realized that her daughter was in her room crying. Deeply distraught that something terrible had happened to her precious daughter she dropped the knife to go comfort Kagome.

Kagome was startled as the weight shifted on her bed and felt a soothing hand on her back. Startled, she looked up to see who had disturbed her crying fest, she was surprised to find her mother smiling down at her tears in her own eye's. Turning her head around and burying it in her mother's shoulder she chocked out between sobs.

"It was horrible mamma, Hojo really yelled at me for kissing Inuyasha. I don't even know how he heard about it. Sango was the only one who saw, and I know she wouldn't tell anyone about that. Then he called Inuyasha some really horrible things, and said he didn't deserve friends, love, even life. He said he deserved to live in Hell."

Mrs. Higurashi was silent gathering her thoughts while she absently rubbed her daughter's back. "Well" she started "A man's jealousy can be a powerful thing. Sometimes through their jealousy you can tell how much they love and crave your attention. Other times hateful things can be said. You have to distinguish whether it was the hate, or if he let his guard down and was saying what he truly believes. I am not going to tell you what to do, that's your job. But what I will tell you is not to let your emotions guide you. You need to think about what you want to do, and what consequences your actions will cause. I'll tell you this much ... men like Hojo do not give up easily."

At this Mrs. Higurashi gave her back a final pat and left to give her daughter time to think about what she had said. She was stopped as Kagome reached out try and stop her. Realizing that Kagome wanted to talk for a bit more, or that she wanted more comfort, she slowly sat back down.

"Inuyasha found a friend and I saw her today. I got the feeling that she was his girlfriend but I don't know. He didn't look real comfortable with her so I suppose that she was a new friend. I wanted to be his friend, but he wouldn't let me. I thought it was because he didn't trust anyone, but I guess that wasn't it. It just goes to prove that he really did think of me as Kikyo and he didn't want to be reminded of her anymore."

"If it hurts you so much then why don't you go and talk to him about it? Maybe she was a friend he had before, and maybe you're wrong about what he thinks of you. As you said before, he's almost impossible for you to figure out, so why don't you talk to him when you go back to school. Even though you told him that you don't care that he is a Hanyou, he may still think that you really do care. I get the feeling he would rather be alone all his life than get hurt anymore. Now you think about what I said, and I'll get you some juice. Do you have any tests today?"

Pondering for a moment Kagome replied back confused "No momma, why are you asking?"

"Why don't you give me your homework and I'll turn it in for you. You take the day off and seriously think about what I told you. You have grades any parent wished their kids had, and a break is nice every once in a while. Why don't we go to the park for lunch?"

Smiling at the idea Kagome replied back, "That would be great momma."

Feeling a lot better at having talked to her mother, and crying a rainstorm, Kagome grabbed her plush and fuzzy pink bathrobe and headed straight to the bathtub for a refreshing bubble bath. Meeting her mother halfway she stared at the freshly squeezed orange juice and bowl of strawberries in her mother's hands. Looking up she saw her mother laughing.

"What is so funny momma?" asked Kagome with a glare.

At this Mrs. Higurashi laughed harder and handed Kagome the food. Shaking her head and replying back, "Taking a bath when you have a break, you're your mother's daughter after all."


The first thing Inuyasha noticed when he walked into math was that Kagome wasn't in her seat for class. `Hmm, I wonder where she is. I saw her this morning, so I know she's here. She doesn't seem like the kind of girl that would ditch. Keh. Why am I even thinking about her?'

The voice in the back of his mind argued back `Because you can't figure her out.'

`So what, it's not like I care.'

`You know she interests you. There has never been a person who you couldn't figure out. Almost all hated you, and the few special people that didn't were your close friends.'

`I know she hates me, and it doesn't bother me one bit so leave me alone.'

`You don't know that.'

`Of course I do, she basically told me I was a disgusting Hanyou.'

`Yes but after she realized what she said she apologized, and then you kissed her.'


`Why, you know you wanted to. I'm just trying to be helpful.'


`Then why can't you stop thinking about her? Why did you blush? Why did you even try to kiss her?'

`Good question. I don't know. Now leave me alone, I want to sleep.'

`Nice answer, but I'll leave you alone ... For now. You do know that I'm in your dreams right? I'm normally your parent that walks in at the worst time...'

Inuyasha chose to ignore the voice and returned to his blissful sleep for the rest of the period.


(Back to Kagome and her bubble bath)

The orange juice was gone in a flash and now she was picking at the strawberries deep in thought.

`I can't figure Inuyasha out. First, he gets all pissed off at me because I called him a dog, although maybe he thought I was calling him a Hanyou. I tell him I'm sorry, we make-up and kiss for reasons I don't know. Then the next time I see him he gets blows up for no reason and we fight again, for a reason I can't fathom. I don't see him for the rest of the day, and the next time I see him he's got a girl all over on him.'

At this Kagome winced and stopped dead in her tracks. Softly whispering to herself

"Why am I getting jealous?"

The voice in her head answered her question. `Because you wanted to be his friend. Kikyo's promise was just an excuse to get closer to him. You think he's cute, that's why you let him kiss you.'

"I do not and I did not. He's a jerk. Why would I want to be friends with a jerk?"

`A jerk yes, but a very cute jerk none the less. You know he hurts inside, you wanted to help soothe his pain.'

Instead of whispering to herself she argued back in her head `Help him out yes, kiss him no.'

`Perk of the job. Besides, you know you liked it'

Kagome was silent for a moment. `Despite everything, even if he thought he was kissing someone else and I got over that, yes I did.'

`See, what did I tell you.'


`Right ... Keep forgetting about that.'


Realizing what Kagome just said to her own mind she groaned out loud. "Kami-sama I just called myself a loser."

Outside the door a woman's voice could be heard "Kagome it's not healthy to talk to yourself."

Another groan could be heard coming from the young girl as she popped the last strawberry in her mouth while stepping out of the bathtub. Drying herself off and putting on her comfy, fuzzy, and warm pink bathrobe she headed off to her bed for a catch a quick nap before lunch her last thoughts before she drifted off, `This has bin one heck of a week.'


(Lunchtime with Inuyasha)

"Come on Inuyasha I want you to meet my friends" Megu happily chirped at him leading him by the hand.

A girl and a guy stood in front of him. The girl looked happy to meet him, but one look in her deep ocean depth colored eyes told him everything he needed to know. Hatred and disgust was very apparent. She was average looking, blonde hair, and barely came up to his chin. Her best feature was her pretty face. She had on a pink shirt that told others to `Treat Me Like The Princess I Am' and a black skirt that went down to her knees.

"Inuyasha" he told the girl.

"Ino, nice to meet you" She said while looking at her watch.

The other guy, feeling the tension and wondering why Ino didn't like the guy, or rather Hanyou, in front of her, decided to make his presence known. "Hey I'm Miroku." Purple eyes with a slight mischievous gleam in stared back at Inuyasha.

Inuyasha stared back at the boy with plain purple shirt and black jeans as he caught the gleam in his eyes and instantly knew he was going to have fun with him. That or his shoulder length hair, tied in a tight ponytail. Inuyasha knew that gleam very well, and had to contain laughing right then and there.

"Inuyasha. And I can tell we're going to have some fun."

"Already planning out things?"

"Oh ya, I got Taka-sensei's address. I've been wanting to teepee it for days, wanna join me?"

"You mean the math teacher right? That old guy, tell me the time and date and I'll buy the toilet paper, the gas to get there, AND the video tape." Miroku said, the gleam growing brighter in his eyes.

Getting annoyed at the boy's behavior Megu interrupted, "Boys, I'm happy you're getting along, but please plan your revenge some other time. I want to enjoy lunch without hearing such nonsense."

With a smirk Inuyasha faced her with a playful look. "Nonsense? How is planning to teepee someone's house nonsense? If that's how you're gonna be I don't wanna hang around with little sissy girls like you."

"Wussy huh. I'll show you whose a wussy." Megu shot back.

"Prove it."

Megu stopped mid chew and knew where this was going. Her mother was going to kill her if she ever found out. "One word to my mother and you both will be tied to a stick and roasted over an open flame. You'd probably taste better than this cafeteria food to boot."

"12 tomorrow cool with everyone?" Inuyasha asked looking at Miroku who gave a nod. Turning to Megu he found her looking at Ino. "You coming Ino?"

Ino looked at her seething with anger. "No thanks, I don't participate in such childish acts." With that she lifted her head and strutted away.

Wondering what her problem was Megu turned to Inuyasha "I'll be right back." With that she turned and headed to find Ino.

"So, you new here?" Miroku said watching Ino leave.

Inuyasha didn't know why he trusted this guy he just met so much, but there was something so peaceful about him. Like he would listen and not judge him and from what he saw there was no anger, disgust or hate in his eyes. Although he had been proven wrong only once before, he felt he could trust him.

"Yea, just got here a couple of weeks ago."

"So, you're the guy who beat up Hojo and Koga in one day. What a track record."

Feeling defensive Inuyasha retorted "You got a problem with that?"

"Nope. No need to get angry, just trying to hold a conversation. Koga, I really don't care about, although you must be pretty strong…"

Miroku was interrupted as Inuyasha remembered the bet as he screamed "Oh ya. Wait here, I'll be right back."

Two minutes later Koga came back carrying a lunch tray. Inuyasha sat down on the lunch bench and snapped his fingers pointing at the floor. Koga's face turned an ugly beet red but he dropped to his knees, bowed his head, and served the tray to Inuyasha. Miroku's jaw dropped at what Koga was doing.

"Nice eh? Hey Koga, While you're down there remove that scowl and act happy to please your master."

"Yes Master, Sorry Master." Koga replied as humbly as he could.

"Put the tray on the table and give me 100 one-handed pushups now. Maybe this will help you learn how to properly please your master. This is your first warning, next time the punishment will be much worse."

Shocked to his core Miroku's jaw dropped even farther. `Koga called him `Master'! He's Inuyasha's slave? When and how did this happen?'

Answering Miroku's unvoiced question Inuyasha said with an evil grin ear to ear. "He made a bet with me while at a gym. He said if whoever gets knocked out in boxing becomes a slave for a week in school."

"That is so cool. You should make him go shopping for pink clothes, better yet, a pink dress and make him wear it to school."

Pausing in the middle of a pushup Koga replied back "There isn't any way I'm wearing a dress. Besides, he has no control over me after school."

Inuyasha thought for a moment. "True, but I can buy the dress, and bring it too school. Koga what size are you? You don't want to lie, because if it's too small, I'll still make you wear it. Then it'll look real bad. Not to mention the feel..."

"34x34 is my pants size."

"Miroku punch him for me." Pointing at Koga. "Who is your `Master' Koga?"

Koga ended up on the floor unconscious.



The awaited chapter is coming. Next chapter is called friends at last. No more complaining about inu/kag getting together. Kk. Now off to more important matters. I was impressed on how popular our fic has gotten. Lots of new readers!!! Sorry for no reviewer responses last chapter, but that was a miscommunication btw me and xagor-sama. He couldn't get a hold of me and so he posted the chapter on his own. My bad. Sigh don't let him fool you to think he gets no respect. He knows that without him my fic would suck so much ass I would get a shit storm of hate mail telling me my writing sux.


Holy shit….. I just spend an hour and a halfish on All Hallows Eve working on this. It was better than most, just me over thinking. Next chapter is gonna kill me. Some 15 pages and I have 2 projets due this week. I'm doomed. Why does school give homework? Wouldn't the world be a better place, wars end, hunger fed if schools stopped giving homework? I mean, it's soooooooo annoying! If you agree, put in a review!!!!!!

Reader Response

This review was great. I seriously almost pissed my pants it was so funny.

JOKEINOWKVL wrote "Update or die" - What kind of review is that? Although it was pretty funny and I'm glad u liked our story there no need to be like that. But hey, u gave me a good laugh when I first looked at it so I suppose u r forgiven. As I have said before, I don't really care bout reviews, I just want to know weather what I wrote was ok and any suggestions people may have.

Rezol - First computer troubles, then ur moving? Am I finding a pattern here? Lol, J/K. Review whenever u want to, I'm just glad you pay attention and check in to read. As I said before if you would like an email whenever I update I can do that, just say so.

"P.S. will this ever have Kagomes father in it, he sounds like a jerk, almost a bad as that boxer guy Inuyasha has for an adopted father (there not one in the same are they?), but it would make a nice twist." - Hmm, that sounds like an interesting idea. Maybe I can shape something around that. Sigh, although that wouldn't work, his father is human, and his father is youkai. But still, very cool idea and I still might do something with it later on. Thanks.

Kimitoshi - oh ya, I hate both koga and hojo. They r both annoying. Now inu has a slave koga. Im so excited and have lots of idea's for next chapter.

Inuyashafanaticlmv - YAY a new reviewer. Welcome to the club. Glad u liked the story. Please stop by for the next chapter, as the long awaited chapter where they start their blooming relationship.

Draechaeli - Sigh, your pacients will pay off next chapter. But looks like she's gonna have to fight for him!

Votuse - YAY a new reviewer. Welcome to the club. Mrs Higurashi is my fav character in this story. How she pays for bills. SHHHH, ur not suppose to point out the technicalities. Hmm, child support? Don't know. But anyway, thanks for the idea of 800-psy-kick. It sparked the idea for the whole chapter.

OfficiallyObsessedwithPyro - what, u don't like megu????? Well that's expected. Check in next chapter as I've said to everyone else.

HazelEyed Freak - sigh, one more of update or die. Ah well, wasn't so funny the second time round but oh well.

InuYashaxBabiexGirl - yay, two reviews at once, I feel special!!!! We worked hard on both chapters and updated them before we went trick-or-treating. Luved the long review. Come back soon next chapter is already written, and its over 15 pages and took me 10 hours to write.