InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Ying and the Yang Souls ❯ Sweet Coffee Kisses ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Zephyr: Okah, since I'm splitting up the jobs of mah muses… and Soujiro and Ascot are assigned to "A Step in Life", Ryuichi is with "Hope and Despair", Hiei is with "The "Almighty" Chronicles of Hiei", No muses will do "This is the Life by Everyone", Takuto got stuck with "My Guardian Angel", so Toboe gets to join me with "The Yin and the Yang Souls" author notes!!!!!

Toboe: ^_^ Konnichiwa!!!!

Zephyr: He's just soooooooooooooo kawaii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::glomps Toboe::

Toboe: X_X

Zephyr: =^_^= I luff Toboe and Tsume… but Tsume would rather die than become mah muse… feh…

Toboe: That's okay, we're fine by ourselves…

Zephyr: Yur right… I should fire everyone else and have you mah only muse… but I can't fire Ryuichi, Ascot, Takuto, and Soujiro cause their so kawaii in their kawaiiness and if I dismissed that kawaiiness, then I would be haunted by their kawaiiness.

Toboe: I didn't think it was possible to say kawaii so many times in a row…

Zephyr: Hehe… I surprise many with mah wide and fruitatious vocabulary…

Toboe: Is fruitatious even a word?

Zephyr: I dunno, I made it up on the spot… like unfunny and bubbable…

Toboe: ^_^'' hehe

Zephyr: =^_^= Well, Thank you to all mah beloved reviewers!!! I LUFF YOU!! THANKS FOR ALL YUR MORAL SUPPORT!!!! It has really kept me going with this story, all mah little writer's blocks that I've gone thru and stuff like that… yada yada yada… Anywho, this chapter is dedicated to all the ppl who wanted and bugged me about the kissing scene they sooooooooooo desperately wanted! I LUV YOU GUYS!!!! I'm going to start looking for a beta reader as well… here's chapter 8 minna-san!!!

Toboe: Enjoy!!!!

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~ * The Yin and the Yang Souls * ~

Chapter 8: Sweet Coffee Kisses

Kagome walked down the sidewalk, side by side with Sesshomaru. Occasionally she would peer at Sesshomaru, just a peek, before facing in front of her. They were on their way to a small café on the corner, just a block away from Kagome's home. Small, yet quaint enough for the event. It was a white building with windows on the front, sides, and back. Right above the doors was a large sign, and in large, red, cursive letters appeared the name "Caroline's".

Stepping up to the double door entrance, the small and forgotten ball of fuzz came flying out from Kagome's bag and rushed through the doors of the café. A series of high-pitched squeals erupted from inside, causing Sesshomaru to shove his fingers into his delicate ears. The squeals finally died down and the two of them entered. A bell jingled merrily as the door opened and closed. There on the counter was Shippou, with all the employees gather around the small kitsune pampering him to death. Behind him, shaking her head in dismay, was the owner of the café and friend of Kagome's, Caroline Peters. Seeing Kagome, however, brightened her mood greatly.

"Oh my god! Kagome is that you!? You haven't visited me in forever!" Caroline rushed forward and hugged Kagome happily.

Kagome hugged Caroline back just as strongly. Caroline was an old friend of her family. She used to baby-sit Kagome when she was younger and eventually became part of the family. She hadn't changed much from the last time Kagome had seen her. Still blonde headed, tied up in braids and a ponytail, baby blue eyes. Still as perky and energetic as ever.

"I'm sorry! I've just been sooooooooo busy with school and my job," Kagome apologized, rubbing her head softly in embarrassment.

"Still hunting, eh?"

"Hai! We've discovered a new warehouse of them, just a couple days ago. Didn't get them though." Kagome leaned against the counter and glanced at Sesshomaru through the corner of her eye.

Caroline followed her train of vision and smiled.

"OH! And who is this?" Caroline cooed and nodded over towards Sesshomaru.

"This is Sesshomaru, he's a schoolmate of mine." Kagome introduce and pulled the silver haired demonic vampire to her side.

"Ooooh, is it a date?"

"A coffee and ice cream date."

"Okay, so what can I get you?"

Kagome looked up at the overhead menu, scanning the flavors for something delicious. They all looked scrumptious but she needed to decide on only one. There were so many flavors to choose from. Strawberry, rocky road, napoleon, strawberry and blueberry cheesecakes, chocolate and marshmallow, cookie dough, even watermelon! Complete with the little candy seeds. After compensating over her choices, she finally decided upon blueberry cheesecake and a cup of coffee.

"Okay, a blueberry cheesecake with a coffee and a…?"

"Vanilla with caramel sauce and black coffee."

"Okay then! Choose a table and I'll bring your ice cream and coffee momentarily!"

Caroline buzzed off towards the kitchen leaving Kagome and Sesshomaru to find a seat. They chose a small table towards the back of the café, near and open window. Warm air was billowing in, gently caressing their faces. Kagome sat, inhaling the sweet, spring air. Sesshomaru took a seat parallel to her, leaning back into booth. Caroline returned carrying a tray containing two medium bowls of ice cream and two cups of steaming hot coffee. She also set a small pitcher of milk on the table. Kagome smiled her thanks and pulled her coffee forward, pouring a generous amount of milk into her cup and stirred it with a spoon.

"Enjoy!!" Caroline sang as she turned and walked away.

"What's she so happy about?" Sesshomaru snorted and slipped a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth.

"You wouldn't want to know…"

They sat in silence, eating their ice cream and sipping their coffee. Nothing was said, just a soft clink of spoons against glass.

"So…" Kagome started.


"Oh shut up, it isn't as easy as you think!"


"Starting a conversation…"

"Sure it is…"

"Fine! You start!" Kagome snapped, leaning back against the cushions.

"How was your day?" Sesshomaru smiled, placing the spoon in his mouth.

"Fine, yours?"

"Pretty good, I think I had a stalker, checking me out from the corner of her eyes." Sesshomaru leaned into the table and placed his head on the palms of his hands.

Kagome's face lit up like a tomato.

"I-I-I don't know what you're talking about." She stammered nervously.

"Then why're you so flustered?" he replied smoothly.

"…" Kagome stared into her bowl, somehow finding the melting of her ice cream interesting.

Sesshomaru reached over and tipped up Kagome's chin, staring into her gray oceanic depths. Kagome's eyes searched his face for answers to her couple hundred questions. She found none. He pressed forward, melding their lips together. Kagome squeaked against his mouth in surprise at the sudden intimate touch. His eyes closed as he silently asked for more. She complied, separating her lips, allowing him access to her mouth. Rushing forward, he explored. Searching and memorizing. She shyly responded, meeting him halfway. He retreated, she followed slowly, touching his lips shyly and running over his teeth and fangs. She traced his fangs ever slowly, before retreated and leaning back into her seat again. She could see Caroline watching them from the counter, smiling happily.

"Well… that was interesting…" Kagome breathed and finished off her coffee.

"Interesting?" Sesshomaru questioned.

"Okay, fine. It was amazingly incredible, feed that to your ego."

Sesshomaru smiled, raising his hand into the air, silently beckoning for the bill. Caroline came bounding up and wrote a few things down on the pad before ripping off a sheet of paper and returning back to the counter. Kagome reached for the sheet, though Sesshomaru beat her to it.

"Let me…"

Sesshomaru stood up and straighten out his pants. He held out a hand, of which Kagome stared at. She slid her hand in to his and lifted herself from her seat. Together they walked to the counter and Sesshomaru paid for the treat. Shippou was still up there, finishing up his ice cream treat from the employees. Upon seeing Kagome, he set his bowl down and leapt on Kagome's shoulder. Bidding farewell to each other, Kagome and Sesshomaru set off in separate directions.

"So Kagome, how'd you like your date?" Shippou asked out of the blue.

"It was… interesting."

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Zephyr: Soooooooooooooooooooooooo mah beloved reviewers! How'd you like? You like? Well then, press that little button at the bottom that says GO! And send me a review!!!!!!! Saying how much you luv this chapter…

Toboe: =^_^=

Zephyr: I hope you like the fluffy waffy scene!!! If it sucks, it's because I wrote it at 11:51 PM! I'm wired on cookies and crème ice cream!!

Toboe: Reviews get kawaii little plushies of Kagome and Fluffy!!

Zephyr: Yep yep!!! ::huggles plushies:: They soft and warm!!!! =^_^= REVIEW MINNA-SAN!!!!!! And remember, I'm searching for a beta reader for mah stories now!!!

Both: SAYANARA!!!!!!!!!